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Holiday Escapade


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"No offense is taken, Miss Prier. I wasn't trying to the stir a confrontation." She explained once she finished singing and bowed to the applause she'd received. "We're all entitled to our own opinions. It's our individuality that helps define us." After she'd finished Silver Bells she decided to splurge and help herself to one of the nog drinks." Thank you, Brimstone, this quite thoughtful of you. How are things coming along in our kitchen? Is there anything I may assist with?"

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  • 4 weeks later...
Brimstone pursed his lips a little, thankful that the “incident” such as it was, hadn’t blown up. It was the holidays after all, and while people had their differences in religions and mindsets; it was nice to see them all get along in the end.

He did purse his lips a bit at Mary’s offer to help. “Don’t worry about tonight. You’re all dolled up and obviously out on the town with the archer here,” he nodded towards Theron whom responded in kind, dipping his head as well. “Just enjoy yourself. We’ll definitely have more caroling later on. I’m sure you can teach the locals a tune or two if you wish.” He did seem rather happy that she took one of the egg nogs, and she would find it amply spiked with Jamaican rum. Clearly the mutant was splurging.

And it seemed the holiday spectacle was a hit. There was indeed becoming quite the turnout as more inquisitive folks drifted into the open bar. Many of the patrons were of what Brimstone would term Nuevo riche; those that were benefitting with the influx of off-world items that were finding their way to the market. Of course the price was hiked up more and more the further down the trade winds (and hands) it travelled, but so far the prices seemed fair or at least that was what BS had discovered as he tracked the local trades.

He just felt it was time to invest more in the community. He gestured for Mary and company to follow him to where the buffet was spread out. The centerpiece was a huge pit-roasted boar, completed with apple in mouth, and accompanied with fresh steamed greens, sweet-spiced applesauce, and a cranberry and nut stuffing. Flanked to either side were game birds, most likely pheasant, that and been turning on the barbeque spits all afternoon and were dripping with honey-mustard glaze goodness. There were roasted tubers, crisp salads, thick gravies, and lots of desserts that were sure to pack on a few pounds.

“Help yourselves while you can. I have a feeling this isn’t going to last long.”
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Mary was never one to shy away from expressing her opinion when she felt the situation was important enough but she never went looking to start a fight. She considered herself polite and kind, and without a mean spirited bone in her body. Neither did she consider herself perfect by any means. She had her faults like anyone else and wasn't blind to them. "I'd be happy to lead more caroling later, just ask." Despite the things that rubbed her the wrong way about Brimstone in their partnership, Mary was trying to put it behind her for now and keep her festive mood intact. The wrinkles could wait for another day to be ironed out. This was a night that called for celebration. "You know,Mr. Brimstone, if I could find a quality one in one of the merchantiles, I would purchase myself a guitar and play to accompany singing on some nights. Probably a long shot but a girl can dream."

While the hungry horde of paying customers followed Brimstone to a virtual feeding frenzy. Mary once again nestled into a seat beside Theron and drifted into deep thought. Mr. Burby was right, she had really carved out a niche for herself. The day she arrived, Mary Bromfield was dripping wet and shivering to death in a bathing suit. Now she was co-owner of a thriving business to the point that thoughts of ever going home were pushed further to the back of her mind and seemed less important. Maybe this world was truly her home now.

So why did she still have a nagging feeling of discomfort? Maybe going home wasn't the only thing that no longer seemed important....such as a certain magic word and the secret she carried. As she lift the rum laden mug of nog to her lips, she was pondering the comfort that came from the thought of forgetting the past. This world could keep on spinning just fine without her "other self".

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Brimstone caught himself before he could say that he could get her one. The fact that she wanted something local, not some mass-produced, machine made monstrosity told him volumes. “I haven’t seen much in guitars, but there is a fella down by the wharf that does lutes. Not quite the deep tone a Pimentel™ can put out, but they do sound rich. Maybe you c’n visit the fella in the morn, cause I can’t play a stitch and sure c’n use some entertainment. Give the folks a little sample of Earth folk-craft..”

As Mary imbibed on the eggnog, Theron was following suit, but he noticed that she’d gone quiet. “Yer okay?” he asked, wondering what was making her so.

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Mary's head turned and the 1/3rd owner of the RDI gave Brimstone a look of astonishment after he'd addressed her. He'd spent his time only discussing important matters with Burby and now suddenly he wants to talk shop, albeit minor. "Then I may just pay them a little visit soon. I also think you and I should have a meeting soon. I strongly feel there are business matters long overdue we should discuss, Mr. Brimstone." Mary smiled calmly.

When Theron redirected her attention, Mary gently squeezed his hand and nodded affirmatively. "I'm quite well, just thinking about how happy and content I am, Recounting all of my blessings, I doubt my life can get better than this."

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Brimstone nodded back. “Of course. I’d like to show my profit margins so far, just to make sure you and Mr. Burby are getting a good shake outta this deal.” Yeah, the empath had long picked up on the notion that he’d been stepping on toes and more than likely overreaching his boundaries. Still he wanted this venture to work so badly, possibly to use it as a springboard for other ideas, but it wouldn’t work if his partners were pissed at him.

Clearly he needed to make amends.

At least the party was in a proper mood. Some of the visiting dignitaries had clearly gotten into the swing of things and were being daring enough to poke at Brimstone’s modern accouterments, making the lights flicker on and off with the switch on the small generator. The fuel source was mana based, something he’d ret-conned after seeing and working on some of Drac’s larger components. BS’s version wasn’t as grandiose, and had a few variations, but it put out enough juice to light up all the strands of Christmas lights strewn about the place. Despite the sprinkling of modern wizardry, everyone was having a good time. Drinks flowed and Food was sampled upon while everyone enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

In all, it was a most excellent party.

(thinking this should wind down so that we can focus on the Olympics)

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