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Winter Wonderland!


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At Junior's declaration Onyx and Serenity had both turned to look at Karla and shouted in unison.  "Karla!"


Of course at this she just shouted back.  "Oh don't even start you two you know that our surveillance magic can find out a lot of things and all it told me was that this thing is high in magic.  You know, like just about every single individual out there that practices magic as a profession.  How was I supposed to figure out that this thing is effectively a being of pure magic energy nearly on the same level as the spirits of our world?  To be honest I would think that you two should have been able to figure that part out a lot sooner!"


Then just as Onyx was about to argue back Drac yelled out at them causing the three to stand at attention and face him.  "Girls! This is neither the time nor the place!  Karla you go assist the others since your job here is done.  Onyx and Serenity see what you can do to cut off its access to the ley line here.  Since it has been following that line on the way up here maybe it can be diverted away from this place."


"Yes sir!"  The three in questing giving a small salute before going about their assigned duties.

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::Siren simply stayed in protection mode around Junior. She gave him a position where he was guarded and safe if he wished to reach out to the creature again. Her eyes were zeroed in on this goat as he vanished and reappeared in front of B.S.....She didn't know what was going to happen next but she was convinced it wouldn't be good.::::




::Blue looked up from where he  was hidden in the Old Woman's shadow and watched as this "Krampus" directly confronted his Grandpa Brimstone. The creature's visage caused a shudder to run through him. He was so scared he was frozen in place as his usually logical mind began to fill with horrible visions and confusion. He was silently and valiantly trying to get his brain to work but it refused and so he sat there almost trembling in pure fear.::::::

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(Time to start wrapping this up, which would be a first if we did this during the actual season its occurring in...)


BS shouted over his shoulder at Brynhildr's question.  "Not sure.  Tested it on minor incantations, not mystical....."  Before he could finish he felt the deep chilly blast as the monster teleported right in front of him.  The mutant snapped his head back around, realizing that not only was he woefully unarmed as he'd Thought it would have been a peaceful night and hadn't been packing any weaponry (besides where Do you hide a shotgun in a Santa suit?), but that it was too close.  Even if he were able to taze or stab the thing, the horned monster probably could snap his neck before succumbing to any wound, provided BS could wound him.  As it was the defensive team was out of reach as they had scattered looking for the main mana line to snuff out the magic, and possibly the Krampus, but it would be too late for it to do any good for the empath. 


For Brimstone, this was a moment of truth as it were.  He wouldn't let any of his charges get hurt; not while he was standing on two legs.  He did look over his shoulder once more.  "... run... he mouthed before turning back to the Krampus, determined to stand his ground, giving all those behind him and in the bar a chance to escape....




The Old Lady saw BS mouth those words, and it did seem for a second that she might do so.  Instead she remained at the doorway, hiding Blue behind her as she brought her staff up in a defensive posture.  It was unclear what she could do, but she seemed determined enough to stand her ground.



Junior couldn't do much of anything, not with Siren wrapped around him, nearly smothering him in her frosty hide.  All he could do was feel the emotions tumbling all around him: fear, hatred, loathing, terror; all a jumble in his brain, threatening to overwhelm him.  It was only by application of techniques that he'd studied from all his mentors was he able to keep it together....




Theron was trying to keep the merchants quiet and calm.  He'd seen the monster teleport out of two containments now.  He might be able to draw a bow against the beast, but he had no arrow with any charms or spells attached, and he doubted that just a mere shaft of wood could do any damage, much less slow it down.  For now he would keep the people he'd rounded up calm and out of sight, tucked up behind one of the buildings, until he could find a way to escape.  The only portal he knew of was inside the bar, and currently the horned monster was standing in front of the door, with only Brimstone blocking the way as the rest were still inside the structure.  If anything, he needed to lure it away.


Commanding the gaggle of shoppers to remain hidden, Theron began to creep out from behind the buildings, slowly nocking his arrow, looking to get at least a shot off and perhaps intice the monster to follow him back down into the wood, and away from civilians....




The Krampus was still staring down at the imitation Santa, using one of his talons to make the bell at the end of the Santa hat jingle.  It seemed to snarl at the sound, but then it shrugged a shoulder as it reached around, pulling the wicker basket from his back and setting it on the ground.........








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Dracon had remained near BS the entire time actually even after he had given his orders to the other three.  For the time being though he was just watching things play out even as Serenity and Onyx could be heard behind him quietly chanting, various circles appearing and disappearing around them as they worked in tandem to find which spirits in the area that would be willing to help do what they intended to do which was to deny the Krampus of the energy it is using.  All in all it was more of a negotiation than any legitimate spellcrafting given the tone of their voices even if they were speaking in the dragons' native language.


While they worked on that however Drac just had Karla toss him the unlit yule log that Brimstone referred to earlier and, using a fire spell to light it up, tossed it into the wicker basket that the Krampus put down while at the same time pulling BS away from the creature and behind him.

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I pulled Bob the skull from my backpack, the eye sockets already ablaze with the orange glow of the wind spirit.


”Harry I would like to reiterate that this whole thing stinks of Mab  I have told you everything I know about the Krampus, but this is a creature of Faerie or some Demon...”


”Bob!” I interjected. “I just saw Lady Amphitrite.”


”Don’t be silly Harry, she doesn’t leave Avalon.  Queen Mab wouldn’t allow it,” Bob said with an air of finality.


”I know that Bob... but she is here with some sort of Viking...” I had a a growing suspicion that the Queen of Winter had sent me in her knight’s errant.  Bob reacted to the word Viking and looked around.


”Harry... that man is what Mab used against her to gain her power...”


”So, this Krampus was if Norse folklore and Mab sent it to kill the warrior? But why would Mab send me...” I didn’t finish the thought aloud.  I knew what Mab wanted and I still had my free will and was not about to do it.


i tucked Bob back into my pack and pushed forward to see if these locals could get the Queen of Winter’s beast under control.  


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(Seems folks got lost so lemme just wrap this up a bit)


The Krampus pouted, seeing it's wicker basket now in flames as the dragon lord pitched the yule log into it.  He leveled a gaze at Dracon that said that it was more irked than incensed.  He gave a sigh, rolled his eyes, then once again dissolved in a flurry of snow and ash, this time to appear behind Brimstone.  He clamped his thickly- taloned paws on the mutant's shoulder and spun him around to face him.  


Brimstone was sure he was a goner.


But instead of attacking, or slashing him, or gutting him, or doing any sort of damage; the monster sighed again before gesturing with an upturned paw.  Again a flurry of cold and ash and magic and a box appeared in its paw.  A present, wrapped in gold paper, approximately the size of a Rubic's cube, garnished with a red ribbon and velvet red bow.


Brimstone blinked.  Pretty much everyone blinked.  The mutant hesitantly reached out, especially as the beast gestured with a shoulder roll, extending it's arm out further.  The box seemed very light in his hand as he once again looked up into the horrible visage. The Krampus snorted, gave a curt nod, then vanished, leaving BS with his prize.....




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Drac simply shrugged.  He had been about to just teleport BS out of there when that Krampus thing just gave him a present and left without further incident.  Now he felt kinda bad about setting its basket on fire but then figured nothing to be done about it now anyway.  So for now he just turned to his daughters.  "Well I guess that ended up being a bit of a false alarm.  You three can return home but one of you should probably head to BS's place just to check on the others that had returned earlier.  Siren and Junior you two accompany whichever of these three decide to go.  I'll stick around here to help clean up."


The three in question merely gave a unified acknowledgement to Dracon's words with a simple 'yes sir' and light salute before discussing among themselves to see who should be the one stuck on follow-up duty to BS's place.  Maybe the mutants were starting to rub off on them a tiny bit as the discussion quickly devolved into a rock-paper-scissors match to determine who went.  With said match ended up resulting in Serenity having the "honor" of checking up BSs place as the first one out with her going with paper while, oddly enough, her two younger sisters ended up going with scissors making her quirk a brow at the two, clearly suspecting them of some sort of foul play, before just letting out a small sigh.  


Afterwards she just turned to Siren and Junior.  "Well I guess I'm ready to go if you two are."

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::Seeing that the krampus had vanished and knowing she needed to check on her nephew before heading back to the castle, Siren had changed forms and was busy smoothing creases out of her dress. She looked up when she heard Serenity and nodding she led the way to the door out and turning to Brimstone she said quite clearly.."Brimstone please my remove my name from your guest list. I don't wish to ever go through something like that again any time in the near future.::::





::Blue was released from his paralyzing fear when the Krampus vanished but he hustled forward wanting to go with his Aunt to check on his brother. He was worried about Dante being almost alone in that old bar."May I come as well Lady Serenity? I too am worried about my brother and I am sure his teacher will need a way back as well. He motioned to the Old Woman still standing in the doorway.::::

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Brimstone just stood there, holding the golden package in his palm.  Perhaps he thought it was a trick; surely the monstrous beast wanted him dead and this was just a fake out.  There was a bomb inside, there had to be.  He finally moved, finding it difficult to do so since he'd almost seized up with fear, but he finally turned, realizing that he had a bar to attend to.  "It's okay now," his voice cracked as he tried to raise the volume.  'Show's over.  Monster's gone.  We can go back to celebrating now."  He headed to the wall safe, opening the combo lock, removed what little funds he had inside, and place the package in the center shelf before locking the safe once again.  He'd deal with it later.


But it seemed the party was winding down.  He had a feeling it would.  Nothing like a terrifying Christmas monster to take the wind out of his celebratory sails.  At least Drac was staying and the mutant handed him a stein of spiced ale.  "Thanks," he muttered to the defacto leader of the mutant clan before turning to the rest of the bar.  "Next rounds are on me," he announced, hoping to soothe any ruffled feathers. 


Sounded like Siren was already ruffled, and he couldn't blame her.  It seemed that every party he threw had an 'incident'.  Maybe he was trying too hard.


Junior was finally able to breathe, now that the wash of emotions had subsided since the Krampus vanished.  His head still hurt, but it wasn't the blinding pain from before.  He made his way back up the path, following Siren back up to the bar, wobbling a little as he tried to keep his balance.



The Old Lady had finally relaxed a little as well, seeing that the major threat had disappeared.  Perhaps she even looked a little disappointed but she Was  a little concerned for Dante.   It was also nice that Blue wanted to include her into their little jaunt back to the original Bar and Grill in Rhydin.  Pursing her lips a little, she made her way over to the forming away party.  "If it's not too much trouble," she asked.



Now that the threat was gone, Theron allowed the merchants and customers from the bazaar to head back to their shops and shopping.  Quite a few of them didn't look like they wanted to do much of either, and that was sad to see.  Brimstone had worked so hard to organize this and it was heartbreaking to see all his good intentions go tumbling down the gutters....




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Serenity had merely nodded to the old lady and Blue indicating that it was no trouble at all to escort them back and soon enough the party had taken their leave of the building.  Karla and Onyx simply bowing to those remaining before taking their leave as well.


Once the others had left Dracon had just taken a drink from the mug that BS placed in front of him.  "Well, that was a thing.  One thing is for sure your parties tend to keep people on their toes.  Surprised Megan or Sara didn't show up though.  I figured at least one of them would have made an appearance."

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I watched as the man took the package proffered to him by the Krampus and then vanished.  So, maybe Mab wasn’t up to her old tricks.  But Amphitrite is here and not frozen somewhere under one of Mab’s spells, and Mab did send me here.  

I groaned as I got up and made for the building where the people had retreated.  I hated being Winter’s Knight, but as an angel had been kind enough to remind me I still have free will no matter what Mab does, she can’t take that away.  

I decided to see if there was anything good to drink in the bar like Mack’s homemade ale.  If I was able to figure out a way to keep Amphitrite from becoming one of Mab’s many prisoners, then we could say mission complete and go back to Chicago. 

As I entered the bar, the smell of Christmas wafted over me.  My last interaction with Father Christmas had been beneficial to me in a battle, but I was in no mood to deal with the Hunt.  

I watched the Viking settle in next to Amphitrite and made my way to a stool as far away as possible.  I waited for a bartender and ordered myself an ale.  Ignoring the grumblings that had started in my stomach, I took out my pencil and notepad and began to make notes.  


Brynhildr was beginning to feel better with excitement ended, and some water into her system.  She smiled up to Volund as he returned to the stool next to her.  He returned the smile as he settled and ordered up another drink. 

“It is good to see you are alive and well,” he started.  “I thought I’d lost you...” he stammered and stuttered to an addendum to his statement. “We Looked for you, but we didn’t find anything.  Bulwyvfe said he saw a mermaid,” he chuckled, taking a sip of his ale. 

Brynhilder shrugged.  “Well, he did see my mother, whom the Celts call the Lady of the Lake or one of the four Queens of Avalon, a land of Faeries.” 

He watched her face for signs telling of lies, but every word she spoke was the truth or what she believed to be the truth. When she had finished, he was not sure what to say and was betrayed by his expression.

”Goddess of the water, ” she added. ”That is what many know her as. I have much to tell you.”


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Brimstone gave a long sigh as Dracon pretty much describe Every event he'd thrown since his arrival here so many years ago.  "Yeah," he groaned.  "Really need to find out why that keeps happening.  Maybe I've got some sort of celebratory curse hefted on me."  It was a jest, but at times it seemed so.  He plunked a mug of mead in front of the one-time Vashtalian king.  "Megan's been feeling a little bloated. Think she'll drop in about 4-6 months... right on schedule.  I'm guessing her and Sara are holed up somewhere, probably at the Ranch, riding things out until the baby comes due."  He was glad that the duo hadn't shown.  He didn't need either of them stressed out.  (tags Dracon)


The mutant clapped Drac's shoulder before moving on to the rest of the bar.  A few had left, but it seemed there were a few left over.  First stop was to the disheveled wizard in the corner.  "Hey," he started. "Thanks for pitching in out there.  Seems like something crashes the party every year... never had one give me a present though."  he scratched under the Santa hat a moment.  "I saw you slinging some magic out there.  Figure I'd warn you though... the bar's been warded.  Might give ya a bit of a shock if you try.  Not sure how it would affect your friend."  He tossed his head toward where "Bob" resided in the pouch.  "Saw you talking to 'im outside.  If he's mojoed, might wanna keep him safe in the bag.'  He smiled a bit.  "Now that I've got all that out of the way, whatcha hankerin' for?  I've got a decent batch of meade, heavier stuff behind the bar.  Everyone's been digging into the roast beast and no complaints so far.  Think we still have some hot-cross buns too."   (Tags Dresden)



Once he got the wizards order, he'd move on to the Viking and his friend. "You all okay?  Wasn't quite what I had planned for the day but at least it ended up okay.  Another round of meade and beast?  Or more of the Figgy Pudding?" (tags Brynhildr and Volund)


After that order, he'd move on to see if the girls were still game  (tags Zinda, Dani, and Molly)












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