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Death of the Huerfang: Trouble Afoot


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(not sure but I don’t think Batraz has mentioned any shape-changing abilities (and I need a refresher.. he’s werewolf? Or dragon? I even went digging for a profile. There’s one for Fafnir, but not for Batraz…(hint hint?))

“Oh it is a somewhat embarrassing and a bit frightful. Some nefarious scoundrels thought to shanghais me and tried to smuggle me aboard their ship. I shudder to think what might have happened to me if not for Lord Batraz here.” She looked up at the man and gave him a genuine smile.


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((He’s a worgen, lupin, werewolf, or whatever you wanna call it. He’s a very distant relative to Claudius, but unlike Claudius he suffers from the moon curse. He’ll be making himself scarce when the full moon arrives.))

Batraz offered her an uneasy smile. He wasn’t fond of the idea of getting ‘close’ to her, but he couldn’t have the girl wandering around by herself. It was clear to him that she wasn’t an average commoner and that she was running away from something, but it was none of his business.

“I can’t help it, I’m fiercely loyal.”

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Prier just quirked a brow at the girl's manner of speaking but then she just shrugged, she will just have to ask her about it later. By then they had gotten to the transport anyway. "Well I supposed that's one of the major good points about you 'wolves. Miss..um, whatever name you go by is, if Batraz starts getting out of line feel free to just bop him on the nose."

Guiding the girl and Batraz into the transport before she made her way inside followed by the Excelsior unit. Once all were inside the rear hatch had closed before the transport then lifted off the ground and started off towards Megan's farm. In the meantime Prier was just going around giving Helaina, Blue, and Ashmire their treats.

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“Oh, my apologies. My name’s.. Tully. And I can’t very well think of bopping Lord Batraz on the nose….”

Now Prier’s words finally began to sink in as she cued in on the word. She slowly turned her head towards Batraz. “ …wolves…?” she questioned. For a moment it did seem like she might run, or scream, but then it looked like her mind managed to wrestle past the myth to the man. She looked him over now, furrowing and frowning a bit, before taking her hand and gently placing it on his chest. That seemed to confirm something in her head before she nodded. “Don’t worry, Lord Batraz. I shan’t bop you on the nose. That wouldn’t be right.”

She then smiled at him before turning to following Prier to the transport, finding a seat next to a young man with startling green eyes. The boy seated next to him was even stranger, with violet purple eyes more vibrant than her soft lilac ones. She smiled and nodded to the duo before settling in. She had seen some of the Militant’s shuttles, even peered inside one of their machines, but she had to admit they didn’t look nearly as nice as this one as she found herself rotating her next in an owl-like manner to take it all in.

(Need to get over to Megan’s I can get the bears over there… I’ll start a new thread when they do. I’ve moved the rabbit thread to its own forum : Mesomorph Park… make sure to flagged it)

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::Blue looked the two new occupants over and then gave Lady Prier one of those signature charming smiles and bit into the sweet roll with a muffled moan of pleasure. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the treat. He could hear Helaine giggling lightly but he didnt care to use his manners now he was starving and after all teenage boys will be teenage boys. He devoured the roll quickly before brushing the crumbs from his militant uniform. He preferred to stay neat as the COlonel would have his head for being slovenly while in militant garb. He then looked over the man and woman more closely his reptilian eyes letting them know he had dragon blood in him, but it was easy to see that the boy sat beside his father as the two looked remarkably similar and when they both grinned the smiles were exact copies. This boy had hyacinth blue eyes and hair as black as coal. his shoulders though thin fit his militant uniform and it was clear to see the boy would grow to be quite a striking man in both size and looks. the ladies had better watch out for this one was bound to give them fits when he was ready. AT the momen though he just arched a brow and stated simply...."My name is Blue and this is my father Ashmire. My mom is the Lady Star. we are going to visit my Aunt Megan and I get to play with the wererabbits. they are so cute when they arent trying to kill you. Who are you two???" His blade chose that moment to zap her young owner for forgetting his manners and he jerked before he then sagged back in his seat with a mulish sulky expression.:::::

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Ashmire smiled at the duo, especially after his son went on another rambling run. Diarrhea of the mouth, some would say. It was more like the boy trying to keep apace with his mind, which had to be churning at 150 mph. Not easy to have the lips keep up with that speed. “Forgive the boy, he’s a little excited and doesn’t really want to pry.”

“No, Lord Ashmire; there is no need for apology. It is good to see such enthusiasm. My name is Tully, and this is Batraz. We’re on our way to Lahnia. Look for a little trade.” It was a small lie. She was looking for trade, of a sort; trading in lies for truths as it were.

Ashmire studied the young woman, knowing a lie, or the stretch of a truth; when he saw and heard one. But much like he said, he wasn’t about to pry. Note it, oh most definitely. It might prove to be profitable information later, but he wouldn’t pry unnecessarily. Instead he kept things light. “Well if yer lookin’ fer tech stuff, that’d be the place. One of our associates, Brimstone by name; does a lot of wheelin’ and dealin’ with ‘em.”

the rest of the troupe has headed off to here for a bear of a time at Megan’s rabbit ranch after Prier and company leaves the bears will attack http://delmarandfrie...p?showtopic=765

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((well actually it would be Ashmire and Blue that would be dropped off at Megan's first. Afterwards Prier, Helaina, Tully, and Batraz would be taken back to Lahnia.))

"For that matter the Vashtalian Central Government is also one of our more prominent customers what with their development and research into their Alchemical Dragoon Armors." Prier had simply stated even as she took the time to go over an inspection of the Excelsior unit's systems as they moved along. A few small panels were opened up in the unit's forearms and back area as it stood near the front of the transport, a small step ladder set up behind it so Prier could reach the opened panel on it's back.

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Ashmire seemed only slightly interested in the armor, only craning his neck a bit before settling back down in his seat. “Yeah the Tin Can was yammerin’ on about his pet projects he’s got goin’ on with that other guy Aerich. Nice to see you’re keeping him busy and out of trouble.

“Tin Can?” Tully quipped, even while she tried to watch what Prier was doing. Of course she had no idea what, but it looked important

“Oh yeah, BS used to be a cyborg. A metal man. Kind of like having a knight’s armor welded to his skin. That got changed though. He never really said how, something about his girlfriend wishing it away, but I’m thinkin’ that he figured out how to eject the nanites,” he paused, knowing he was going to have to explain it to simpler folk. “Metal bugs in his blood. They would fix things that were broke, both metal and flesh. Probably what held him together after parts started breakin’ and he had to find replacements. Either way he still likes to tinker with his toys, even if he doesn’t need to splice ‘em to his body anymore.”

Ashmire of course had managed to profit from BS’s tinkering. Not only did he manage to get a handful of goodies to help with his profession, but he did get a working base of mechanics, enough to keep his latest associate functioning. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Mack the Knife for some time. She probably was sweeping up after the kids. As it was the robot spent more than her fair share of time with the Militants, either checking on Blue or doing more research; but that did not account for all her time missing.

He was gonna hafta check in on that girl. Yeah, he knew she was a robot, but she was definitely a she. A mutant she at that. All A-type personality.

“Oh… my… “ Tully was just able to squeeze out. Clearly the idea of being somehow fused with metal sounded… well… painful… and scary.

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"Well...last I checked according to Lady Serenity Brimstone still had the nanites in his bloodstream and that it was only the larger visible mechanical pieces that were shed. Now where is that...damnit Stephen why'd you have to design the release lever so it's hard to reach with the armor attached..." That last sentence was closer to an annoyed mumble than anything actually meant to be said to the general populace inside the transport. The weapons master currently with an arm halfway into the upper back of the Excelsior. "Ah ha, gotcha." With a yank several small canisters would be ejected from the exposed internal structure wherever there was an open panel on the guard unit. Each canister falling to the floor with the sharp clang of metal hitting metal.

Getting down from the step ladder behind the Excelsior unit Prier then kneeled down to pick up one of the canisters before opening it up and looking inside. "Thought so, mana crystal's already nearly burned out." Taking what looked to be a small pebble out from the canister before she tossed it to Ashmire. "Seems the Vashtalians have really been putting this unit through it's paces if the mana batteries are already in that condition. Well that is what we're loaning the unit out to the Vashtalian government for after all."

Moving over to the wall next to the Excelsior she pulled out a drawer and then started on the task of replacing the mana crystals in the batteries. Once that was done she started putting the newly refreshed batteries back into the Excelsior.

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<<"Well...last I checked according to Lady Serenity Brimstone still had the nanites in his bloodstream and that it was only the larger visible mechanical pieces that were shed.>>

“Oh my. He has pieces of metal inside him?“ Indeed it sounded quite painful.“ Tully look horrified at the prospect.

“Well it’s really small metal. Smaller than a grain of sand. And it’s more like a metal bug. It fixes him. Heals him. Like havin’ a magic potion." Ashmire seemed rather nonchalant about the whole thing. Granted being turned into a cyborg wasn't exactly cool, Ashmire knew there were worse things.


<<<Taking what looked to be a small pebble out from the canister before she tossed it to Ashmire. "Seems the Vashtalians have really been putting this unit through it's paces if the mana batteries are already in that condition. Well that is what we're loaning the unit out to the Vashtalian government for after all.">>>

Ashmire was almost looking over her shoulder, trying to be nonchalant about it, but his curiosity had been piqued. He barely caught the pebble in time, the contact singeing his fingers before he dropped it. “They might’ve been usin’ them against mutants,” he noted. “It ain’t just magic that c’n get mussed up.” He gestured to the pebble that now seemed to be smoldering from the contact as well, melting a small divot in the floor before cooling down again.

<<Moving over to the wall next to the Excelsior she pulled out a drawer and then started on the task of replacing the mana crystals in the batteries. Once that was done she started putting the newly refreshed batteries back into the Excelsior.>>

Ashmire’s gaze returned to the window. “So, how soon till we git there?” he whined.. A little.



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((for the record the mana batteries would not generate heat even if a mutant touched it. At the very least they wouldn't generate enough heat to melt the flooring.))

Prier was just closing the final panel when she responded to Ashmire. "No, more likely they just had the unit going all over the nation. Well with this now we know that we need to work on the interface between the Drive system and the batteries to make it more efficient and able to recharge the system faster under heavy load." She then disappeared up front for a minute before she returned. "We'll be there in about an hour Ashmire."

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