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Death of the Huerfang: Trouble Afoot


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Tristan pouted. “Well that’s rather rude of him; amending the parameters of the agreement after I’ve left the castle.” He seemed to debate for a moment if he should push his position but he decided against it; especially since he had a particularly irked warrior woman threatening his well being.

He was beginning to see just how much fun Tim must have had pushing these people around. Not as much fun as flaying them alive, but they did make funny faces when perturbed. “Very well. Kind of puts a crimp in my how plan to get the Rex back. I just figured that the young lady would like some retribution since he was somewhat involved with rescuing her from Cleatus and company.”

Tristan may have seen his attempts being thwarted by an overzealous Vashtalian, but Estelle had been totally sideswiped; not with Tristan’s intent for she had been warned beforehand of his devious nature; but the fact that Karla knew who she was. Now she was upset. Clearly the dragons were Not going to leave her alone. Lord Dracon Had told who she was, and for the lot of it, she seemed to be the fool: fool in trusting the dragon lord to keep such a simple promise, and a fool to believe that she could travel without being recognized so that she could explore this new world.

She was about to storm from the inn when she caught Tristan’s words. She whipped about, an ashen tone draping over her. Clearly she hadn’t fully shaken her experience at the hands of the demi-god. “What?” she nearly snapped back, disbelief clearly in her voice. That monster had overpowered thousands; yet this tiny golem was going to take the treacherous beast head on? The very notion spun in her head, especially the idea of even involving her in such a project.

She had to hear his reasoning behind it.

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Karla had lowered her bow just a bit after a while when she just sighed. "Lord Dracon did not amend the agreement. That clause was in there from the beginning you no doubt just were not listening. Now, as for you Tully."

The scout focusing her attention on the girl now. "I can tell what you are thinking by the look on your face. I knew who you were the moment I saw you. I just didn't say anything because we are under strict orders not to reveal ourselves or to interfere with what you are doing. As far as I am concerned you are an employee of this inn and nothing more. Except where this thing is concerned.". Tilting her head at Tristan then to indicate her point.

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It still didn’t matter, not to Estelle. The whole idea behind her sojourn into the world was to see was Was beyond the walls of her castle. With the dragon’s presence and guardianship it was not the unaltered truth. It was changed. Tainted. It made all her experience up to now circumspect. What had they interfered with and to what extent? What about her resent near-abduction? Had they orchestrated the even to ‘teach her a lesson’? Despite any well-meaning pretenses; no matter the truth of it now, everything had been soured.

She now looked over at “the thing”. If the golem had been insulted or slighted by Karla’s choice of words, he didn’t show it. Instead he had that oddly shaped head slightly tilted, casually watching her. She understood that the “monster” could read her mind and perhaps he was trying to gauge what she had in mind. Currently she couldn’t give any sort of founded answer, not with the blow to her trust.

But then it seemed to click into place. “Tell me, Sir Tristan. I am not a fighter, nor skilled in any means of battle. What would be my role in your plans?”

The crystal reptile seemed to perk up, as if surprised by her response. “Ah. Yes. Well my sire has a fondness for women, a rather grotesque need more than anything; in fact it’s quite shameful that he can’t keep such a simple need in check. At either rate, I need a sweet young thing to lure him out of whatever backwater closet he’s hiding himself in.”

He looked over at Karla for a moment. In truth the Rex would be more lured by the more dominating of the two females, but then he couldn’t afford to be picky… unless….

More cogs and blocks fell into place as he scheme began to congeal. “I have to confess that I cannot guarantee any sort of safe passage. This is not a game.. well perhaps it is a game, but very dangerous. The dragon might be right in keeping you safe here…”

Estelle drew herself up, inflating with righteous indignation. “Lord Dracon is not My sovereign. I am not requited him, nor can he tell me where and when to go. If I wish to embark on this mission, be it folly; he cannot stop me.”

Tristan would have objected, but it was moot. That overbearing beast might well lock the princess up in a dungeon rather than let her travel with him, unless he could make the proper provisions…. “Well m’lady, perhaps we can strike a compromise.” He then turned to Karla. “We both know that Miss Estelle cannot properly do this trek on her own, not matter how insistent she is. If she were to have a guardian.. like yourself.”

Estelle’s lip curled in tight. “You are assigning me a… chaperone?”

Tristan raised a stony brow. “If the lady Karla will take the position, yes. Otherwise I fear you will not have a say in the matter otherwise.”

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Karla simply sighed after Estelle's little rant regarding Dracon. "You are right, Lord Dracon cannot tell you what to do which is exactly why the scout forces were given strict orders to not interfere with what you do unless absolutely necessary should we discover you wandering around. I only hired you on here because we needed the help and you looked like you needed a place to stay, such an arrangement has worked out just fine for you has it not? Well except for that little incident with the near kidnapping. I admit I was lax in my duty by not realizing such people were hanging around the area but Batraz got you back safe and sound just as himself or I would do for any of our employees."

At the mention of herself being nominated as Chaperone she brought that bow back up and aiming right at Tristan's head again. "If Estelle wishes to embark on this journey then so be it as she said we cannot stop her. However we can stop you from taking her. Whether she is willing to go with you or not it does not matter one damn bit. You are in violation of your agreement with Lord Dracon by simply being here offering to take her along on your task and I would sooner go with you myself and leave the girl here than disobey a direct order from Lord Dracon which would not end anywhere near well for me.

So it looks like you have a choice here. You can either try to take Estelle along, with or without me, and forfeit your own existence. You can take me along instead of Estelle, or you can just leave here empty handed and we can forget we even had this discussion, the choice is yours now little one. Oh and please don't be trying to sugarcoat your own personality Tristan. It is well known that your own needs are just as base as Timothy's even if you are just a tiny bit more successful in controlling them than he is at the moment."

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Again it seemed that Tristan took longer than necessary to reply as the golem chewed on her words when he already had several contingency plans in process in his brain. He did give a slow nod at her painfully obvious observation of his sexual quirks. “I may have similar tastes, but as everyone knows, there is currently only One woman I have any desire for. Despite your lord dragon’s cruelness in denying me her presence from my side I have left her unmolested as per our contract.”

He paused again, one arm folded under his elbow, the free hand tapping at his temple. “Well, you’re definitely crimping my plans. If you will not let the lovely young woman accompany me without risk to my soul, I really have little option left. I cannot take you as per the same edict I’m not to recruit and Vashtalians. So I guess I’ll have to fill my roster with whomever Rydin has left to offer.” The bejeweled dragon’s head turned slight, as if Tristan was listening into the swill of human activity happening in the darkened streets. “Perhaps I can recruit some young enthusiastic adventurer from the local tavern? Perhaps an exuberant prostitute? Maybe a gypsy girl looking to make her fortune? I’m quite sure I can fill my card that way.”

Estelle looked appalled. “Lord Tristan, surely you are not going to let Lord Dracon dictate how to conduct your expedition?”

The tiny dragon turned to regard the princess; the forlorn look easily coming to his face. “I’m afraid I must. Besides the fact that my mortal soul is on the chopping block, the overgrown sotted lizard is indeed the defacto leader of the mutant clan. I’m afraid I must abide by his decision.” He failed to mention that most of the mutants barely listened to Lord Dracon, only following any edicts if they happen to fall in line with their own reasoning. Tristan was merely using the dragon’s words as his own foil.

Estelle’s jaw dropped. Clearly she was seething at the heavy-handedness it seemed that Lord Dracon ran his domain and those beholden to him. She gaped at them for a few seconds more, and then finally stamped her foot in anger before storming out the door and into the street, furious.

“Oh… there she goes…. I dearly hope she doesn’t get into any trouble or come across any of those nasty ruffians out there.” Tristan almost seemed happy that the young princess had gotten into a snit. Perhaps he was taking some measure in her righteous indignation.

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Karla just shrugged at that point. "Well I guess I better go after her then and at least try to explain things a bit. Tristan, there's a tavern down the street where a lot of mercenaries gather that should still be open at this hour. There should be some female mercenaries there as well if you wish to check that place. Let them know that the Vashtalian Government will pay them for the job and I'm sure you will be able to find a few to help you that will be just what you are looking for."

Snapping her fingers at that point causing a small signet ring to appear in her hand before handing it to the doctor. "Anyone questions your backer just show them that. Now out of my inn I have an errant princess to round up before she gets herself into trouble. Besides as I've mentioned before I need to at least try and smooth things over. It would seem that she does not understand that you are the exception to how Lord Dracon runs things."

With that she ushered the little crystal dragon and the doctor out of the inn and locked the door behind all three of them before pointing the duo in the direction of the tavern she mentioned before. Afterwards she just looked around before teleporting herself up onto one of the roof tops and headed in the direction Estelle had taken.

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The Doctor took a moment to gaze down at the ring, as if what it represented confused him. The he looked further down to the diminutive psychopath that was currently his ‘associate’. “It seems that the dragons are bound and determined to kick you off their planet, even to go so far as to sacrifice one of the population to be your marked plaything.”

Tristan seemed to be in a twilight of emotions. It might well be a dangerous state for him to be in as one was not sure where the volatile emotions would shift.. His reply wasn’t nearly as menacing as normal, which meant he had alternate plans in the works. “Still it wasn’t the plaything I wanted.” He gave a little derisive snort. “She probably wouldn’t have been the proper bait. Oh she has a bark, but not nearly loud enough. Perhaps the barmaid was right. Well, come along then,” and the creature waddled down the street towards the aforementioned tavern.


Estelle had put quite a bit of distance between herself and the Black Inn. So much of a distance that she was markedly lost. But she didn’t lose her head. She had a little coin on her, enough for a room and a couple of meals. She made a few turns, then found a long row of boarding houses, with food shops located further down. She picked the cleanest of the houses, one that looked to have new paint and better lighting with gas lamps with not so many riff raff collected on the stoop. It was in the Splendid Goose that she found small refuge and a cold drink of water to nurse over while she collected her emotions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Working on not being AWOL.))

Batraz had returned from his business trip to Port Svenil (not sure about the spelling) when Estelle made her departure. Concerned for her well-being, he followed her from distance and watched her enter the boarding house. He decided to take a gamble on his new look of a cleanly shaven face, short hair, clean high-end clothes and follow her in.

He settled at a table putting his traveling bag in the chair next to him and ordered a drink befitting a gentleman.

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If she had half her sense with her, she would have noticed her knight, but since she was currently distracted, and since Batraz had changed his looks so drastically, she didn’t recognize him. Not at first. Instead she spoke with the innkeeper, a modest little woman that probably had a drop or two of wee folk in her parentage. It didn’t take long to agree on a price for the room and board for the week.

What she would do afterwards she didn’t know. She certainly did not want to return home, but she felt that any step forward would bring yet more unwanted guardianship and attention from the Vashtalian horde. She sat at the bar, her eyes wandering along the décor of the room, pausing over a picture which nearly knocked her over the head with a novel idea.

A boat. A whaling vessel to be exact marvelously rendered in oils and coated with a thin layer of dust, but it had struck her to the core. She needed to leave Rhydin. Granted she could not leave with Tristan, but there was no law at all that said she had to stay on the continent.

She would book passage on a ship and go… elsewhere. Where? She had no idea. She was barely cognizant that there were other lands save for Rhydin and Vashtalia. Clearly she was going to have to do some research, perhaps a little recon, to determine what her next steps should be. Her eyes continued to look over the walls, hoping that another picture would inspire her further….

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It didn’t take the diminutive creature long to find the tavern. It was a dive, with all kinds of ill-mannered ilk collecting both inside and outside, drinking heavily and indulging in a myriad of mind-altering drugs. The whore trade was freely conducting their services, some even performing their services in full view of the road.

Tristan clearly had found the “bad” side of town.

He waddled through the rowdy crowd as if he belonged, the good Doctor trailing behind him quietly. Samuel may have looked out of place, but Tristan knew better. Anyone that might have thought to assail him might well find a surgical blade to the carotid. Or near instantaneous evisceration. Oh yes, the “good” doctor could be just as evil as himself if given the chance.

The dumpy little golem pushed his way through the crowd before finding an abandoned stool and climbed up the struts to take the seat, the height just right to see over the bar and stare straight even into the overly buxom chest of the serving wench at the bar. Evil thoughts did flicker through his demented brain, but they didn’t linger. This wasn’t the prey he wanted to drool over. In comparison to the Soothsayer, this was but a bit of fluff, not worthy of note.

Perhaps he was getting particular in his old age.

For now he merely slid over a coin. “Whiskey, if you please,” he smiled, letting a little of the malice show in his face, if just to demonstrate to the other ruffians that he was no creampuff, despite the packaging.

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Batraz sat reading a book and sipping on his drink while his keen hearing took in the details of her making her arrangements. He folded his book over his thumb and absently looked at the table his mind deep in thought.

He closed his book and tucked it into his travel bag and finished off his drink. Quietly, he stood up and pushed his chair back under the table and approached “Tully”.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” he asked her.

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Tully did take a moment to look the man over. Her brow furrowed a bit as he did look familiar somehow. She then looked about the bar. There were two barmaids tending to various patrons, and one burly fellow at the doorway who clearly was the peacekeeper should anything happen. Seeing things as being somewhat secure, she nodded her consent, scooting over to give the big man some room. “Please,” she smiled weakly, gesturing for him to take the seat. Perhaps she needed an ear, or at least to listen to some drizzling of gossip to get her mind off things before she drove herself mad.

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“You don’t recognize me do you?” Batraz said as he sat down with a slightly raised brown. He looked down at his bag in his lap and his clothes. He stroked his chin like absently expecting to feel his beard. “I guess I wouldn’t recognize myself. It’s Batraz,” he said gesturing to himself.

He stared at her for a moment lost in thought. “Yes, well I saw you head in here and I thought I’d check on you. I’ve business travels that take me abroad. Perhaps you would like to accompany me?” he paused. “I know you’re not from around here and I get the feeling you want to be here just as much as a land locked sailor,” he said with a low voice.

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Tully pouted at her current dilemma and clearly hadn‘t calmed down as of yet. “Indeed, I should want to be far from here, away from the influence of those that seem to lie and want to curl their scaly little fingers into my life.”

She took another sip from her stein, brooding as she considered Batraz’s offer. He Had rescued her from those thugs, and he hadn’t asked for anything in return; and even though thoughts had soured when thinking about Karla, the woman also had trusted the burly man. Odd, now that she thought about it. She couldn’t trust the dragons, but could trust in whom they trusted.

Which help with her decision. “My Lord, I will accept your offer, but I will not be a burden to you on this voyage. I have some coin to pay for passage, plus I can offer work -in- trade. I have at least learned some craft from the Black Inn, O can clean and cook if need be.”

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"If you insist," he said with a slight nod. "I can lend you money if you need it." He opened his travel bag and took at a small ledger book and flipped through the pages. "Next stop Lahnia," he said closing the book and putting it back in his bag.

"When would you like to leave?" he asked looking up at her with a smile. "Anytime is good for me."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Her decision to go made the rest of her other decisions fall into place as if they were intended to do so. “As soon as possible. Today, if you are willing. It won’t take me but a few minutes to settle with the hostess and gather my things.” She didn’t have much; having taken on the trappings of a peasant girl had made traveling lighter than if she had traveled with her entourage as befitting her status as a lord’s daughter. In truth she liked the lighter load. It made traveling much easier and less… messy.

Estelle had also heard of this land of Lahnia. Again they were friendly with the great reptiles, but they were of a mechanical mind, making machines that moved on their own and performed menial tasks. She had seen some of their work in Rhydin, usually a toy of some sort bought by a local lord on the spur of the moment. Their machines seemed very much akin to the devices the Militants used, and she was indeed curious to see another realm that was filled with such things.

Perhaps she would find friends that were more honest in this new country.

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((here I thought the whole conversation was happening in the middle of the night but I guess it could be considered morning hours))

Due to the nature of their mutant passenger the transport carrying Prier and the others had travelled to Rhydin City proper by normal means rather than utilizing the built-in portal generator. As it was early evening when they arrived they had camped out until morning which found Prier entering the inn that "Tully" was in. The weapons master carrying a small package in her hands. If any of the morning patrons looked out the door they would notice part of an Excelsior unit's arm just slightly in view as the guard robot stood vigil outside the main entrance, mostly because it wouldn't be able to fit through the door without wrecking the place.

Prier had actually walked right by Batraz and "Tully's" table before she sat at the bar speaking with the hostess regarding the delivery.

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Batraz watched Prier walk by with a raised brow. “I’m sure we can leave as soon as you’re ready. Now, if you’ll excuse me for just a minute I’m going to see about getting us some transportation,” he said as he stood up sliding his travel bag onto his shoulder in one fluid motion.

He walked over to Prier. “Lady Prier,” he said hesitantly. He was horrible at remember who had what titles and more importantly who liked to be called by them.

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Well at least they could never say that the man's timing wasn't perfect as the moment he walked up to speak with her Prier had finished her conversation with the Hostess. The woman just heading to the back after Prier had ordered some sweet rolls to take back to Ashmire, Blue, and Helaina. Afterwards the young weapons master just turned around and nodded a greeting to Batraz. "Sir Batraz to what do I owe this small honor? Needing a lift back to Lahnia?"


((and as a refresher for anyone who needs it))


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(meanwhile on the seedier side of town....)

It hadn’t taken Tristan long to consolidate his “team.” In fact it was almost laughably easy to coheres his newfound patsies to join his cause with little or no initial recompense, the squad (such as it was) content with the prospects of newfound wealth a bounty gleaned from their future exploits. Oh he may have sugar-coated the profit margin a bit, but then again those that he’d selected weren’t exactly known for their business savvy.

The contracts were simple and straightforward enough, a percentage of the spoils in payment for their services. Of the task at hand, he laid it out quite plainly. Off planet. Probably danger. High rewards if the task of capturing the errant psi was indeed accomplished. And yes, he did have a plan should he actually ever catch up with the cretin. That was the only chincy part of the whole endevour, to find the Rex. Again he had some vague ideas, but as he reminded his new recruits their quest was not a simple smash and grab. It had to be handled with the utmost delicacy if they were going to catch Tim.

He also made doubly sure that his new hires had no ties to that infernal reptile clan. It was bad enough that he had to settle for what the rank and file on the planet could offer, especially when there were some choice mutants that could serve his purposes with greater ease; but if he was going to keep his hide he was going to have to make some concessions.

For now it seemed that his posse was quite elated at taking on such a task. The “weapons expert” was currently warbling some Kingon-esque ballad in a deep baritone, his slave-girl wench matching in a cracked mezzo-soprano. The song didn’t matter as the duo frequently forgot a line or verse; but they seemed to be having a good time. So was Tristan, in a way. He would soon be off this Gods-forsaken rock and with any luck well on his way to finding his body and chastising the creature that stole it from him.

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Prier looked between Batraz and 'Tully' before she just nodded. "Very well then. The transport is just down the street on the outskirts of the city. If you two are ready we can leave as soon as I get my sweet rolls. I do have two passengers from the mutant clan that we are going to be dropping off at a relative's place though. After I get them dropped off though we will be on our way to Lahnia. Will that be acceptable?"

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"Yes ma'am, thank you," Batraz said nodding. "I believe we should be ready shortly." He turned and headed back to Tully. "Get your things. I've got us a ride."

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Estelle seemed much more relaxed, now that they had transport off the continent. Perhaps she was more than eager to get away from the whole debacle, though she prayed that the mutants weren’t the same ones that had seen her before, or her whole escape plan might be for naught. She merely nodded to Batraz before collecting her bags to follow her new travelling companions. She did look over the woman, believing that it was the first time she’d seen anyone from Lahnia. They seemed normal, but so had the dragon clan (before she’d seen one transform).

All in all she was still wallowing in that hopefully cautious category as they headed towards the shuttle after Prier got her treats.

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Once the three were on the road and walking back towards the transport Prier had pulled out one of the sweet buns and started eating it. The excelsior unit currently in it's standard mode as it walked behind them the sight causing all the usual street traffic to part ways and go around them. There were a few that stared at the guard unit but Prier for the most part just ignored all the onlookers. Instead opting to strike up conversation between mouthfuls of her breakfast. "So, girl, what's your story and how in the hell did you end up having Batraz here as a travelling companion?"

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