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  1. My character, Power Girl, is on Paradise Island looking for Princess Diana (Wonder Woman).  She knows where Lobo is for she was with him earlier.  Kara doesn't know the Wonder Woman of this Earth and vice versa.  Power Girl keeps disappearing and reappearing on other Earths as being on Delmar.  (Kind of like the old TV series "Sliders")  She's guessing that maybe she is here to take this Earth's Superman place. Kara has to get use to every Earth she goes to.  


    You can read about Power Girl in San Francisco.  Sooner or later, they should meet.  Kara is lost, confused and alone.

  2. Mary shook her head in a mild case of frustration as she watched the wizard disaooear after leaving her with nothing but his cryptic comments. "Yeam, thanks for nothing, Obi-Wan..." She muttered under her breath; Taking it all in and chewing it over as she turned to catch up with Gardner once more.
  3. Diana gave the queen a solemn nod of agreement at the queen's comment about other nations. "Unfortunately, that possibility is a bridge we can only cross when we come to it. Do you wish to contact us when you have finished the conversation with your beloved, your majesty?" The princess gave a small smile.
  4. marvel

    Political smear

    Lous nodded in response to Luthor's insistand demand but it was a reluctant nod, and on the inside she bristled to herself. She knew she was already locked in however without any real options. "Very well, Lex. Anything else before I go for now?"
  5. Peter thought about the question a few moments and finally shrugged. "I've seen a few of the east coaster5s in the short time I've been around I believe but I have to admit I don't know enough about them to give a proper answer to that question."
  6. "YOU DIDN'T SAVE ME ANY!?!" Mary grumbled as she emerged and came upon Tim and the mounts. In a large way she could relate to the natives. This was the kind of weather that makes you want yo cr5awl back under the cover5s and watchy the rain clouds roll be through a window. "I take it we're still moving out as planned in spite of the muddy terrain?"
  7. Mary's broad smile was a sincerem happy one when she became awate of th he presence ofthe old wizard and the elders. "A million thanks for appearing, wizard." Mary beganm and then started to exolain the situation she was in. .......... And that's the situation. What we need help with is conjuring a trap that will snare this guy. Will you assist please?"
  8. marvel

    Political smear

    Despite coming in prepared to accept whatever proposal Luthor made to her, Lois' ears still hung on every word, nodding as she took them all in. "I have to admit that is quite an offer coming from you, Lex, and it is more than I was expecting. Not that I was sure what to expect to begin with." The intrepid reporter cleared her throat. "Do ypou want an answer now or do I have a little time to consider it?"
  9. Jennifer smirked back at Doom when she saw him wink at her and nodded slightly. "Be careful out there, Sharam and try not to have too muc fun out there without me." Jennifer giggled.
  10. marvel

    Political smear

    "What caused me to switch lanes? Really? Is that your best effort at making a joke, Lex?" Lois sighed soft5ly, arms folded and lips pursed as she cololected her thoughts. "What it boils down to, mopre than anything you said really, ios the fact that you are here and not off in space combating who knows what when t5he people you've sworn to protect as a political candidate are left scratching their heads wondering where their he4ro is. What you said is this country needs a fukk time president. And you were right."
  11. (If you don't mind I would appreciate it. I'll take whatever you can do with him.)
  12. Soiderman nodded at Faren and at Alan. "I certainly haven;t heard anything yet but I will do whatever I can to help and if I hear anything I will let you knpw."
  13. Peter simply sat back and nodded while the other two talked. Content to simply listen before finally chiming back in. "If there's anything I can do to help if you need it, I'm not hard to find."
  14. Mary looked at Guy and gave a nod before excusing herself. "Give me a few minutes, I'll be right back." She then casually and calmly strolled outside for a few moments of solace and a little breathing room to contact both the elders and the old wizard. "Oh elders, fleet and strong and wise, appear before my seeking eyes."
  15. A small smirk crept on Mart's face. "I think I might perhaps be able to arrange us a wizard. What's your plan, Guy?;'
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