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Vashtalian Rebirth: Coronation


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OOC Note:  Well since we seem to be in a bit of a lull here, as I have no idea where everyone went, maybe it's about time I got the coronation ceremony for Saarith and Rubia out of the way.  For the humanoid population this would probably double as a wedding ceremony as well as this is pretty much when the two would be officially recognized as a pair as well.  Keep in mind that this takes place before most of the other threads including the Discussion of Doom as well as happening before Siren and Junior's visit to the Academy in Berulan.  This will, however, be taking place shortly after the previous Vashtalian Rebirth thread obviously.  So without further ado let us begin shall we?



It was definitely a time of high spirits across the nation of Vashtalia.  In fact it was barely a week after the ceremony/festival which refreshed the various protective wards throughout the nation and just as the festivities from that event were beginning to wind down preparations for yet another set of festivities was just beginning to be completed as it approached the day of yet another major event.  After all it wasn't every day, or even every thousand years for that matter, that a new King and High Priestess ascended.  While most were indeed quite shocked at the announcement barely a week prior that Lord Dracon and Lady Serenity were stepping down from their respective stations neither was it entirely unexpected.  In fact everyone knew that it would have to happen eventually just no one expected it to happen within a thousand years of Lord Dracon ascending the throne himself when past reigns lasted well into the hundreds of thousands of years.  Even the older generations of the humanoid population weren't expecting such a thing to occur during their lifetimes rather they expected they themselves would be long passed from this world before a change in Vashtalian leadership would occur.


Such as it was there were various stalls setup all throughout the area that was normally designated for use as practice fields for the members of the Vashtalian Military.  In all actuality however these were indeed the same stalls that were set up for the previous festivities their owners deciding that there was no point in taking everything down just for a couple days only to put everything back up and this was how things stood on this day, Day 3 of the Month of Vakil year 758,507 in accordance with the Vashtalian Calendar.  For the most part the actual festival "area" was mostly empty, the majority of attendees having filtered into the castle itself for the coronation ceremony. 


In particular everyone was in the main audience hall and each floor from the main floor to the third floor balconies looked to be quite occupied although no so much that the members of the Dragoon and Royal Guard units normally stationed there were not able to conduct their business.  Dracon, Serenity, and Clawrift were near the throne.  Melissa was standing near them as well in her capacity of Dragoon Commander silently looking over the crowd for any potential trouble.  Up front were seated members of the Solem'Cleavu family not standing with Dracon, Melissa, and Serenity those being Vaelen ((OOC note:  name changed from Draco)), Onyx, Karla'ngel.  The remaining seating being marked as reserved for friends of the Royal Family, in other words the Mutant Clan mostly but there were a couple others seated in the row as well namely Duke Atrial and Weapons' Master Prier Il'Kilan from Lahnia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course most the mutant vanguard was there.  Not that there wasn’t a long discussion beforehand, mainly by Brimstone himself, demanding, arguing, and pleading for everyone going to behave themselves.  Megan had insisted on going, along with the Elder Aurora, the duo having formed a rather strange friendship, or perhaps it was more respect for each other in their own measure.  Whatever the means, Brimstone was glad that the duo not only had dressed for the occasion, in waterflow dresses of yellow for the aged mutant, and orange for the heir apparent; the latter helping the older misplaced matriarch towards the seating arraignment.  Brimstone himself had stuffed himself in the Vashtalian official robes of the sciences (whatever theme that is, I forget).  They didn’t itch, heck they were actually comfortable, but BS still fidgeted.


Of course this was normal for most folks, the changing of the guard as it were, but to the clan, it was downright foreign.  Save for the one-time cybernetic cowboy’s slightly underhanded way of passing the crown of leadership to Drac, most ascensions to the thrown were a bit… spry.  Bloody even.  Though Megan would have had the title by lineage, it was more likely than not that she would have to make a show of force if she wanted that target painted on her back.  Drac’s postion actually threw a monkey -wrench in that; would she have to knock his block off to take the reins one day?  BS didn’t think so, but so far the ruler and would be rule-ee hadn’t squared off for the spot.


 In fact it seemed that everyone was fine and happy about it.. except maybe the old lady, though even she of late didn’t seem As disgruntled by the fact that a non- mutie was leading the show.  She seemed more irked about Militants sharing the same air that she breathed.  Not that he could blame her but she sure could be stubborn.  Even now she was looking about to see if any of those “scum” had come to witness the shift in power.  He was so glad that Megan had a good grip on the old lady’s arm.




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::Star was there with Ashmire looking like the proverbial ice princess in a flowing gown of  crystal blue silk. her white hair pulled up into a braid coronet atop her head. She had her brood firmly in hand as the children were scrubbed clean and wearing their sunday best as it were. She pinched Ashmire's elbow discreetly as she inclined her head in acknowledment of Brimstone as well as the royal family and the elder aurora and Megan. She than steered her brood of disgruntled and brooding little ones to their seats and with a warning glare they slumped into the seats quietly. There was no room for playing when Momma Star held court. She nodded to her younger sister who was seated with Junior and fairly vibrating with excitement.::::



::Siren was thrumming with excitement.."Oh Junior this is so exciting! Can you imagine! We are actually going to see a coronation! Ahh!  Do I look alright? My robes are clean and straight right?" She whirled around checking her robes and brushing off imaginary pieces of lint and dust. Her brown hair had been curled and then the curls pulled up in the back and anchoned in place with a large gold and ivory comb then the curls had been artfully arranged to fall around the comb in a waterfall  look. She was  holding Junior's hand and sparkling with youthful exuberance.:::

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  • 3 weeks later...



Ashmire hadn’t been exactly keen on the whole idea of attending the coronation.  For one he was a thief; it was how he made his bread and butter, and while he had kept his activities out of Vashtalian business and holdings, he still always had that sensation of being observed by “the Law”.  Then there were the kids.  He knew how fidgety his brood could get under normal circumstances, never mind a stuffy and proper event such as this.  Oh they might overlook some squabbling in the pews, but he didn’t want to show his brood in a bad light.  HE might be on the sly but if one or more of his kids wanted to remain on the up and up, getting in a rolling fist fight in the bleachers because they were board wouldn’t look good.


At least he’d tried to get them to dress up.  He himself had managed to find a tux buried in Brimstone’s horde.  It was about a size too large (not that mutants were apt to be any sort of large, being lithe and small by nature) and was mostly crushed velvet (Ash suspected he that the empath had raided a 70’s retro closet store, or more likely bought one out, or perhaps was flat out given one) which made him run too warm as well.  As it was he was rounding up children.  Shrike was getting a bit too large, the metallic dragon having to part at the end of the row, laid out like some ginormous hound.  She had dressed herself as any young girl would, adorn with pink frill and a paper unicorn horn held in place on her brow with a bit of string, likewise adorn in pink and glitter.  Even her toenails were painted to match, toenails that were now scratching at the ruff collar, finding it quite annoying (though how she could feel it on her steel hide was a wonder.)  Clyde had joined them as well in his human guise, something his sister didn’t have an option to do.  He was wearing a corduroy suit, also unearthed in the same closet that Ash had gotten his ensemble from.  At least Clyde was cooler in matching rust colored short pants, and was entertained enough with his sketchbook.

In sharp contract was Bonnie.  At least she was leaving her brother alone.  Her attention was on the red ruffles that mirrored Shrike’s, though more a vibrant and softer material that what itchy tulle would be like.  She had managed to gouge several rips in the satin material and was nearly hang-noosing herself with the remnants, getting madder and madder as the process became more difficult.  Ash was trying his best to free her but he sure didn’t want to get eviscerated by one of those talons.  They had been painted midnight black and looked doubly fierce.  All the while he was trying to dodge Star’s gaze, hoping that she wouldn’t blow up in the middle of things as well.







Junior was vibrating as well.  Not only was he excited in general, her energy was feeding into his and he was doing his best to remain calm.  At least it wasn’t a strenuous event, but there clearly was a buzz in the air, one that he could almost swim in.  And it wasn’t just Siren.  It seemed the whole hall was abuzz and Junior could almost make out individual sensations from different people.  He could well imagine what his uncle Brimstone was going through, the older mutant being more attune to emotions than Junior could even aspire to.


Still he held Siren’s hand tight.  << You look fine>> he insisted, a bit too nervous to try to speak out lout, afraid that he would stutter.  She Did look fine.  More than fine even.  In his eyes, she was ever beautiful.  


 Like Ashmire, he’d borrowed the robes.  In fact he still had the borrowed robes from their short visit to her homeland.  He should have been warm like his fellow mutants, but he was practicing his spells as well, dropping the temperature tightly enough around him to keep himself air conditioned.  He didn’t nearly look as radiant as she did, but he wasn’t slumming it either.





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  • 2 weeks later...

:::Dante watched all the hubub and activity as he sat back with his siblings who he knew were not happy at being stuffed into frilly dresses and starched collared shirts. He didnt mind much and he made sure he was wearing his pendant as he looked around to see if he could spot Helaine. She was his moon and stars and he bet she looked like the princess she undoubtly was. He had put his black greatcoat on and it swirled around his feet. He had made sure he was dressed up and ready to be an equal partner to his darling Helaine.::::




::Blue was wearing his miltant regimentals and he had earned a few stripes and medals that were pinned to his coat as he sat with Brimstone instead of with his siblings and he noticed his brother all dashing as he searched about for the beautiful Helaine. His brother was besotted the poor fool. He was doomed to be another link in the horse whipped family line. Blue wondered how his girl was doing back in the gnome village at the bar.::::


::Star counted heads and pinpointed Blue with his grandfather and fluffed Bonnie's hair a little while fixing a crease in Dante's cape. She beamed a smile of approval at Shrike who was radiant in her gown and winked at Clyde to give him the boost ofconfidence the young drake needed. Nebula was checked for clean hands and face as she sat on her father's lap. Sure that all was a sit should be Star finally settled herself down. The dragoness was always on the go.::::




::Siren watched her sister flit around checking her young ones and said in awhisper to Junior...."Remind me we are to have only one brood. I do not want to end up like that." She just shook her head in wonder as she cuddled up next to Junior to watch the coronation.::::

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Claw for his part was idly scanning the crowd waiting on others, notably the Militant guard representatives, to arrive so that he could signal for things to begin.  Invitations were sent out but no response was received from that particular group yet.  Although when his eyes passed over Junior and Siren a brief look did cross his face wondering why those two were not wearing their dress uniforms as mage order trainees as proper protocol would dictate they do in this situation but in the end he just shrugged and continued looking over the crowd.

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 Dante wouldn’t have to wait lone as Prier and her sister followed in behind the Duke to take their places as well.  Helaina was in springtime yellow, her dark tresses making her look very much like a Dark-Eye Susan floating through the hall.  She only offered the briefest of glances to her boy toy, blushing a bit before hitching up her skirts as she sat,   She was growing up as well, maybe not as fast as Dante and his brood, but she had lost her baby fat and was just beginning to look like the woman she was destined to become.





The Militants finally did show, perhaps a bit rushed but the Colonel and his thin entourage showed in their dress blues and all the ribbons and pips and medals as befitting their various statuses.  The Colonel had even started to drift towards Brimstone, seeing a familiar face that wasn’t too close to the dais, but then spotted the elder Aurora, just as the wizened mutant spotted him.  There was a definite increase of tension in the air, enough to even make Junior’s head swivel around.  The Colonel pulled up, then redirected his “brood”, picking the seat at the other end of the room.


Crisis averted, for now.



For as grown up as Junior was, when Siren mentioned broods, he all but turned beet red with embarrassment.  Even his mental reply studdered. <<Y..yes.. Yes dear…>>  Perhaps he was a little concerned with a stray thought he picked up, one that made him look to his suit.  It was too late to change so he would probably have to face whatever music he was due after the festivities were over. 


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With Junior's reaction to Siren they both would find Claw looking their way.  Specifically though the old mage was looking at Siren even as a small note popped into view and landed on her lap simply stating "Behave young one."  Once the rest of the guests who were specifically invited, namely the Colonel and his entourage, showed up though he merely cleared his throat to get peoples' attention.  This action however was amplified so that everyone currently attending the ceremony in the audience hall could hear him and once the general murmur from the crowd died down he began.


"This day shall mark the return to an old tradition that was broken by the Rhydinian-Vashtalian war some few hundred years ago.  On this day we shall see the transfer of leadership from our current King Lord Dracon of the Red Dragon Clan Solem'Cleavu and our Current High Priestess, his daughter, the Lady Serenity from the same clan to those that will restore one of our most basic traditions of leadership and return these roles to their proper place of belonging to a mated Dragoon and Priestess pair.  Filling these roles from this day forward will be Lord Saarith of the Red Dragon Clan Solem'Cleavu, Eldest prince of this nation and the chosen Priestess from our Holy Order the Lady Rubia from the Red Dragon clan Sol'Fla..."


At that moment Melissa would step forward.  "Lord Saarith through Trial-by-Combat, through his years of service within the Dragoon forces commanding the 1st squadron, and by right of lineage..."  The dragoon commander/former reborn angelic warrior punctuating her statement with the loud clack of the butt-end of her halberd being hit against the stonework of the floor.


Then it was Serenity's turn to step forward.  "...and Lady Rubia through her deeds and assistance with the evacuation of all Vashtalian non-combat personnel during the Rhydinian military's invasion of our sacred soil during the war as well as her own unrivaled dedication to the Vashtalian Military's holy order division..."


Last it was Dracon's turn to step forward as well.  "Let the two come forward and claim what is theirs by deed and birthright!"


Melissa calling out then, her voice amplified by the magics surrounding the area they were standing in.  "All members of the Vashtalian Military Forces!  Stand at attention and let us welcome our new incoming King and High Priestess!"


As if they were a single unit every member of the Dragoon, Regular Military, Guard, Scout, Holy Order, and Mage Order divisions whether full-fledged member or trainee, or even whether or not they were on duty or off, all stood up then faced the central aisle.  Afterwards every one of them held their right fist to their chest and gave a slight bow.  Even Dracon and the others performed the actions in unison with the rest although Claw did make sure to give a pointed look at Junior and Siren indicating that they too should follow suit as Mage Order trainees.  Then as if on cue two loud roars would echo in the hall as Saarith and Rubia would make their way in.  Both dressed in standard Vashtalian Military garb of black long sleeved tunic, pants, and boots all trimmed in purest crimson with bits of gold tactfully placed on their uniforms as well.  The only difference between the two being the insignias on the right breasts of their tunics indicating their respective divisions and ranks.


Only when the pair had made their way to the central area did all the military personnel stand at ease before seating once again except for those that were still on duty who simply went back to their duties.

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It was easy to do, the whole mentality of the room commanded respect and genuflection, even if it wasn’t spoke out loud.  Of course Junior followed suit, even clasping his hand across his chest, mimicking those around him.


In fact if Drac looked around the room, he would see most of the mutants following suit.  Brimstone lead the way at his end of the row, looking as solemn and respectful as any other in the room. Megan followed suit, looking quite pensive.  The old Lady Aurora was a hold out.  Oh she stood, and she did nod in agreement, but her arms were clasped behind her back, clearly in dissention.  Defiant as he kind ever was.


She stood up, the dragon taking up a good space between the isle and the wall, then dipped her head low as the future Kind and Queen made their way down the isle.  Bonnie however was more attentive.  Baby Strike did lift her head for a moment, curious as to why everyone was standing, but soon was back to tugging on the frilled collar.  On the other side Ashmire also stood, even had his hand clasped across his chest though it seemed rather awkward on his part.


Much like the elder Aurora, but for different reasons, the Militants stood at attention, but did not do the chest salute.  The Colonel did a moderate bow as the processional past his seat, the others in his enclave following suit.

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  • 5 weeks later...

::Star stood the dragoness as regal as any of the others and followed the salute, She used her free arm to snap her brood to attention and the few hold outs stood and directed their attention to their elders and followed suit. Star wasn't one to brook nonsense or disobedience from any of her children.:::::




:Dante had been among the first to stand when the order rang out, he stood tall as his senses were going haywire and he kept casting uneasy glances at the older Aurora. He wasn't getting any good vibes from that one. He saw his Helaine and he calmed and gave her a slow almost hypontic wink before the ceremony had begun. He loved how she looked and he was sure she was the most beautiful girl in the entire nation.::::



::Blue who was standing next to Brimstone stood but saluted the militant way and gave the elder Aurora a dismissive look. He wasn't scared of her, he wasn't scared of much of anything. He kept sending his brother speaking glances back and forth, it was obvious the two young drakes could speak with just their eyes.::::




::Siren saw the note to behave and she gave Clawrift a puzzled frown but as the events started and the order to stand rung out she stood to her feet and copied her elders and kept a side look on Junior's facial expressions. She had learned to read his facial expressions and get the genuine feel of a room based on the hints he gave her. She knew if she needed to be extra alert or just relax and enjoy the ceremony.::::::

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  • 3 weeks later...

The moment Saarith and Rubia had reached the steps leading up to the raised central dais that the others were standing on they knelt down.  Clawrift stepping forward to stand in front of the others at that point before addressing the two young ones.  "Lady Rubia of Red Dragon Clan Sol'Fla and Lord Saarith of Red Dragon Clan Solem'cleavu through your respective deeds and trials you both have proven your loyalty to this nation and her citizens.  However both of you have yet to go through your oaths so this will be asked now.  In front of all gathered and within view of all watching this ceremony through observational magics and their own Psi-comm units do both of you swear by the honor and pride of your bloodlines that you will continue to uphold the laws and traditions of this nation and protect her citizens as your predecessors have done before you?"


Saarith was the one to speak up first raising his head to look at the old mage.   "I swear by the honor and pride of Clan Solem'cleavu that I will continue to uphold the laws and traditions of this nation and protect her citizens even if it should cost me my life."


Rubia had followed suit looking up to Claw herself.  "I swear by the honor and pride of Clan Sol'Fla that I will continue to uphold the laws and traditions of this nation and protect her citizens even if it should cost me my life."


Then as one the two of them looked at Dracon and Serenity as they spoke in unison without any further prompting by Clawrift. "As the future King and High Priestess of this sacred nation of Vashtalia we hereby relieve you of your duties and responsibilities.  May Vashtalia's light forever shine on your paths as you embark on your next journeys."


Then Saarith along with Rubia had begun to stand up even as Dracon and Serenity were beginning to kneel down all four vanishing just as their respective actions were completed and when they would appear again it would be Saarith and Rubia who were standing in the center behind Claw while Dracon and Serenity were kneeling on the floor in front of them effectively making their respective positions reversed from before.  Another big change would be that now Saarith was donning Dracon's cape and had the twin blades Lamera and Vanagald at his hips while Rubia was now wearing the robes of her station as High Priestess  over their respective uniforms leaving Dracon and Serenity in just their own basic Vashtalian military uniform.


The former King and High Priestess speaking in unison themselves.  "By the honor and pride of Clan Solem'Cleavu we hereby accept relief from our positions as King and High Priestess and welcome Lord Saarith and Lady Rubia in as our replacements.  May Vashtalia's light guide them down their chosen paths."


Once again it was Clawrift's turn.  The mage hitting the butt end of his staff against the stonework of the floor with a loud clack.  "So it is on this day, Day 3 of the Month of Vakil in the year 758,507 in accordance with our calendar that Lord Saarith of Red Dragon Clan Solem'cleavu and Lady Rubia of Red Dragon Clan Sol'Fla ascend to become the fifth generation King and High Priestess of this nation!  Let all Vashtalian Citizens and Guests alike within the sound of my voice rise up and give voice to this moment loud enough for even our neighbors on the Rhydinian and Lahnian continents to hear!"


As if on queue nearly every dragon within the castle, save for those gathered around the center and perhaps a few others, teleported out before assuming their natural forms and taking flight.  Every dragon that had done so letting out three consecutive roars in unison sing their magic to amplify the sound to the point that even with the protection and soundproofing magics enchanting the castle the sound was near deafening and the very foundation was reverberating with the sound.  All the while those left inside, dragon and non-dragon alike, had stood applauding and cheering the new King and High Priestess. 


As for Saarith and Rubia as a symbolic gesture of their service to the citizens of Vashtalia at the very end they themselves had knelt down bowing their heads to those gathered.

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::Star and her brood along with Ashmire had vanished. the dragoness was a sight to see as her white scales glistened in the sunlight and her roars echoed by her children filled the skies.:::::




::Dante  agile as ever had been teleported outside but as his mothers and the others took the skies he used his magic and teleported Helaine to him and took her up in the air with him to ring in the new King and High Priestess. His roar filling the air along with others.:::



:::Blue was having fun as he flew around and roared, spiraling through the air as his siblings followed suit and screamed and roared with laughter and joy.::::



::Siren was in her from which was a white dragon and she looked much like her sister though her wings had giant swatches of black on them in testament to her shadow dragon heritage as well. She was petite for a dragon but she let out a ground spliting roar even as her neice Let her roar go and the ear piercing sonic scream had nearly knocked her out of the sky. She could tell that was a mutant cross.:::::

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Well, Helaina would have stayed out there if it weren't for Prier.  Having dealt enough with the fact that Helaina liked to just run off randomly she had made sure to have contingencies in place this time around.  Namely this time in the form of a small crystal nested within one of the pieces of jewelry that Helaina was allowed to wear, said crystal having been installed without the little one's knowledge that is.  The results of this were plain enough.  The moment Helaina was teleported outside the crystal activated and teleported her back to Prier's side since the little girl had gotten beyond a set distance from her sister.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The mutant clan as a whole behaved themselves, even gawking a bit as the changing of the guard literally changed places.  That all faded as soon as the dragons began to bellow and roar.  Junior was swept up in it first, overwhelmed with the passion that the Vashtalian dragons emanated even before the reptilian cheer began.  He was only a second behind them in the transformation, knocking the bench back as he took his larger, heavier form, adding his roar to the deafening din.  In his natural form, and in his current mindset, he couldn’t fly, but he was definitely feeling more dragon than he had in a long time.


That sentiment seemed to ripple right down the ranks.  Brimstone normally would have kept himself in check, but he could feel the groundswell of emotion just as readily as Junior could, if not more succinctly.  He barely managed to shuck his robes in time for the transformation, the roar from his throat rolling from human to dragon as he expanded, the palomino fur rolling in patches on his hide.  He wasn’t very large; Junior had a few hundred more pounds on him now, but what was more apparent was that even though he was living on a planet that might well extend his lifespan, it wasn’t going to do it forever.  He might be able to hide his wrinkles and graying hair under a trench coat and cowboy hat, but in dragon form, the sliver in his hide, coupled with balding patches and criss- cross scarring showed just how battle damaged the mutant was.  But Brimstone wasn’t feeling old or battle damaged right now as he added his baritone bugle to the fray.


Ashmire may not have felt comfortable being in the presence of so many guards, but much like Brimstone and Junior, he was caught up in the moment and had transformed as well.  Unlike his erstwhile mentor, his calico coat was healthy and shiny and his roar a tick or two higher in register from Brimstone’s as he followed Star, though he had to make use of more practical means of egress before taking flight.


Which left Megan, Sara, and Aurora.  Both were applauding, Megan and her Soothsayer more vigorously than Aurora, the heir apparent even sticking her fingers into the corners of her mouth to emit an ear-splitting whistle.  The elder mutant was more demure, clapping her hands softly, but seemingly basking in the flow of cheer that ran throughout the hall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

::Dante sulked for a few moments as Helaine couldn't join him but he soon took the sky like the others and roared and spun through the air with his brother Blue.::::




::Siren's roar rocked the battlements as she flew alongside her niece with the sonic scream. She didn't want Nova to shatter anyone else's eardrums.:::



::Star's roar was more demure than the rest as the ice dragon landed and trumpet from her spot on the ground.:::::

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  • 2 weeks later...

The royal party had let the cheering and roaring go on for a reasonable amount of time before Saarith stood up and let out a roar of his own to quiet everyone down and get their attention.  Louder than the others despite him still being in his humanoid form.  Once everything settled back down it was Rubia who stood up then stepped forward speaking loudly but clearly.  "May Vashtalia's light continue to forever guide this nation down the path of peaceful existence..."


Then without breaking a beat every soldier in the vicinity whether they be guard, army, dragoon, scout, or otherwise all stood back at attention and every one of them spoke up with one voice.  "...and may those who break this peace be consumed by Asmod's flames!"


Claw, having then hit his staff against the floor three times after that declaration, spoke up once more.  "This concludes the coronation ceremony for Lord Saarith and Lady Rubia.  The festivities will proceed throughout the remainder of the week.   Dismissed!"


Without any further prompting and in an orderly fashion each row stood and began to exit the castle although each citizen that walked into the central aisle had turned towards Saarith and Rubia, either kneeling down or giving them a slight bow, before continuing on their way.

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::Star led her brood down the aisle, the great dragoness curtsied low as she faced the new rulers, her children either curtsying or bowing as she led the way out of the great hall and out into the sunshine so her children could whoop and fly and play. She grabbed Ashmire's hand and laid her head upon his shoulder as they watched the children play. Star loved her mate very deeply and wanted to let him know.::::




::Dante bowed and made his way to Helaine's side, If she couldnt be with him, then he would tag along with her.::::




::Blue watched his lovesick brother and shook his head. He gave Grandpa Brimstone a searching look, he was waiting for permission to join the colonel and the other militants.:::






::Siren had stood and declared with the others and filed out, she was waiting for Junior knowing he would want to see his mother and family.:::




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  • 1 month later...


It took a while for the mutants to regain any sort of semblance of organization.  Cleary the impromptu transformations and following flight had rippled through the ranks, leaving Brimstone a bit out of breath as he remained in his furry form.  It was the emotions of the room that kept him buoyed, setting his aches and pains in the background as the brood returned.  He at least remembered the words, echoing the refrain .”.and may those who break this peace be consumed by Asmod's flames..” with the rest of the room.  In fact he caught not only Megan replying in kind, but Ashmire as well.  He had to note this because it wasn’t often that the mutants, as a group, did a blood oath.  Okay no blood was actually shed though BS was pretty sure he shinned his knee when he transformed, but as a rule any sort of forswearing was done on an individual basis.  It was clear that the event, and the moment, had moved the lot of them.  Even the old geezer had displayed her approval in her calm manner, but BS could even feel the resolution from the elder Aurora that she approved of the whole event.  She may not have been fond of the fact that Drac was their current babysitter, but she clearly was thinking beyond that grudge.  It was a good sign.

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Once the majority of the guests had left only then did Dracon and Serenity stand up.  Both of them brushing off some minor bits of dust from the pants of their uniforms before giving one final light bow to Saarith and Rubia.  Afterwards Drac had made his way over to Brimstone and the others while Serenity stepped up to chat with the newly coronated royal couple.  As for Prier and Stephen both of them had bowed to those gathered and left the area as well after indicating that they'll visit later after killing some time on the festival grounds.


Drac for his part just waved the group off indicating they should go have fun before returning his own attention to BS's group.  "Well nice to see the lot of you respect this nation enough to join in on the theatrics of our ceremonies."   Clearly he was just trying to tease them a little bit however it was definitely apparent that it was indeed appreciated all the same.

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  • 1 month later...


Without any further prompting and in an orderly fashion each row stood and began to exit the castle although each citizen that walked into the central aisle had turned towards Saarith and Rubia, either kneeling down or giving them a slight bow, before continuing on their way.


::Star grabbed Ashmire's hand and laid her head upon his shoulder as they watched the children play. Star loved her mate very deeply and wanted to let him know.::::



Okay Ashmire was impressed.  Currently stuck in his dragon form until he could find someplace secluded to shift back to human and shuck his clothes back on, he let Star lean on his shoulder, wrapping a wing around her as they padded down the isle, following the crowd outside.  Thankfully the great hall was built for dragons because even quite a few of Drac’s folks were lingering in lizard form, the excitement still bubbling throughout the castle.


Baby Shrike was toddling alongside her da, matching him 3 strides to his one, her mechanical head swiveling about.  She might not have comprehended what exactly had happened, but clearly something big had and her silver eyes tried to take it all in.


Bonnie was flanking the other side of Ashmire.  She had roared her little throat sore and now was padding along, her head held high, prouder than any full-blooded dragon in the whole castle, though probably not for the same reason.



::Dante bowed and made his way to Helaine's side, If she couldnt be with him, then he would tag along with her.::::


Indeed Helaina had been thwarted in her attempt to run with Dante and was nearly in a pout, but she remembered where she was, and more importantly why, so she had forcibly behaved herself.  When Dante joined her, however; the forced smile became more natural and she likewise held her chin high, proud to show off her boyfriend to anyone who cared to look.




::Siren had stood and declared with the others and filed out, she was waiting for Junior knowing he would want to see his mother and family.:::


 It took Junior a long time to collect himself.  Though he was used to strong emotions, the whole of the castle erupting into cheers and roars had swept through him.  Even now he was shaking a little, still stuck in dragon form, but for a whole different set of reasons since his transformation was by magic, not mutant genes.  He might well had stood there leg locked had Siren not gently nudged him, turning his attention to Megan and company.


That seemed to bring his brain back down to earth and he walked forward to his ma, shifting back into human form in the process.


Megan smiled as her darling boy came forward and she wrapped her arms around him, finding that he was a hair taller than her now.  Not saying much, but she hoped that he would take more after his father.  Clearly the purple tinge to the hair came from him.  She then turned a bit to show him off to the Elder Aurora.  “My son, Junior” she announced proudly.


The Elder Aurora clearly didn’t take Megan’s beaming confidence as hearsay as she stepped up to look the boy over, causing Junior to take a step back.  She might well have been old, but the young mutant could feel the presence, almost like a subdued battle aura, that seemed to hang over the woman’s frail body.  Aurora looked up at the boy, seemingly staring into his eyes… more like past them and into his brain, before she inhaled sharply and stepped back.  “Magic?” she asked.


Megan smiled again, knowing that it would be a shock.  “Yes.  Mutant… and magic.”

If that was to impress the elder mutant, it didn’t seem to do as much.  She kept a cautious step back, but turned, her body position suggesting that Junior join them as they began to hobble up the row towards where the newly anointed King and Queen greeted well- wishers.  “Think I’d like to see some of yer tricks… later.” She finally nodded.






Drac for his part just waved the group off indicating they should go have fun before returning his own attention to BS's group.  "Well nice to see the lot of you respect this nation enough to join in on the theatrics of our ceremonies."  


Even though Brimstone was in his dragon form, he looked rather sheepish as he dragged his clothes under him with a soft white paw.  ‘Heh.. kinda didn’t have a choice.  Got swept up in it.  In fact,” he swivvleed his head about to eyeball the rest of the brood.  The rest of the kids had pooled around Ash and Star as the duo left the hall.  It looked like that they had pieced themselves back together, though most were still in dragon form.  Heading up to the dais were Megan and Sara.  That much he expected; Megan playing the diplomat that she did for the longest time, the Soothsayer supporting her, but what surprised/concerned him was that old lady Aurora was with them, leaning on Megan’s arm as they shuffled along.  Brimstone would have moved to intercede, not sure if the aged mutant would take a swipe at the newly crowned King.  Mutant protocol would have dictated as much, but her beef wasn’t with  Saarith.  It was with Drac.


Reluctantly he hung back.  It wasn’t like any of the Vashtalians couldn’t take her in a fight; the old lady was indeed still frail, but BS couldn’t help but be nervous.  Who knew what the Elder Aurora had up her sleeve.  That and the Militants were heading up to the reception line as well, causing Brimstone’s furry stomach to clench a little.


Oh to have a Rex handy.


For now he swung his head back to address Drac.  “At least it wasn’t some sort of boring mass.  Quite impressive, this whole shebang.



 ::Blue watched his lovesick brother and shook his head. He gave Grandpa Brimstone a searching look, he was waiting for permission to join the colonel and the other militants.:::

Brimstone gave little more than a dismissive nod when he saw Blue waiting impatiently.  He was a bit surprised actually, normally any of his brood would just run off, but it was clear that Blue was learning a little self control with his stint with the Militants.  Maybe… just maybe… it had been a good idea to send him there for his schooling, though much like Ash, he still had quite a few reservations in doing so.



The Colonel had been through his fair share of pomp and circumstance.  Frankly he found most affairs boring at best, tacky at the outset and unwarranted laurels were heaped upon some hapless son of a dignitary, trivial tripe.


This was clearly not one of those events.  He wasn’t a dragon, but the emotion that had rolled through the hall was palpable, enough that several of the Vashtalians, along with nearly all of the mutants, had shifted into dragon form, adding a roar that made all of his contingent, including himself, to clamp their hands over their ears or risk irreparable damage to their eardrums.


In truth, had he been a dragon, he might well have roared along with them.


But soon it was over and the attendees were collecting themselves and milling about in various clutches, presumably in idle chit chat while a line formed to congratulate the newly ascended couple.  The Colonel knew he would be remiss to add his well wishes so organized his crew to stand in that line, waiting to meet the new King and Queen.  He was glad to see that Blue had come to join them, looking like the proper Ensign that he was training to be.  The boy had made great strides in his schooling, showing to be eerily adept with mechanics.  The Colonel suspected that being able to tinker with anything animated was the boy’s genetic talent, but that was something to be researched at a later date.  For now he was content at the boy’s accomplishments and the pace he was taking with his lessons.


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After they had made it to the festival grounds Prier had actually handed a small pouch of money to Helaina and for the moment she pulled Dante over to the side and away from her sister so she could speak to him privately.  "All right little one I'm going to let you two enjoy the festivities but I am going to lay down some ground rules.  You let anything happen to my sister or you act inappropriately towards her I will know and I will end you.  Are we clear on that? If so then go enjoy yourselves and make sure she is back at the castle by sunset."

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((Please note that out of the Vashtalian dragons it is only those who remained in their human form that are actually still inside the castle.  I believe this was mentioned already in an earlier post when it was stated that those that changed to their natural forms had teleported out of the castle before doing so.  should have mentioned this earlier but no doubt when the mutants had changed form then they had definitely caused more than a few other attendees to vacate their seats to make room.))


Indeed it was fortunate that the grand hall of the castle could accommodate several fully grown Vashtalian Dragons in their natural form but while he was speaking to BS Dracon did take note of the overturned benches and chairs as a result of Brimstone's own transformation.  "Well either way it is appreciated although I do hope that once you are back in your normal form you will help clean up this mess you helped create during your transformation.  I'm not one take issue with an attendee of one of our ceremonies being a tad overzealous but still taking dragon form while there were still other attendees nearby to possibly get injured is a bit much.  Fortunately they were all members of one of our military divisions so they were able to get away quickly enough.  Ashmire and Junior will need to be a part of clean up as well since they are also partly responsible."

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  • 5 weeks later...


Watching Brimstone roll his large, almost equine eyes in their reptilian sockets was downright comical.  He probably would have sworn in a less traditional setting.  “Yes, we’ll clean up,” in intoned in a rolling lisp, the long muzzle not as conductive to the spoken word.  His head swiveled around again, the large taunt body nearly wincing as he watched the old lady and her entourage step up in line… right behind the Colonel and his retinue.  “Oh dear,” he managed to rumble under his breath.


The Colonel wasn’t a fool.  Of course he’d seen the elder mutant shuffle up the isle behind where he and his handful of men stood.  Even if he hadn’t, Agonzale’s nudging of his ribs would have told him.  He wasn’t about to ignore the group.  Yes he could have been blithely ignorant and general non-combative, but even that might not stave off an attack from what was a sworn mortal enemy of the Militants.  He was, however, betting that the old lady wouldn’t risk losing face in such a large crowd, especially one that would whip magic around their little dragon fingers.  That and Megan, the only mutant with a solid head on her shoulders, relatively speaking, was right next to the old biddy, flanked by her Soothsayer.  Add to that her get joining her.  From what the Colonel understood, Junior was no slouch when it came to magic as well.


Hoping that all of these variables were in play, he actually turned around to greet the foursome.  “Good afternoon ladies… and sir.” And he bowed his head slightly.


Megan indeed toke up that notion and ran with it, resting her hand on top of Aurora’s before responding.  “Afternoon Colonel.  Quite the event, wasn’t it?” as she replied with the same degree of nod.


Sara carried the ball next.  “Indeed.  My ears are still ringing.”


Junior also gave that same degree of nod, more or less mimicking Megan and the Colonel, though he didn’t reply, merely flanked his mother, blushing a bit since he had been quite vocal in the whole event.


There was a very pregnant pause as it seemed that all eyes were on her.  She might not have seemed any sort of impressive, at least in her size, but it seemed that everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what she would do.  She seemed to savor that moment, and then finally bowed as well, though not as deeply.  “Yes, I must say that was quite the commotion.  Very moving indeed.”  Her eyes were glued to the Colonel’s, as if expecting him to flinch.


In fact that little deadlock was only broken as the line moved and the Colonel’s crew was now at the head of the line.  Only then did he nod once more then turned to greet the newly crowned Kind and Queen.  His face widened in a smile as he once again gave a respectable bow to the due.  “Well done.  Quite the ceremony.  Definitely much more moving than most I’ve ever attended.  I wish you both long life and good will for your reign.”  He then gave a salute, and arm stiffly braced across the chest with the palm facing the floor, the rest of his crew following suit.

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"Here"  was all Drac had said before strapping a set of clothing that he had teleported in onto Brimstone's leg.  "Go get changed and we'll start the cleanup after everyone else leaves."


Drac did quirk a brow though at Brimstone's last statement and it wasn't only him, it would seem that there may have been a small spike in tension at about the moment the elder Aurora and her party had stepped up behind the Colonel's party.  Every guard and dragoon currently on duty in the main hall were watching the exchange between both parties and in particular the exchange between the elder and the colonel.  Even Rubia and Claw had took a single step foward ahead of Saarith, or at least they started to before Saarith indicated with a gesture for them, and everyone else in the room, to stand down.  Which did indeed turn out to be the right call since no intervention was needed in the end since the Colonel and his party ended up in front of them.


Saarith simply returning the bow before offering his hand for a shake once the Colonel said his peace.  "Well the long life bit is a given but your good will is appreciated.  May your contingent and Vashtalia continue to have peaceful and profitable relations for both my people and yours."

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“Indeed,” the Colonel intoned.  He would have liked to linger, perhaps hint at a possible meeting to discuss their standing with the new regime, but he could just about feel somebody’s eyes burning into his back.  He did salute the newly crowned King, his entourage a half second behind him, before he turned.  Yep, the old lady and her entourage were looming, though it didn’t seems she was smoldering as bad as he would have assumed.  He gave the mutant another nod of recognition before stepping off to the right, following the rest of the line that lead outside.


Which left Megan to deal with Aurora.  The heir apparent might not have had the same social skill set that Sara had, but she’d dealt with her share of strong willed, opinionated, characters.  She stepped forward, mustering as flamboyant a curtsy as she could muster without tipping over.  “Congradulations, Lord Saarith.  May your reign well.”  Megan could catch Sara out of the corner of her eye mimicking the curtsy, just as wobbly as she was, though stronger than she’d been; clearly healing at about the same rate as she was, if for different reasons.  The question would be Aurora, of course.  Megan stood, drawing the old woman up to the daiz.  “I’m not sure if you have met, but this is the Elder Aurora.”


The old lady did allow herself to be lead forward, not fighting her escort.  Again there was that pregnant pause, causing both Megan and Sara to hold their collective breathes, but then  Aurora gave a slight nod.  “Well done,” she noted.  Her almost grey eyes turned by age were darting back and forth, judging not only Saarith, but his flanking protectors, as if she were estimating their talents and skills.  Her eyes finally came back to the newly anointed king.  She bit her lip as if deciding what to say, but then much like her alternate incarnation, came bluntly to the point.  “What do you plan to do with my clan?”


Megan rolled her eyes, though she was somewhat relieved that she hadn’t tried to slug him outright.  Maybe that would have been better, because she just forced the issue, one that probably needed clarification, but now really wasn’t the time or place.  She tried to reach for the old lady’s arm, but Aurora just jerked it out of her grasp, exhibiting a bit more strength than previously shown.


For now Aurora didn’t seem like she was going to slug anyone, but she now had her arms crossed in front of her chest, waiting for some sort of reply.


Brimstone’s skin still tingled as the newly teleported wardrobe was braced next to his leg.  At least he was going to tell himself that it was magic causing his hide to prickle and Not because Aurora was in striking distance of Saarith.  In fact he would have let the whole thing slide had he not felt the bump of emotion coming from the old biddy.  And that was before her rather flat statement.  He moved, slowly, coming along the outside of the pews, flanking the right side , hoping that he was in her blind side.  Of course if she still had any of her talent she would be able to sense him coming, but unless she had the telekinetic punch to match his now sizeable weight could knock her off balance should she decide to strike….


Even the Colonel had paused.  Originally he’d done so just to see how the elseworld Aurora would act, but it seemed that much like her counterpart, she was challenging authority, if not outright sparring for a fight.  Of course there was little he could do, being too far off to stop her from making a fool of herself, or worse; but he did notice the calico form of Brimstone inching his way up the other side of the rows, looking to position himself.  Still the Bivouac leader stood a moment, looking to see what would happen, if not to help others out of the way should things erupt in a mutant throw-down.

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