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Friday Night Fights


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It was near sundown when Jen found her way through the growing throng of peasants and pirates and other seafaring folk that were now collecting in the merchant square near the docks. Clearly the pit fights were a great draw, bringing out some of the town’s more colorful folk to try their chances, either in the ring, or spending their money on the outcome. Jen finally found the sign –up tables, with a decent line of twenty men or more, some that looked like they’d already begun the fight with fresh cuts and bruises. Most were big, some probably not wholly human as much as troll or ogre in heritage. Some brought implements of destruction in the way of clubs and swords, all scaled for size to impress and intimidate some that had clearly seen battle as well. Eyes rolled up and down She- Hulk’s form with varying expressions from bemusement to lasciviousness, or worse; but so far none had dared to confront her.

(Has Jen met Mack the Knife?)

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(Not that I know of)

When she entered the square, the noise was deafening enough to prevent a person from hearing themself think, but once most eyes were fixated on her, the jade giantess could've heard a pin drop for a moment. She rather quickly put on a false front and faked a jovial mood. While they sized her up, she did the same to them...not that she needed to. She had no doubts about wiping the floor with them. She was more on guard to properly restrain herself and not kill them. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

As she strolled through and grinned,, Jennifer made some small talk and put in a good word for Doom as often as possible, carefully gauging tthe opinions about him while waiting to kick butt.

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Indeed Jen caused quite a stir. For one there weren’t that very many women that dared to play in the pits with the big boys. Second her stature had her clearly head and shoulders over most of those planning to duel in said pits. Once Jen put on her fake smile and schmoozed with the masses, they quickly accepted her as one of their own, getting a few oohs and aahs, and more than a few folks betting a coin or two on her even before the evening brackets were put up.

Jen wouldn’t have to wait long for her first match. A young boy gently tapped the back of her hand. “Yer up, Miss,” he managed to shout loud enough to be overheard from the excitable masses as a large reptilian looking fella was knocked asunder by one rather round dwarf with a hammer nearly double his size. The boy lead her to one side of the pit where the wooden ladder staggered down to the sandy pit floor. Poised on the other side was a duplicate ladder with a rather large fellow with red braided beard and hair brandishing a large club with severer spikes pounded through at odd angles, making it more a mace than anything. He smiled at her from across the way, even wiggling his fingers at her before descending the ladder once the pit had been cleared of bodies and new sand cast over the bloody spots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The She-Hulk caught a glimpse of the brackets but didn't particularly give it much thought before the attendant summoned her for her fiirst fight.. In her mind it was just a formality. She couldn't and wouldn't be beat. She would still give the crowd their money's worth.


Instead of descending the ladder, Jennifer put a little sizzle into her entrance when she  leapt off the edge of the pit and double somersaulted her way to the sand covered battlegrouund with a flourish. With a broad grin, she waved to the crowd and thenn  returned the wave to her mace toting opponent. The grin slowly melted away as she cracked her knuckles and gestureed for him to come at her.

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  He likewise put on his game face as people lined the edge of the pit, a wall of faces nearly 6 heads high ringing the 15 foot high wall made up of all ages, races, sexes, and classes.  It was clear that she was already quickly becoming a favorite, and that she wasn’t going to be nearly the pushover, at least that’s how the braided warrior across the sand pit saw it.  Jen’s somersault did indeed cause another twitter of excitement to ripple thorugh the crowds, followed by another animated round of betting.






The cheering was almost deafening as the brute charged her, the mace actually held low as he sailed across the enclosure.  He seemed like he was about to barrel into her before he stopped, planting his leg hard as he swung upwards, attempting to impale that spike menace into her chin, or perhaps lower if things jutted out too far.






@marvel @Cptdragon9

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The opponent Jennifer faced was shrewd, and just like her seemed to have a penchant for thinking quick on his feet. The difference between them wass Jennifer not only thought on her feet, she moved quickly too, Surprisingly well. She may no longer be a lawyer but she still had the skill, part of which was being able to read a persons body language and tell when they're lying. Most of the time it didn't fail and now was no exception. When he planted his foot, Jennifer did what he wasn't going to do.


As he swung high with his mace she ducked low and barreled forward. Arms outstretched, plan being to snag him by the legs and bring him crashing down hard on his back.

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Well that exchange brought out a huge response from the crowd as Jennifer’s swift movement’s brought the guy down.  He didn’t stay that way for long though, kicking so hard with his feet to avoid having her grapple him into some sort of body-lock, that he actually lost a boot in the process.


That brought a ripple of laughter through the audience.


They guy was soon back on his feet, looking a bit more cautious now.  He was still smiling though, waiting to see what this green missy’s next move would be.  Clearly she wasn’t going to go down, not without a good fight.




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  • 1 month later...

The guy was tough, Jennifer had to give him that much. Perhaps tougher than anyone else Herr except her, Perhaps not, bit the key words here were except her. As tough as they may or May not be, she was a walking gamma bomb just waiting to rcplode 


Her next move was simple. She merely stayed exactly where she was and played a psyche-out game to lure him in. Her body language imitating a chicken.

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  • 3 weeks later...


But for now he was able to laugh, even mimicking her strutting efforts, complete with arm flapping with a loud cock- crow….  Indeed she might be large and green, but she still was shapely, and he liked his women rough.  Be wondering whatcher like later on after all th’ foreplay’s over.”  “Ah, Missy, yer sumptin’ else alright.  Her actions not only got a laugh out of the crowd, but with her opponent as well, so much so that he was slapping his knee and guffawing at her antics.



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  • 2 months later...

While her opponent had stopped and was having himself a good old time, he hadn't yet seemed to notice that Jennifer's actions had stopped as she stood there glaring at him. Seething. The rage was building and her eyes were locked on him as he dared to mock her. Her doing it was one thing in her mind but him doing it was something he would not get away with. Her blood began to boil hogtter with miniscule restraint. It was time to show the man and the crowd exactly who and what she was. In other words, playtime was over.


The muscles and veins in the powerful but quick, towering legs of the Jade Giantess tightened and bulged as she ran full speed ahead without a word and dove through the air to tackle him by the midsection and beginning mto pound away. Not with lethal force but when he got back to his feet he'd surely have learned his lesson.

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The warrior wasn’t normally this lax.  If he were in the battlefield, or properly pillaging with his horde, he would have been a little more aware of the change in the missy’s attitude.  Currently he had his back to her, looking to curry more favor with the crowd; whom was cheering so loudly that he didn’t hear her rush up behind him until it was too late.  He turned as the sounds of the fans rose to a fevered pitch, only to see the great wall of green bearing down on him.  The warrior twisted enough to avoid getting slammed in the kidneys, but her arms easily circled around his waist as she plowed him right into the dirt.  He was about to start laughing again, finding this all great fun… until she started pummeling him.


Frankly that hurt.  A lot.  He’d brought up his arms to protect his face, taking the brunt of her fists against his ribs and gut.  When that got to be too much, he tried punching back as he attempted to dodge and weave but since she had him pinned to the ground, all he could do was deflect the direct attack to glancing blows.


Until he started coughing up blood.


The crowd was at a fevered pitch.  They had seen amazing things, dragons and unicorns and ships that float in the air, but still the She Hulk was impressive to watch.


Finally a few guys decided that the poor fellow had had enough and tried to pull her off him before she could do irreparable damage, attempting to grab onto her flailing arms to get her to stop.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As soon as she noticed the warrior she squared off with start to couh up blood, to the surprise of the crowd, the She-Hulk immediately stood uo and stopped her assault. Her intent had simply been to let everyone in the crowd know that this arena was now her yard, and to let the man know that he had just been given the fight of his life. She wanted him beaten and for him to know he'd been beat, but she didn't want him broken or dead. Despite the fact that he pissed her off, he was still somewhat likeable.


The jade giantess, yanked her arms free of the small gathering that dared to try and restrain her, and shoved them away only hard enough to warn them she was not to be touched. As noisy as the crowd had been however, it didn't get any quieter, it seemed, when Jennifer delicately scoop0ed up her fallen opponent and handed him over.


"Get this man the best medical atgtention and have the bill sent to me." She barked at them before returning her attentionto the cvheering crowd and acknowledging their thunderous applause. She had a promise to keep to Doom after all, and that was the only reaso9n for her act of mercy, and it was the only thing that spared the warrior's life.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The crowd had paused for a moment when the rescue team tried to pull the rabid- looking green woman off the hapless warrior.  While it all fun and games between two will combatants in the pit, the game did change a bit when the injuries grew so intense that the fight had to be stopped.  And those willing souls did step back as she waved them off, only to give a collective sigh of relief when she lifted the beaten brawler and asked for the medics.  Two dove in at that point, wearing the  yellow and white robes of the local clergy, a back board between them, letting the behemouth of a woman set the limp body down on the board so that they could strap him in.  Soon the warrior was being hefted out of the pit, the crowd assisting in drawing up the lines to pull him out, then setting him on a dogcart, the pair of mules already flicking ears, knowing that they had to be away quickly. 


Soon She Hulk’s sparring partner was being hauled away.  She would feel a gentle tap, followed by a bag laden with coin.  “yer winnings..” a dwarfish man grunted, handing over the prize, looking much more dwarfish standing next to her.   “If yer feelin’ up ta it, you c’n move on ta th’ next round.”  Already the next team up was heading to the pit, some lizard looking creature reminiscent of one of those Land of the Lost Sleestak, pitted against a lithe looking elf, the tall willowy man looking too fragile, as if he could be snapped in half with just one well lain punch.  They were getting their final instructions before the Sleestak man dropped heavily into the pit, the elf doing a graceful somersault, landing opposite from him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The She-Hulk's blood was boiling as she watched 'Eric the Red' get carted away, and she still wasn't sure why. All she knew was it took all the restraint she could muster to yank him off the stretcher, snap what was left og him in half, and send him to Valhalla. Her would no doubt be safer there than stepping foot in this place ever again. As far as she was concerned, she'd just made a loud statement. This arena was her 'yard' now.


The tap on her shouilder and what came next however was a slight bit shocking. The fools had yet to figure out just how strong she really was. She could turn this whole town tyo rubble with her bare hands and bring these walls crashing down on the heads of everyone in it if she so chose...and they were already throwing more lambs to the slaughter.


"You certainly have guts, small one. You all do." She flipped her hair back with her hands on her hips. "Let me know when I'm on. I could use a drink while I'm waiting."

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“You have earned a drink and much more, Mistress,” the small man bowed, knowing damn well that his life was in peril, but then when wasn’t it perilous?  Every warrior that ventured the pit could have easily crushed him.  Only the prospect of not receiving payment for their time in the pits stayed their hands, though he did on occasion catch an unintentional blow.  This mighty woman seemed to be in the latter category as she still looked as if she were sparring for a fight.  For now he sought to placate her.  “Over yonder is where they wait.  There is food and drink if you so desire.  If you have need of anything else, I shall be proud to fetch it for you, M’Lady.”



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"Your benevolent and thoughtful attitude are duly noted and appreciated, friend." The Jade Giantess answered back and with a gentle right hand, playfully ruffled the hair of her diminutive guide.


Casting a long glance first, Jennifer noticed the crowd gathered around the refreshments. Oddfly enough, they all seemed to part like the Red Sea and make room for her rather neatly as she pulled out coins and bought sustenance. Figuring it best to schmooze until she was paged to her next victory, her lawyer's eyes took a good look at each face. her plan be to drop Doctor Doom's name and give her host the best possible spin possible. With any luck she'd be able to rally others to his side.


Screen-shot-2013-08-17-at-9.23.18-AM1 (1).png

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  • 2 weeks later...


If Jen was looking to recruit for her benefactor, she’d picked a likely spot.  This particular concession stand was reserved for the fighters, away from the betting crowd that might well  try to stir things up outside the ring, if just to give them that edge they might need to cash in.  No, only the other competitors lingered about, some setting their minds to the task at hand. Others joking with their compatriots.. It was predominately men of course, with only two women that were looking to make their mark.  The first was a rather sizeable creature, not nearly as tall as Jen.  In fact there was only one other that had her stature and he looked half ogre, half giant, and butt ugly, standing in a corner quietly, nursing what looked to be (and smelled like) fermented goat’s milk.


 The woman wasn’t as bedraggled or as course, thought she was rather muscular for her sex, perhaps indicating that she was a little more than human.  It was hard to tell under the dirty dreg locks of long blond hair.  She might have been a farmer as she was wearing thick hand sewn frock, like a female version of overalls, and her hands were rough, clearly used to digging in the dirt.  Still she smiled up at Jen as she glance at her, perhaps admiring the Dr. Doom’s green-skinned champion.







There would be an occasional shout from the pit as one combatant or another performed a match-ending move.  The crowd around the hole moved and flowed as coin exchanged hands at a breath-taking rate.  Clearly this game made and broke fortunes at every turn.  Some were dressed for success, flaunting  jewels and gold and fine linens and furs. Others hung on the periphery, clad in little more, (or less) than rags; the dregs looking to spend their last penny in hopes of catching a break.  It was the worst and the best the city had to offer

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  • 2 weeks later...

The betters and gamblers were the first thing her eyes settled onas she stood against the counter. A smirk crossed her lips alongside a gleam in her eyes as she had the proverbial lightbulb go off in her head just to have a bit of fun.


"Don't bet against me, boys." She teased with a hint of seriousness in her voice when she walked over to parade right through thjeir midst then strutted back to the bar, strutting what her cousin gave her the day of the blood transfusion.


Once she noticed the blond, Jen purchased a second drink and carried it with her as she approached, then held it out to her as an olive branch. "Name's Jen, charmed to meet you. And who might you be?"



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  • 4 weeks later...



As She Hulk sauntered past the betting pool, giving some of the patrons a closer look at what gamma radiation gave her, a ripple of excitement tempered with respect fluttered through the crowd, causing another spurt of side betting to erupt.  Even a few of her fellow competitors gave a nod, knowing that if the throng were inspired to bet, the more their percentage of the purse would be, and Jen was quite impressive in any respect.


As Jen struck up a conversation with the farmer folk of a woman the fighter smiled back taking the drink, but didn’t immediately down it.  It wouldn’t be the first time somebody would try to take out the opposition, though to do so openly wouldn’t have been smart.  Still the woman reserved her judgment in lieu of a discussion. “Shara,” she nodded back as she sized up her green competition.  “You must be part troll, though it’s clear you didn’t inherit the ugly part.  That’ll give you quite the advantage in this pit; we get a lot of cross breeds around here.”  She gave a bit of a shrug.  “Not good for me, though.  I might be tough, but alas I always end up squaring off against some orc or giant.”  The slapped the ribs on her right side.  “busted these up last time.  I’d quit, but I’ve got a family to feed and the farm just doesn’t bring in the cash, not like a weekend grinding it up in the pit.”



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  • 2 weeks later...

Jennifer didn't exactly find the word troll, a very endearing term, and for a moment she gritted her teeth. Self-control was getting more difficult to maintain, and oh, she couldn't wait to unload her pent-up aggression back in the pit. Either that or she would need some heavy duty venting when she left.


The snarl lasted only a second before her smile returned, and hopefully it hjad gone unnoticed. "Nah, I'm not a troll. I'm basically a mutant but it's a story for another time." She answered and chugged her beer. "Trying to support a family and a farm has got to be cost heavy though. Would you be interested if i told you of a way to acquire some assistance? My benefactor can be generous enough perhaps, and I could put in a good word for you. He is new in the area and wants to become a part of the community however he can."



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  • 2 weeks later...

If Shara saw the snarl, she did well to ignore it.  She’d dealt with her fair share of testosterone- driven fighters and even she got a little testy at times.  Currently she was curious about her being a mutant.  The word had indeed come down the pike of the strange people that seemed to have the protection of the dragons.  There was even a rumor that a few of them had either fought in the pit, or had been seen around the general vicinity, though she’d never seen one, or fought one; at least one that admitted that they were part of that particular tribe. 


She would have loved to learn more but it seemed the green-skinned woman had more interesting news.  Pride may be a factor but Shara was always looking for a better business venture.  “I dun need a handout.  What I need is a fair shake.  Used ta be I could make a decent living, but of late I can’t find a market that’s fair.  The local lords buy most of the produce, but they want this discount and that extra, so much so that me and several other smaller farms can’t keep up with the larger ones that can afford to make those sacrifices.  I’ve tried bringing this up with the local magistrates but either they have no jurisdiction over such and such a lord, or they spout law from those thick dusty tomes of theirs stating edicts or bylines allowing this price- gouging.  Some even threaten to tax us more than they do to make up for losses on their end.


“If your benefactor would be willing to meet with some of us perhaps we can help him with his supplies; that is if he were willing to be fair about it.  I’m not sure how large his household is, but even a small contract would help.  Otherwise I’ll have to keep on doing this to make ends meet.”




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  • 2 months later...

Jen was taking in every word Shara shared with her as she told her story. Sipping her beer as she pondered the ways Doom might be able to twist the needs of her and ther others to his advantage when ever he met with him. "I wouldn't exactly say he has a household but he is a man of means. I would be more than willing to talk to him and explain your situation as you told it to me. I am quite sure I can set up a meeting between you,some of the others, and him. I'll let you know when I have more information." Jen gave an assuring grin, as decent of one as she could muster and took another gulp of her drink before glancing at the one she gave Shara. "You can drink that you know, I promise it won't bite."



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  • 1 month later...


Shara seemed to brighten up at the prospect of a new contract, hopefully a fair one.  She didn’t want to jump from one money grubbing land holder to another, but the fact that the green woman, a fighter now less, was spouting the possibility of new contracts did cheer her up.  Most fighters tended to belittle and besmirch their bosses, more than hinting at how they lied, cheated, and stole their way into their wealth.  Shara tried to ignore such mongering, but she had seen firsthand at how not all but most had amassed their wealth.


Besides it wouldn’t hurt to listen.  She needed time to heal her ribs anyhow.  She now took up the tankard, slamming it down, though it took a few more gulps than Jen, followed with a wry smile.  “ Trying a numb myself a little before I get back in the pit.  Gotta face that guy,” and she jerked a thumb over her shoulder towards her opponent.  He barely qualified as sentient, and clearly wasn’t all human.  The creature was hunched over, covered with wiry bristly black hair that jutted out in every direction ; the worst case of bed head radiating all over his body.  It might explain why he snarled at everything, being in a surly mood.  He didn’t look very muscular, more lean and quick, and each extended arm was tipped with a nasty set of razor claws.

Shara didn’t look happy about the prospect of tangling with such a creature.  “If I survive tonight, I should like to hear more about yer Lord.”





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  • 6 months later...

"Good luck to ya out there>" Jennifer nodded with a grin, now leaning with her back to the bar counter, elbows resting on it to prop herself up while she gazed toward the dire3ction of Shara's opponent.  He looked formidable, Jen wouldn't deny that, but inside she already had hyer air of confidence that she would beat him if it were her instead of her new friend. She was also going over strategies inside her head of how she would beat him, should she ever square off against him.


"I'm gonna be around for awhi le tonight, I believe I have another fight coming up tonight. I'll be rootin' for you and if you wanna chat some more before the lights go out just look me up." She would definitely be keeping her eyes on Shara's bout.



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Unfortunately, Shara didn’t fair well.  It wasn’t for the lack of trying, and for the first two minutes it did look like she had the upper hand as she dodged several slashes from the rat man before getting it into a headlock from behind.  However, the rodent was more limber and was able to twist its’ back around to dig its hind legs into her thigh.  She tried to hold, her farm-grown muscles bulging, but the creature contorted and was quickly out of her grasp.  While Shara stumbled, the rat was on her, biting her with those oversized canines.  She slugged the critter in the face, but she came away with several gouges.  It launched again, smashing into her face, knocking her back while slashing a deep gash in her face.  She brought her hands up to defend her eyes as it snapped at her.  The ref called a hold, then he and another fellow pulled the rat off the farmer.  She probably would have waved the medic off is the pain throbbing in her face wasn’t so severe, plus the unknowns of being bitten by a half- rat creature.  She bowed her head, nearly in tears as she was pulled out of the pit, all while the cheers rang out for the rat – man.

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