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A Bear of a Time: Mesomorph Park


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(It’ll be three threads.. on outside Brimstone’s Bar where the majority of the bears are duking it out with the Vashtalian forces http://delmarandfrie...=60… one in Rhydin (going after Tristan, and pretty much anyone else along that stretch of land that might be thinking bad thoughts) http://delmarandfrie...t=0 and one headed to Megan’s rabbit ranch http://delmarandfrie...p?showtopic=765

… shouldn’t be that complicated…..)

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Sara watched as their guests departed, the Lahnian craft slowly lifting from the dirt lot with nary a sound before levitating high above the collection of wood-hewn buildings that were the current hub of Mesomorph Park. Only when the transport was clear did it shift and shimmy before teleporting away. Sara nodded. It was best that anything that relied on even a smidge of magic should operate well and clear of the mutant horde. Okay there were only a handful currently on the ranch, but one never knew when things could go wonky, doubly so for something that was a few hundred feet off the ground.

She now turned to Fafnir, trying to gauge his mood. Sara would never fully understand what Megan saw in the guy, but she Did marry him; and for the most part it seemed that Fafnir doted on the volatile mutant. It had to be love. Either that or some sort of sado-masochism. Instead Sara turned to looked over the homestead, taking it all in. “Seems Megan’s got her hands full,” she noted as she tested the waters so to speak, casting for a train of thought from Fafnir. He’d already said that he didn’t care for the vermin, but it was Megan’s current pet project. A big one. She was going to need help, and if Fafnir wasn’t game; Sara would have to find some time in her own busy schedule to pitch in and help.


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As shaken as was when discussing her half-brother Tristan, Megan couldn’t help but chuckle at Blue’s lament, especially the last line. “Honey, you’re a mutant. By definition we’re not normal, and we pride ourselves with that fact. We’ll never be boring, or predictable, or tractable. Unfortunately that also means we’re discordant, and that we fight. A lot. And when we got nobody to fight, we fight with each other. It’s kind of like keeping us in training for when the real battles come around. Tell me, when something comes along to pick on you, doesn’t Bonnie come running to the rescue? Even if she’s got no hope of winning, she comes to protect her brothers and sisters, doesn’t she? And Dante. If he saw somebody beating you up that wasn’t family, don’t you think he’d whip out all that telekinetic whoo-hoo and fling whatever it was across the continent? That’s how it is with us, for the most part. We protect our own, even when we’re not exactly on the most amicable terms with them. Yeah, I ain’t happy with the Deh Mahr, or the Rex; but I do know that they’ll come to the rescue if they can… even if I don’t want them to.”

She gave a cleansing sigh and patted Blue’s back, even as she saw the transport outside taking off. “Seems we’ve driven off the norms. Let’s go outside and test your new blade. I’d like to see what she c’n do, and maybe Def’ll show off a bit too.” Megan stood up. Defender levitated off the bed then slipped up behind her, adhering to her back like it was velcro.



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::Blue actually gave ehr a smile a she stod up and grabbed Rozaina up and placed her in her sheath, she immedietly began to sing and he hummed along with her as he ran down the stairs in front of Megan. His black hair and blue eyes made him a looker and the boy could really carry a tune as well. He was ready to put Rozalina through her paces and see just what she could do with all that pent up electricity she kept zapping him with.:::

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The small bivouac of bruins had managed to slip out of the valley, having dove through a rather thick hedge the dragging the small river before rolling over the edge of the bowl and out over open terrain. Numbering over 30 in their fold they at first wandered aimlessly through the countryside before they began to pick up on a vibration, the very tone and nature of the sensation once again stirring their anger, their white feathered wings beating as quick as a hummingbirds, setting up their own harmonious resonance as they closed ranks.

Soon they mounted over the edge of a large caldera, and expanse of green grass rolling below them, broken only by the meandering streams and the small outcropping of newly constructed buildings. High in the sky the bears circled before turning and diving towards the ranch house, sensing the very evil that needed to be destroyed…..


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Sara began to head towards the ranch house pausing when she saw Megan and Blue emerge. She could feel both the weapons humming and she could guess that they were going to go “play”, which always was precarious with just one, never mind two blades, one somewhat untested. “If you two think you’re going to go spar…..”

She paused only because she heard something strange, a high humming noise like an unsettled bee-hive. At first she started looking around at the bushes and trees. Megan had some landscaping heeled in, including a couple of fairly tall shade trees, but nothing substantial enough to hold any sort of hive. Her neck slowly turned as she followed the sound, finding that she was once again squinting in the late morning sun. She shielded her eyes, catching some movements though the images were obscured by the coronal flare of the star.


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Megan had also stopped, seeing Sara look skyward before she also heard the buzzing. She also shielded her eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever was buzzing up there, but even with her genetically enhanced peepers, she wasn’t fairing much better. “That doesn’t sound like a plane, and it sure ain’t no shuttle. Maybe Prier’s got some engine trouble?” She hadn’t seen the shuttle teleport away and assumed (wrong) that the ship was still in the sky.


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Apparently the Vashtalian forces had gotten some advance word from the pursuit forces at that point since now Arturia was on point. Blade drawn as she had raised it up, the rest of the security forces assigned to the ranch beginning to gather around her. "Prier had already left Megan, these are something else entirely that had escaped from deep underground and then subsequently from the Valley around Brimstone's bar. I had just gotten word from Lady Onyx who is on her way over here now to drop Brimstone off."

Making her way to the front of the gathered forces at that point before calling out to them. "I need half of you to take to the air with me to block our enemy and prevent them from getting any closer. The other half will remain on the ground in case any slip through. Fafnir if you wouldn't mind taking command of the ground forces... Raven!" The air swirling around the dragoon trainee before she herself launched into the air, followed shortly after by the other members of her temporary aerial combat squadron as they flew up to go meet the attackers head on.

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::Before anyone could bat an eye Blue was in full militant form and knowing that Megan was pregnant he flipped her over his shoulder and strode back to the ranch house and took the stairs three at a time. he deposited her in the room and told her to please remain calm and she could bea thim down later but she was his number one priority as he then took to then took to the roof and changing his form he sat outside her room and with wings spread he took a defensive stance daring any of those feathered freaks to get close...He shot a single flare of blue flame high to let them know who they were dealing with, as the flame lit up the sky with an eerie blue light. he then rored loud enough to shake the ranch house. Blue didnt play around as Rozaline shrieked out her own high pitched warning and he watched as the midair battle began.:::

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Megan squinted as she followed Arturia as the dragoon blasted up into the sky with her flying spell. “A roof. Never thought to put a ward on top of the caldera. It ain’t like my rabbits c’n fly…” The she got a glimpse of what exactly was coming over the ridge. “Is… is that a Bear?!”

Actually it was a whole gang of grizzly bears that began to open fire, shooting lasers out of their eyes at the rising troop of defenders. Megan drew Defender from her back, determined to make a stand to save her homestead from bruin ruin…

Then suddenly she found herself thrown over the shoulder of little Blue. Granted she wasn’t exactly tall, but how the little half-mutant was able to carry her swiftly and decisively over her shoulder, much less fly up the staircase to deposit her back into the room she couldn’t even fathom. And before she could move, the kid had slammed the door, locking her inside before he headed outside to bellow his challenge.

Megan then tugged at the door. “Let Me Out!” she bellowed before she brought Defender around. She hesitated, she Did just finish writing out the service order for the build, but then swung the sword, rending a long slash through the grained wood. It took her a few more swings to make a gash big enough for her to squeeze through before she pounded her way back down the stairs.

Where she ran into Ashmire….


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Ashmire was not a coward, or at least he would tell you so. No, he was engaging in a tactical retreat. He didn’t have any ranging weapons, nor anything potent enough to take out a bear, much less a pissed-off, laser shootin’, flying grizzly bear. If anything he was better at getting out of the way. He found that he was going to serve the better good when he saw Megan making her way down the stairs. This was the heir apparent, and clearly everyone’s fav, so if something bad was going to happen to her it was in his best interest to stop it.

Which meant stopping her. Normally not a difficult feat. She might have been a mutant, but she had not talents; no telepathy, no telekinesis, nothing like that. But she was whipping that sword of hers around and looking like she meant business. He was quicker, but that was no guarantee that she wouldn’t manage to hack something vital off.

He had to try.

“You don’t wanna go out there.”

Megan shook her head, as if trying to toss the suggestion out of her head, but it seemed to cling to her brain. When she lowered her sword, he darted in, grabbing her wrist before she could wing him. It was all over after that. As much as she struggled, she could break his grip. “Calm down now. You ain’t gonna be able ta do nuthin’. Besides that Dragoon chick’s got it in hand.” He wasn’t exactly sure on that score, but if anything the Soothsayer was out there, and he’d seen her in action before….


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Shortly after Blue issued his little challenge Onyx would be touching down at that time, letting Brimstone off to join the others as the Vashtalian princess looked at Blue. "Keep your flare and outbursts to yourself young one, you will remain near Megan and not join in the fighting unless either explicitly asked to do so by those in command or unless one of those things gets much too close and you absolutely have to try and defend yourself, otherwise leave the fighting to the soldiers as well as the mage and holy orders. The rest of the pursuit forces will be here within the next few minutes.

Brimstone I am heading to the Rhydinian capital now to join the forces pursuing the batch of enemies that have flown off in that direction."

With that having been said Onyx took off again, heading in the direction of Rhydin.


Meanwhile Arturia and her squadron would just be meeting up with the bears. The human dragoon girl moving to the side just as one of the bruins fired at her before her sword flashed into her hand leaving a gaping wound in the thing's side as she passed only to leave it to be finished off by the others behind her.

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::Blue was pissed now. He wanted to fight the flying bears but he did as Onyx ordered and staye dup on the roof guarding the house. he felt like a damn gargoyle sitting up there with his thumb up his ass as everyone else got to kick fuzzy bear ass. He hated being little they never let him do anything but practice and stay behind the adults to be safe. He was tired of being safe and he had more weapons and powers in his pinkie finger than the whole dragoon force fighting up there anyway.He flopped down and watched the bears making sure none got too close to the house.:::

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Presently one of the Guardsmen that were assigned to ground duty came up next to Blue and sat down. "It wouldn't do you any good to sit here and fume about whatever it was that Lady Onyx had told you...Blue was it? Whatever reason you think she ordered you to stay down here with the rest of us is I can assure you it's only because last information we had received you are still in training. Regardless as to whether you are in training for the Militants or Vashtalia the fact remains that the trainees generally remain on guard duty. Now, you might be thinking that since Young Arturia's a trainee as well that she should have remained on guard duty down here as well correct? Normally you would be correct but she isn't a trainee for the royal army or guard forces. She is a trainee for the Dragoon forces, which means she has already served time as a regular soldier and is already technically an officer so the usual rule about trainees during combat does not apply to her. Hell even though she's just a trainee for the Dragoon forces she still outranks the highest ranked regular military soldier out here."

The guardsman whistling a bit in awe as he watched the battle above, quirking a brow a bit when he saw a couple of the bears break away while everyone else was busy and start heading towards them. "Now look alive soldier looks like we may have incoming. They get close enough you take the one on the left, I'll get the one on the right." Sure enough none of the other forces were able to break away and intercept. the guardsman erecting a barrier above them just before the first volley of laser eye fire impacted with it.

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::Blue took in all the soldier had told him and as he saw the two bears coming towards them he snapped to attention and zeroed in on his target, He took a stance to keep his feet firm and le tloose with a flare of fire that lit up the surrounding with errie blue light. He didnt stay on the roof but opened his wings like a missile met the bear in midair....."You are mine!!!!!" He had learned aerial acrobatics alongisde his mother who was known for her devil may care recklessness while flying and he would have made her proud as he fought the bear, his tail was a weapon he soon figured out and he used it to his advantage as well a shis talons and his breathweapon, by the time he got done that bear would be nothing more than a chunk of blackened carbon.:::

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Brimstone had vaulted off Onxy’s back, merely waving her off as he ran towards the ranch house to check on Megan. He screeched to a stop when he reached the doorway, seeing that Ashmire had her in headlock, her arm pinned behind her back.


Instinct kicked in. He rushed inside and backhanded the brat right into the wall. In a second move he grabbed ahold of Megan as she spun about, scooping her up into his arms. “Kid, yer gonna give me heartburn.”


“Put Me Down!” Megan snarled back.


“In a minute.” He looked about, then took the stairs in much the same way Blue had carried her a few minutes earlier. He deposited her on her bed. “Stay,” he commanded.


“I don’t think so,” Megan spat back.


“I do.” He stepped through the doorway, then dragged the heavy wood dresser into the doorway. Megan threw herself into the dresser, attempting to pull the furniture away from the entranceway, and failing miserably.


BS nodded, convinced that it would hold her in, then vaulted over the railing to land heavily on the first floor. Leaving Ashmire crumpled on the floor, he thundered back out into the ‘driveway’, bringing one of the longer rifles up to bear on the chaos of magic and lazers. “Teeth and toenails,” he swore softly as he tried to get a clear shot.


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Sara merely flicked her eyes quickly towards Brimstone before shifting her attention back to the bears. As Arturia shot up towards the bears, Sara had slammed up a ward. It wasn’t easy; she had to weave a spell that accommodated both the Vashtalian guard and the mutants within the ward.

Frankly it was pretty much woven with verbal chewing gum and bailing wire. She hadn’t had a chance to test it yet, and this exactly wasn’t the circumstances she wanted to try it under. Of course she wanted to know Why she was even forced to do so to begin with. “What did you do, Brimstone?” she snarled.

“Unearthed genetically engineered insane celestial bears?” He wasn’t going to mince words right now.

“Great,” she snapped back.

“And they seem to hone in on bad people.”

At that Sara had to smirk. “Went after you, did they?”

“Yeah, but then they started takin’ off fer points unknown.”

Sara’s gaze narrowed on the bears. “Well I don’t think they’re goin’ after the rabbits. They would’ve gone after the ones closer to the edge of the caldera first.” Then it hit her. “Ashmire.”

“That’d be my guess,” the wanna be cowboy finally got a clear shot and let loose a volley, the recoil kicking him hard in the shoulder. “I knocked ‘im out. They’re gonna hafta go through us at get ‘im.”

The Soothsayer’s lips curled up in a snarl. "I’m inclined to leave the murderous rat for the bears to have.”

“Not when he’s got a budding family to support.”

Sara snorted, knowing that Ash was getting support from all over and that he wasn’t doing much monetarily to keep his family solvent. Still every resource was needed to feed the brood. With more resolve she began to reinforced the ward.


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The fight in the air was a swarming mess. Arturia’s attack had indeed wound one of the bears, but instead of being devoured by it’s teammates, the bears formed up around the injured bruin. A bright white light beamed from the center mass before the bears separated once again. The wound was healed with only the slash through the thick fur and a bright red mark denoting where the blade had gone through.


The bears then shot apart only to circle round on Arturia, pummeling her with a plethora of plasma shots.




The duo set of bears that descended on the ranch house were like missiles. The eyes of the one Blue chose to meet began to glow, followed by a thick laser blast that looked as it might blast into the house….


Only to be deflected by Sara’s ward just as Blue hit the beast with a wall of fire.


It looked as if it might have killed the bear as smoke and ash billowed out from the location. But then the bear shot out of the blast zone and slammed right into Blue, tearing into him with, matching the mutant dragon with as much ferocity as Blue was bringing to the table, sinking jaws and claws into his flesh.


The second bear tried to zap through the guardsman’s shield before it bodily slammed into it. The impact shuddered the framework of the house before the bruin slid off the shield to land into the courtyard behind the house. It shook it’s head, stunned, before spotting Ashmire through the window. It bellowed wildly before smashing through the window to get at the unconscious mutant.


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((Actually Arturia had left the bruin behind to be finished off by her own teammates rather than the other bruins but I guess the other bears could have gotten to it first.))

Several of the other guardsmen guarding the household converged on the Bear attacking blue before it was able to do much damage. Arturia for her part had teleported out of the group of Bruin before the shots hit but she wasn't sure if they would just hit each other with their own crossfire or not. The Dragoon pulling Blue from the fray. "I thought Lady Onyx had told you to stay put little one. Your idiotic recklessness will end up getting you killed and I for one do not wish to be the one to explain it to your mother. Now stay put and stay close to Sara and the other casters within the war."

Arturia had quirked a brow then one of the earrings in her ear giving a few faint flashes before she yelled out. "Reinforcements will be arriving in five minutes as soon as they finish gathering! Let's wrap this up before they get here, I wish to prove to them that the forces stationed here are able to handle anything that can be thrown at them. By the will of Asmod shall these creatures burn amongst his flames..."

Then almost as an immediate response from all the soldiers around even as they continued the fight. "...And shall they be torn apart by Vashtalia's fangs." Then it was back to the fight for Arturia taking her blade and impaling one Bruin's head from behind before joining her squadmates again further up in the air.

As for the bear diving after Ashmire? Well it would hit a secondary barrier just as a couple of the priestesses and mages on duty made their way into the house. Four more priestesses had gathered around Sara before casting their own Barrier to assist the soothsayer. The multi-layered barrier system being cast expanding to encompass the household, pushing that one pesky bear back out the window only to be finished off by the Guardsman from earlier.

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::Blue had mentally shut down his eyes glazed over like his mother and not listening to everything he bellowed and stomped the ground with his feet he let loose a wall of flame that encircled and then with his head down like a bulls he run straight for the line, he didnt care anymore he was beyond pissed he was going to kill the blood lust was upon the young mutant and nothing short of knocking him out was going to stop him. He was bleeding from a few light wounds but they werent getting inside to Megan and they sure as hell werent going to hurt his daddy. Blue's wings were folded up on his back he seemed to be going for the bears on the ground hisbreathweapon firing out at times as wanted them good and pissed as he was then he would tear them apart piece by piece just to hear them scream something black was crystallizing inside of Blue's heart.:::::

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Unfortunately for Blue at least one of the layers of the barrier that was cast and currently being maintained by the priestesses assisting Sara was designed to keep physical matter from entering or leaving the perimeter of the barrier. As a result, the young one would end up slamming into the barrier himself if he didn't slow down or notice that his flame was being stopped by it. While Blue was going on his tirade though two guardsmen who had remained within the barrier were on their way over to calm down or otherwise detain the young Dragonling. That is, if one of the first order mages who had remained within the barrier as well didn't cast a heavy sleep spell on the little mutant with the assistance of one of the Priestesses who was not involved in maintaining the barrier or helping to combat the flying bears.

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Meanwhile Megan had been venting, and actually making progress. Her first instinct was to punch the furniture, but she managed to stay her hand, knowing she would probably crush every bone in her arm. So she reverted to weaponry. It turned out that Defender made a pretty damn good ax and she cleaved the dresser in twain in under two minutes. A few grunts and angry shoves and she managed to make a gap just big enough to accommodate her lithe frame (okay scrawny frame). She squeezed through the frayed fragments of furniture and tumbled into the hallway.

One could almost hear the Mighty Mouse theme song as she charged down the staircase, just in time to see the most bizarre sight. Ash was out on the floor and looking to be lunch because this huge-ass bear was clamoring through the window, snarling to get him. Megan raised her sword, but then suddenly a wave of tingling pressure washed through the building, catapulting the bear right back out the window…

Unfortunately it hit Megan as well. Her whole side went numb when she realized it was a magic ward. That was when she threw up before collapsing into a puddle of scrambled mutant nerves.


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It was bruin mayhem outside. Bears were buzzing like gigantic furry bees as they spun and slashed at the Dragoon forces, backed by the mutant firepower. Granted the ranch’s forces were winning, but not quickly. The bears would either dive or dodge attackers. If three or more bears got together, they emitted some sort of celestial force field that deflected shots (which made Brimstone cuss up a blue streak in several languages). Glancing blows just seemed to piss the bears off even more, and at the speed the battle was running at, many such blows did seem to just miss the mark, if just by a hair.

Still the intrepid band was making progress. Brimstone was reduced to widening the beam on the rifle to hit the bears, knocking them off stride long enough for a Dragoon to land a killing blow. Sara likewise changed tactics, letting the mage forces keep their more stable wards up around the house while she switched to the offensive. Much like Brimstone she lacked the speed to cast a direct hit, so she did a wide range stun, causing the bears to pause, shaking their shaggy manes, but proving to be not much more than standing targets for the attacking Vashtalian forces.

But Sara was waning quickly. As much as she wanted to prove herself, she still was very weak, and only human. After several volleys, she found herself suddenly dizzy and gasping for breath as her efforts left her shaking in the knees. Then down she went…


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One's humanity would prove to not be much of a handicap as there were several human mages outside the barrier providing anti-air support for the aerial combat squadron. Spells of various elements being sent into a batch of bears before exploding, sending smaller shards into the bears while the rest of the shards would merely dissipate upon not contacting anything.

Arturia flying to and from between the bears, mainly working on keeping them scattered as much as she can but whenever she found an opening and chance to take a bear out in a single attack she took it

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::Blue was furious after having noticed he couldnt get out so the bears couldnt get in really and that his flames were more likely to cause friendly fire than anything else he stopped but he was still furious his eyes glazed like his mother's whenever she was outgunned and feeling cornered and then quite suddenly Blue went completely still before emitting a strangled yelp and then collapsed on the ground, his blade still emitting the strange twanging sound that had knocked the boy out cold. His wings were flat out on either side of him he looked like a wasp that had been stomped on. The boy would be of no use now nor would he be an interference.::::

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