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INVASION!: Remains of the Day

Guest The Colonel

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Guest The Colonel

It was nearly a week before the Colonel got anything close to a true assessment of their situation; other than the obvious. At least casualties were indeed much lower aboard ship than previously thought, mostly in part to Lord Dracon's assistance; though there were a few other rescue crews that had assisted and the Colonel made sure that word was sent, either through Lord Dracon's contacts or through runners either from his own forces or through the eager means offered by the children of Rydin drawn to the site. In total, they had lost just over 2,500 hands, but nearly half of the remainder had been wounded enough to be put on some sort of down time. Most of those had now recovered and were back trying to bring some sense of order to the matter.

What had been wounded the worst was the ship itself. It had taken nearly 4 days to restore power to the bulk of the ship, pulling solar cells from what remained of the charge panels and laying them out in grid form directly on the desert floor. Rations had been consolidated, water was being rationed though they had lucked out as one team had drilled and struck an aquifer only 100 ft below the baking sands. Structurally she was a mess. One section had fallen, crushing a team under three tons of twisted metal, adding the need for fault scanners to examine every seam before deconstruction could begin. The temporary housing the stripped paneling offer was suitable only for storage as it was clearly too hot. Most of his men seemed content enough with the tents and survival gear normally used for scouting.

In all, it was going okay. Once the initial worry of retaliation was allowed to fall by the wayside, the men seemed eager enough to work. However no one spoke of their predicament. Essentially they were stranded, not only in space, but in time; with no way home. At least the mutants had mostly kept a low profile, especially their assailant. Sachel (called Brimstone in this realm for some strange reason) had offered his services, not only helping in mending his men, but using his empathic talents to keep them calm and reassured. As to the Rex, he also seemed to be "helpful," though the Colonel only shuddered to think that he'd actually allowed that creature to help, especially for all the pain he had inflicted in his own right; yet Lord Dracon had vouched for the creature (and vowed to inflict pain if the Rex should vary from his roll of rescuer). It seemed that he indeed was doing some good.

Still the Colonel knew that the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Tristan Rex was a maniacal bastard. Timothy Rex wasn't as maniacal, but he was a bastard, and an exacting one at that. While Tristan rampaged through the Militant forces with about as much finesse as that sledgehammer of a lunatic Deh Mahr had just done, Timothy could do the job in half the time with half the effort. The Colonel had to wonder just exactly what hold did Lord Dracon have over the slimy bastard?

If there was a reckoning coming down between the Vashtalian king and the Mutant mogul, it was bound to be a doozie.

For now the Colonel focused on his own problems. Lord Dracon was due to arrive with his preliminary findings. It was still the intent to move the whole of their "headquarters" to more hospitable lands, depending on what was available and who was willing to donate, loan, or fife the land out. At least the Colonel would have some technology and munitions to swap, though he was leaning towards Drac's suggestion of loaning out his men as mercenaries. This way he could keep tabs on the artillery (wouldn't do to have a laser cannon in the wrong hands after all) and it would make his services that much more valuable. Besides, Shrike was itching to go back to work. Granted she had been visiting with her newly found family (an association he still was not entirely comfortable with, though it seemed to do wonders for her temperament.) He dusted off his jacket while he waited at the makeshift entranceway to the ship, awaiting Drac and his entourage.


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Guest Draghkar

It wouldn't have taken long for Dracon to arrive at the temporary Militant basecamp. Dracon had arrived accompanied by Serenity, Clawrift, and Melissa along with a small 2-4 unit Dragoon Squadron. Heck they had even dragged Rooslan along.

"Hope you weren't waiting long Colonel, I've brought Rooslan as requested so it's about time we headed to the audience hall for Rhydin's councilmen."

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Guest The Colonel

The Colonel nodded to each royal in tern before settling his gaze on Rooslan, whom still looked very uncomfortable being within' the selected group. "I am pleased that you decided to come along, Nicolae. We have much to talk about." Indeed there was. Not only did he still need to get some sort of debriefing from the commander, he needed to reassure the man that his life was not in jeopardy. In fact with this new turn of affairs, he was going to need someone that understood both Militant and Vashtalian customs and laws in order to make this current transition as smooth as possible. In the Colonel's eyes, Rooslan had become a valuable asset and no matter the man's "condition", he was still a Military man and a team player. He was sure that once he assuaged all of Rooslan's fears he would be able to secure his cooperation.

He now turned back to Lord Dracon. "Were we to travel via dragon-back, or do you think it feasible if we use one of our transports? This way the local populous could get a better idea of the types of mechanized gear we use and be more able to gauge the type of land and resource we might need." Well that was one reason. The other was that he still felt queasy every time they teleported and he was trying to avoid any embarrassing moments, like retching in front of royalty.


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Guest Draghkar

Dracon had to think about that for a bit.

"A transport would probably be better, I believe they have space around the building to land a small five or six person craft. The guard can fly escort."

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Guest The Colonel

The Colonel almost spoke his prayer of thanks aloud, but managed to keep himself in check. "Very good. I'll have the skimmer prepped in five. This should be interesting. Shrike has made some sort of drone to field test on this mission. Something about being in two places at once. It should fit in the skimmer nicely as well."

In fact the commander was quite impressed with Shrike's performance, not only on the field but assimilating into her new "family." She had shown some discomfort in leaving the Colonel's side and beside herself until she managed to come up with this monitoring system of hers. It stood about as tall as the Rex in his current form, approximately 3 ft tall, though it lacked the grace that Drac's fire golems seemed to have. Still it probably did everything from full spectrum analysis to atmospheric sampling. He wouldn't have been surprised if it made coffee too.

He had everything at the ready within minutes and was loading his 4 man team on board. All were in dress grays, as formal as they could rummage from the wreckage. They had to make a good impression, after all. They couldn't every well go in looking like a group of bums begging off the street. The Militant's honor and prestige would be under great scrutiny, and for one he definitely wanted his best foot forward. "We are ready to launch, my Lord," he called out before the Colonel himself took a seat, letting the pilot gently lift into the air and towards Rhydin proper.


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Guest Draghkar

Dracon just nodded, allowing Serenity and the other three to board first before turning to the dragoon squadron. "It is time to go you four, we shall be flying escort for the Colonel and the others. Move out."

Just as the skimmer was lifting off Dracon and the squadron that had accompanied them shifted into their natural forms before lifting off themselves. The dragons taking a five point defensive formation around the skimmer with Dracon in the lead.


It would be a bit of time before they arrived in Rhydin City proper and even then it took a bit to find a suitable landing point near the council building. Once the skimmer and everyone else were landed they were guided to the main hall where the current council sat. To be honest the entire thing was setup like a courtroom with the current council members sitting at one end of the hall at a curved table with a raised area in the middle.

It was in this spot that Dracon walked up to and stood upon showing no hint of humility. No matter what happens or what happened in the past he was not going to show any humility to these people. Call it ego, call it pride if you will but he is not one to show submissiveness to anyone for as far as he was concerned he was standing here as an equal no matter what they may question him about or no matter the slander they may mention about him or his people. Nor was he going to provide the first statement. This was their nation, let them set the pace and tone of the discussion.

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Guest The Colonel

The Colonel was able to get Roolsan to tag along in their ship (figuring that Nicolae had the same unsettling sensations teleporting that he did); he had hoped to at least get a few words in edgewise with the commander, but Rooslan was tight lipped the whole trip from the desert to the Rhydin council. In fact the commander wouldn't even look at him, keeping his gaze firmly focused outside the window seat, watching the ground roll by underneath them. Not that the colonel really could fault the man, but he had thought that by now he'd made it abundantly clear that he was Not going to be arrested, detained, or in any other capacity restrained for what had happened on his watch. All the Colonel want, really, was and accounting of just what happened exactly.

It was clear that Roolsan was not ready to deal with that.

There was just the normal pomp and circumstance when they landed. An honor guard of sorts escorted the small group into the main hall; one he suspected was normally used for local commerce until their untimely arrival, and had been converted into a makeshift meeting room large enough to contain all interested parties. The Colonel noticed that Lord Dracon wasn't especially gabby with these folks. In fact from what he could read of the man's posture, he seemed more prepared for a fight, or at least a harsh word or two, rather than an open and amiable discussion.

At least some of his intel had it right. Things were not as rosy between the two peoples as was previously hinted at. Unfortunately this was not good new for him, especially since he was now in a sort of partnership with the Vashtalian realm.

At least procedures started off well enough. A collection of 15 people, clearly representatives of their respective guilds, professions, families, and households; sat at the head of the room behind a long table that bowed in slightly at the ends. The rest of the congress, which seemed to be everyone and anyone in Rhydin that want to watch these proceedings, along with various reporters and heralds assigned to listen in and report afterwards; lined the walls all the way around the barnlike structure.

The main spokesperson stood up, an older woman, possible a merchant herself elected to be the mouthpiece of the Rhydin forum. "Good afternoon one and all. We are pleased that most everyone was able to attend this meeting to discuss the request put forth by Lord Dracon of Dragon Clan Solem'Cleavu, fourth King of the Vashtalian realm; and his associate the Colonel of the Militant Vanguard of the Fifth Hub. Gentlemen; we have looked over your request. We must admit it is indeed a rather grand and massive undertaking, but we do believe we have at least three sites that at least fulfill the requirements you have set forth in your mandate.

"However, there are a few of us that are somewhat suspicious of the Militant's intentions. Granted your people have been helpful and courteous, at least for as much as your situation can allow; but some have put for the concern that you might attempt to once again cause mischief and mayhem once you regain your strength and numbers."

It was clear that the woman was putting things as delicately as she could, and again the Colonel couldn't fault her for being a bit nervous. The war machine that was the Militant might surely must have been frightfully impressive to behold. The Colonel also noticed that even though it wasn't voiced, he spokesperson gaze flicked between Dracon and the colonel, as if implicating him in part for the destruction of their fair city. Again, it would be a valid question, one he had to address now.

"Madame Chairperson, thank you for allowing us to present our case, and for addressing our needs in such a quick and decisive manner. As you all know, we did have a bit of an altercation with the Vashtalian forces, and unfortunately it did incur damages to your fair city. Of that I do now apologize profusely. We had not intended to allow civilians to become involved with our complaint; and even now the Vashtalian and Militant forces have come to an understanding and are now united on this front. I owe much to Lord Dracon and value his continued support as we attempt to adapt to our current situation.

"We also greatly appreciate any and all assistance that the Council of Rhydin sees fit to bestow upon us. This is a trying time for my people. We are not used to being cut off entirely from our home, and indeed we would be quite lost if not for you kindness and generosity. And it is in this vein that I would like to keep our association. We have much to offer in the means of technology and military manpower. We have heard that there have been rogues and outlaws that prey upon your populace, possibly posing as law or Vashtalian forces. In this vein we offer our services to you, in any capacity as we can oblige; to help keep safe your people and property. If and when we are able to contact our people and eventually return home, I can guarantee you that we will not return to pillage or loot. In fact I am most optimistic that we will be able to maintain a free trade agreement, allowing for your peoples to expand their resources and services; and in return benefit from what my people have learned and compiled over the millennia.

"I realize that these promises may sound hollow, but I believe as we work together more and more, and as my people learn your customs and ways, that all of our peoples will benefit from what we start here today. We will have to earn your trust, and it is my full intention to do just that. Now, if it pleases the council, I would like to look over the proposals and see if we can come to some sort of agreement on how to handle the situation."

Yes, it was a lot of barnstorming and feel-good rhetoric, but he'd been at this game for some time. At least he meant what he said. He had no desire to attempt to take over the planet now, not with so many questions still unanswered. His gaze drifted towards Rooslan, even as the man stood at attention towards the back of Dracon's group of royalty. Somehow he was going to have to get that man's trust once again, and a little good-cheer speech wasn't going to do it.

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Guest Draghkar

While the Colonel was presenting his side of things Dracon did scan the room a bit before noticing Huerfang amongst those seated at the table. Once the Colonel was done he had started his bit.

"M'lady if I may add something to the Colonel's story. I can vouch that he will not start anything. The unit that was causing so much trouble and had forced us to intervene and fight back was a splinter group of the Militant forces. I was in negotiations with the Colonel here at the time and we had come to a cease-fire agreement of which that particular group had seen fit to outright ignore and resume hostilities. It was never the Vashtalian or the Core Militant command's intention to cause damage to your capitol city because of our engagement. At last report we have gotten about 75% of the damaged area repaired and remodeled for you however and I will state once again that we are handling the costs of such repair and resupply efforts as well as compensating the local businesses for lost profits. No money should be coming out of your pockets as is only right since we are the ones who caused the damage so it's only proper we pay the bill for it.

At any rate back to my original statement. As it was a splinter group and not the main militant forces that caused the trouble I can agree with the Colonel that a repeat of such actions shouldn't happen again and if it does then the instigators; whether it be Militant, Rhydinian, Lahnian, Vashtalian, or any other group will be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. Let it show on your records that I will not condone such actions and will take it as a personal insult should these actions be repeated, after all you are well aware of the strictness of our laws concerning such situations.

I also have another topic that I wish to bring to light as well that wasn't on the request that I had sent to all of you for this meeting. The Colonel had mentioned bandits possibly posing as Vashtalian Forces to sow the seed of dissent and distrust between our nations. I shall let you all know now that I have known nothing of this before it was brought to my attention as it was never brought to my attention when it was happening. I do believe that if such things were happening that I should be the first one notified by your people as it is my Nation that is being insulted by the actions of these brigands, a dishonor that I cannot forgive.

Lord Huerfang may have mentioned to all of you that my son Draco was seen within his home right after he had spoken with a contingent of Militant soldiers. While such a claim as far as my son is concerned is true I would like to point out that paragraph 6 of article 3 in section 4 of the guidelines set forth by the House of Lahnia do state that in times of conflict, even while under negotiations, each side may scout the other to gain information. This same principle was also included in the treaty between the Vashtalian Nation and the Rhydinian council shortly after I had regained my throne so I would also like the records to show that any "breach" of protocol that Lord Huerfang reported by my scout being in his manor while the Militants were there as well was allowed and justified as we were scouting out the militants for information much as they were doing in regards to us. I'd also like to point out that is is how we had learned of the bandits earlier. It was also brought to our attention that the mutant clan was causing his people trouble as well. While I do not condone needless destruction of property I also believe that this could have been avoided and corrected if it was brought to my attention directly as it should have been before so I will state for the record that any recompense that he may have asked for I will not pay out as I had no knowledge of such actions when they were happening.

As the mutant clan are citizens of the Vashtalian Nation it's my responsibility to ensure they don't cause trouble for other nations however how can I do that when I am not getting any reports in about any issues they may be causing? It's the same with those brigands, how can I hunt them down for driving our honorable name through the mud if I am unaware of their existence because some lord had decided not to send me a report directly letting me know that there are soldiers wearing our livery wreaking havoc with his land and people? Also if he had reported it to any of you then why haven't any of you notified me? After all that's part of our treaty as well to inform each other if something's not right, unless at least some of you were thinking of causing another conflict using our apparent "breach" of the sacred treaty as a means to attempt another invasion. All of us came out the losers in the previous attempted invasion which is now known as a Great War, why would anyone wish for a repeat of that?

Before I turn the floor back over to all of you I just wish to make something clear. My personal grievances over the information provided to me should have no bearing on your decision regarding the Militants. I just ask that the council is fair and just in their judgement of the situation in regards to the Militants stranded on our world."

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Guest The Colonel

The Colonel almost winced when Lord Dracon brought up his slight grievance with Lord Huerfang. He'd only briefly read through the field reports that commander Anso had logged and had hoped to debrief his second when they had wrested control back of the fleet. Needless to say, with Anso dead and thousands being treated for injury, there had been no time to go over those notes and try to piece out what the grievances were and if they were valid.

It was clearly some news to the council as well as several murmurs ran through the representatives, as well as the collected conglomerate of lookers-on. There was a hushed discussion amongst them, including Lord Herfang whom didn't seem as upset has he had displayed to Anso some days ago, before the chairperson returned to her seat. "We have briefly discussed this new matter, Lord Dracon. We ask your indulgence as we will have to go over previous meeting minutes as we believe the instance you have spoken of were indeed brought forward to the council, but since these seemed to be only minor instances; none of us can agree on what had been decided at that time in the mean of which the complaint had been handled. We will have to do some research and convene another meeting to address this matter, if you are so adamant on having this resolved and the good name of your people remain clear. Let me reassure you, Lord Dracon; that there are no complaints or grievances pending against your people. In fact we are very grateful for all your help and support in your efforts to help us rebuild and repair the damages otherwise inflicted in our fair nation. The Militants have indeed found a very honorable alliance with you and your people.

"Now, as to the proposal put forth by the Militant Vanguard. As stated we have three sites in which we feel will support the Colonel's people. The first recommended site is… well I must say this make Lord Dracon's grievance with Lord Huerfang even more interesting, as it is indeed Lord Huerfang that has offered his land and resources. Lord Huerfang, if you would step forward with your proposal please?"

Indeed Lord Huerfang looks please as a proud peacock as he strode up to the council from stage right, a spot that apparently he normally occupied during these town-hall type meetings. "Indeed. After I had met with the Militant commander known as Anso… and I also extend my sincerest sympathies as I have learned that Commander Anso was one of those many souls lost during that sordid exchange due to the internal conflict of the Militant regime; I felt that I trusted these people immensely. They were forthright and open about what they were seeking and were just trying to gather intelligence so that they could plan their next step with as minimal as possible a confrontation. I had merely offered my impressions and given several facts that helped them establish what was needed to accomplish their goals. Needles to say, when I heard the tragedy that had befallen them, I could not in good conscious Not help them.

"As most of you know, my lands have fallen on hard times. Much of my fields sit fallow, many of the homesteads abandoned; and yes there had been a few engagements with ruffians, of which I see will be dealt with at a later date, so I will not go into detail at this point on who or whom these base villains might be. I believe that with the Militants establish within my domain, they will be able to gain control of those wild fells, supply the manpower I need to rejuvenate production and economy; and in return they will be able to support their people as I have plenty of water and room to accommodate them. All they need to do is apply themselves."


He now handed over the proposal, a rather thickly bound manuscript on vellum, filled with graphs, details, expenditures, profit margins; indeed everything that he could possible think of to incorporate the Militant machine into his world view. The councilwoman nodded, resting her hand on top of the thick tome before gesturing to the Colonel. "As you see, it appears that you've made other friends. Lord Huerfang is not noted for such generosity." A titter ran through the room, and even Huerfang smiled a little, though he didn't seemed too jovial about the joke at his expense. "We have gone over his proposal and do find it quite solvent. I would recommend that your team of civic engineers look over this plan. Perhaps Lord Huerfang will be so kind as to arrange for a tour of the sited grounds so that you can better judge the offer?"

The Colonel stepped forward, nodding slightly in acknowledgement as he took the tome from the councilwoman's outstretched hands. "Thank you Madame Chairperson. This is indeed most kind of you and your people."

She nodded, blushing just slightly as indeed the Colonel did seem to be quite charming, especially close up, something she hadn't expected, what with the rumors running around about how ruthless these people could be. "We have two other proposals as well, but there are not nearly as generous. If you wish, we can address them separately, or offer them to you here and now as well, if just so that you can compare the substance of each."

The Colonel again looked at the massive tome, well ten pounds of paper he was going to have to dissect. "I believe I will take up the Chairperson's suggestion and have my teams analyze this report, and also tour the grounds. It seems the quicker we can move my people from their desert holdings, the easier this transition will be for all involved." Again he bowed his head, then turned and handed the book to Katia before once again turning back to the council, taking in the whole of them. "Again, my most heartfelt thanks for all that you and your people have done for mine. I can only hope that we will live up to the expectations you have for us in the future."


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Guest Draghkar

Dracon had only nodded before he continued on as well.

"I never had actually stated that my grievance was with Lord Huerfang specifically, only that I find grievance with the information he may have gathered regarding this supposed Vashtalian unit operating within his domain of influence and the fact that these incidents were never brought to my attention. I assure you that if I had grievance with Lord Huerfang himself then I wouldn't bother bringing it to this council's attention but instead take the matter up directly with him.

As I have said before, the Great War has taken a lot from both sides. In effect we are all still rebuilding and recovering from that War and I for one do not wish to see a repeat of it. Especially not over something as stupid as false information or a group of whelps trying to stir up trouble. Regarding such if there are no objections I'd like to ask for the small favor of being able to accompany the Colonel and Lord Huerfang during these inspections. This would be a good opportunity to find the general area these outlaws are operating out of so that we can be prepared to snuff them out should they try anything again."

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Guest The Colonel

(derived from chat (after some discussion afterwards))

The spokesperson nodded, then turned towards Huerfang. "That is a reasonable request, is it not, M'Lord?"

Indeed Huerfang nodded, though it was clear he was not pleased with the notion. "Indeed Madame Chairperson. I will make suitable accommodations when the time is appropriate for the Colonel to tour the facilities."

Katia had found a nice corner to rest in. She had been feeling weak, but figured it was from the lack of sleep. She was now finding it increasingly difficult to breathe, and she began to reason out why should would feel like she was feeling. The only thing coming to mind was the large bruise that had grown up around most of her body from where she had been crushed on the ship. Her ribs hurt, but that didn't bother her half as much as the fact she couldn't draw a decent breath. She felt helpless and alone. She had rejected the idea that the Colonel would even care if she was gone, and was beginning to cope with the idea of death. She knew there were things she had done that were bad, but somewhere inside she knew that all would be well. She began to think about the strange dreams she had been having and the things she had been told by the now, all too familiar faces of Meli and Janis. She couldn't wrap her mind around why they were in her dreams. Her head was beginning to ache

So the Colonel's attention had shift to Katia, seeing her looking less that the firm right hand she normally was. She had put the oversized tome back on the table and had sat back down. Definitely not like the second he knew. "Katia?" he asked, excusing himself from the discussion to approach her. She didn't look at him or acknowledge him. He brushed a hand against her brow, then spun around. "Medic!" he barked.

Suddenly Janis was there looking down at Katia, who now looked up at her. Janis smiled and held her hand out to her. Carefully, Katia took her hand and stared at her with wide eyes. "Are you ready, child, to accept your fate?"

"I accept my birth right." Katia replied, as if rehearsed.

Well needless to say, the Colonel was at a loss. He wasn't sure what was going on, but clearly there was something that had transpired that he clearly was not privy to. Still it seemed that whatever it was had to be done, so he stood by the wayside, perhaps a bit apprehensive since this Was his second after all, his right hand man as it were.

Janis now knelt before her. "Fear not death, it is within me. Fear not death, it is with in you." With the last words the pair vanished.

It seemed like the Colonel took a viable blow. He stumbled backwards, perplexed, confused; clearly in shock at the sudden disappearance of one of his men (well yes a woman, but still a person under his command, his responsibility.) He turned, his gaze finally settling on Claw, recognizing the man to be married to the creature that had just purloined one of his subordinates. "Lord Claw? Can you explain this action?"

He didn't want to sound accusatory, but it did seem rather suspicious to him, especially in such an open forum as this…

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Guest Draghkar

((Ok, that entire bit was cheesy. Well the Cheese Must Flow afterall))

The colonel wanted an explanation? Well all Claw could even offer up was a shrug. "Honestly I have no explanation for you Colonel seeing as how she never sees fit to fill me in on anything she might be planning. You need an explanation then ask her yourself although finding her is going to be difficult if she doesn't want to be found even by me."

"I do know that woman was wounded though." This from Serenity as she was there as well, likewise perplexed as to Janis' sudden appearance and disappearance with Katia. "And before you ask I just realized it myself when her injury got bad enough for me to sense it. Not that she would let any of us near her to examine her at any rate."

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Guest The Colonel

(Maybe we should call Carol the Cheese Whiz Queen…. Besides, I like the creamy cheddar texture of our little soap opera )

The Colonel hadn't expected that sort of reply. It was akin to Claw tossing up his hands and saying "Gee whizz, mom, I dunno." But this wasn't some little social faux pax, one of his people had been kidnapped! Surely the Vashtalian regime had to be held just as accountable as his own men when it came to what amounted to an assault.

But before his ire crested, Serenity's news smacked him down again. Of course Katia wouldn't go to the medics. Much like himself, she was tireless, defiantly so; afraid to leave her post less something slip by under her watch. He had even ordered her to get some rest. Obviously she had totally blown him off in her own subtle way, and it was killing her.

Had killed her?

This was too much. He finally had to sit down, bracing his head in his hands. "Where would she have taken her?" he droned. Clearly he was going to have to organize some sort of search party, especially if Janis's husband didn't have a clue. More resources. More time. And he had an empty aching feeling that he wouldn't see her again.

It seemed that the whole of the week had finally caught up to him. He seemed smaller, diminished, but then he inhaled sharply. He was still in public, and this would be unseemly of him. He could deal with this later, in private. He stood up, straightening his uniform then gestured for one of his other assistants to pick up the thick tome. "Council members, I thank you once again for your generosity. Once I go over this offer and confer with my experts, I will contact Lord Huerfang for his tour, then offer any amendments." He gave another curt bow, and then turned to face Lord Dracon and his crew. "M'Lords, it seems that we might have an… issue… that needs attending to. I need to know the whereabouts of my missing crewmember … and her current status. If you cannot help me in this measure, I will have to return to my ship and organize a search party. I would appreciate any input you can offer in that regard." Again another curt nod (as he was barely in control of himself, though he didn't know if he would scream out in rage or break down and cry at this point) then he turned on his heel with the intention of returning to his ship.


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Guest Draghkar

Claw merely shook his head. "Just because I don't know where exactly she was taken doesn't mean that I don't have some ideas. However organizing a search party will do no good Colonel. As I had mentioned before, you can organize a search party but if she doesn't wish to be found your men won't be able to find her. Especially if she took the girl to our home on Exidor as you do not have the means to access other dimensions."

He turned to the others then. "All of you should go ahead and return to Vashtalia without me, I'll help the Colonel search for the girl."

A few nods from the others as they had turned and left. Claw turning back to the colonel then. "Well we can leave whenever you're ready."

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Guest The Colonel

He wasn't ready. He knew he wasn't ready, yet he couldn't sit by the wayside and do nothing either. He gathered up his gear, and then turned to his associates, finding it increasingly difficult to keep a clear head. It had been one hell of a week, and much like Katia, the Colonel had a propensity of being "difficult" when it came to taking it easy, or conserving his strength, or even pacing himself. That was what he had Katia for, to keep the brakes on him.

Another lump of emotion welled in his chest and he fought to keep it down. Later, in the quiet of his quarters, he promised himself. For now he had to stay focused, and find her. "Gentlemen. I will travel with Lord Clawrift and see if his hunch plays out. I need you all to take this proposal back to the ship and have our techs look it over. Hopefully this will not take long. Mr. Duggan, you will have the comm., until I return. Please, try not to trash the ship." The last bit he gave a wry face to; an off-color but humorous remark, just to show that all was not doom and gloom, despite what he was beginning to feel.

The Colonel turned to face Claw. "I am ready," he insisted.

(Meli to post next… if just to save Claw the trip)


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Guest cptdragon9

(derived from Sunday's chat)

The Colonel had turned to Claw, assuming that the lord would teleport him (much to his intestinal chagrin) to where he thought Janis might have purloined his second when Meli stopped at the door, and looked at the group of people in the room. Her anxieties mounted, and she considered a hasty re-treat. BS grabs her by the shoulders. "Oh no you don't" and turns her right back around to face the crowd. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I believe we have some business before the court.."

"Don't make me turn you into a rabbit," she muttered under her breath at BS.

He kept his hands on her shoulders.. both to keep her there, and to give her strength to deal with what was surely a stressful scenario. "Been there... done that,," he murmured back before speaking up once again. "I believe that something has just occurred here and that perhaps a vague explanation is in order..?"

Claw was in mid teleport when Meli and BS had arrived so that was pretty much aborted before he scratched his head. "All right Meli, would you mind filling us in on why your sister decided to just take off with this man's personell without even saying anything? And you can quit with the smart talk, BS."

"She's not his property, anymore," Meli grumped back.

Brimstone had stopped short in his spiel, not because of Claw reprimand, but because the Colonel had just drawn his sidearm, clearly aimed at the mutant. Of course BS responded in style. "I thought I was being obliging" he countered, his aim still drawn on the Colonel, whom had winced but still had his bead as well.

"Both of you drop your damn weapons!" Claw smacked the Colonel upside the head first and motioning for Meli to do the same to BS.

"I don't understand this mess with the guns," Meli snorted before she smacked BS on the back of the head as bidden.

"Don't fret. Call it a traditional greeting... ow!" Well at least he dropped his muzzle as he rubbed the back of his head where she'd pelted him

But it was clear that the Militant was a bit nervous. Claw now moved in front of the man. "Colonel, put your weapon down lest I destroy it. Remember where you are."

The Colonel frowned, clearly contemplating what would be a breech in protocol when dealing with mutants, finally holsters his weapon as well. "Explain," he frowned at Brimstone.

"Honestly, useless weaponry," Meli muttered again as she shook her head. "So anyways..." BS nudged her a bit to see if he can get her rolling, and to her credit, she tried. "Katia has answered her calling. She will return here, but it will be a bit before she does."

BS stepped forward, realizing that Meli's being vague once again. "Colonel, I wouldn't worry about your man... woman... you girl... your second.. She's just fine." He glanced down quickly at the "guard dog" like mechanoid. It didn't seem to have much in the lines of vocal capacity, but it's obviously on guard for hostilities.

The Colonel's gaze narrowed between the two. "So, she is alive."

Meli rolled her eyes a bit in thought. "Not right now, no. She'll be alive, soon as she finds her way back."

Brimstone winced. "Now hold on a sec. She's... kind of going through a phase. She kind of had to go, or you'd really be missing a crew member."

Neither answer seems to appease him that much. He folded his arms over his chest, frowning. Meli seemed perhaps just as irked. "What's it matter to you anyway?"

"Meli that's rather a pointless question." Claw seemed to need to intervene as if sensing the rising tensions. It was bad enough they had started this exchange with drawn weaponry.

Meli shrugged. "I've got to ask it. Would he have preferred to bury her body? That would've been a horrible mess."

The Colonel seemed to inflate at her question. "Katia is a valuable member of my team. My right hand man. To have her suddenly stolen without so's much of an explanation is…. " The words escaped him, but it they were bad.

"She wasn't stolen."

Again Claw tried to clarify things, knowing Meli's somewhat altered state of perception. "Meli that's not the issue here, there was no explanation at the time, nothing said. I don't think he's angry at the fact that she was taken away as much as the fact that she was taken away without so much as an explanation at the time as to why she was being taken."

Brimstone stepped forward. "Look.. She got recruited by.. well.. Death.. I think… More likely a society dealing with the afterlife. She's got some training to do; membership fees.. trial membership.. stuff like that. Once that's all dealt with, she'll probably pop round and give you the low down and show you that everything's kosher."

"I don't see why she would," Meli grumbled again

Clawrift just sighed and scratched his head. It was obvious she was missing the point of what he was saying. "Meli are you even listening to me?"

"I am, it's just if we had left the body here he would've done whatever they do with their dead with it. She had to die anyhow."

"I'm not saying she should have been left here if she was in danger of losing her life, I'm saying that something could have at least been said so we are not all left in the dark."

"Well, nothing went as planned."

NONE of this seemed to be assuaging the Colonel's concerns at all. "She was recruited... by death?"

BS nodded, but maybe not with as much conviction. "Maybe not in so many words.. but.. uhm... yeah? But don't worry.. Like I said, she'll be fine. Like Meli says.. better than a thick bloated stinking carcass, right?"

"And not death, " Meli corrected. "A higher being. Your creator."

"Recruited... by ..by God? So.. she's like an angel?"

"Sort of, look I think I know what she's talking about and I'll explain it in depth once I sort it all out." Poor Clawrift looked just about as frustrated as the Colonel at this point.

"She saved your ass, didn't she?" Meli made a face looking at the Colonel. "She basically gave you her life."

Even now Claw continued to argue the sore points with her, "Look if this is related to your own line of work Meli then so be it. Something still could have at least been said before Janis just took off with her."

"Kinda sorta... she's just not from these neck of the woods. She's more like a guardian."

Again the Colonel found himself sitting down as his mind tried to digest it all. He would have blamed this all on the mutant in the room, expect that mutants didn't believe in gods.. Well more like if they did, they spent more time fighting them, or those that thought that they were gods; which in retrospect was better than fighting Militants. So that now sent his focus towards BS's mate? (and he gave a slight shudder at the thought that somebody these mutants into their genetic bloodline. He may not have had the revultion of the actual act so much as to how messed up that genetic line was to begin with and what it could do to future progeny.) That Meli creature. Even now her words were beginning to sink in. Why did he care? Well of course he cared. Katia had been with him for nearly ten years now, looking after him, making sure he was on track. He just felt so lost without her. He was sure he could never find a replacement for the position... but there was more... and he was just realizing it now. "...a guardian angle," he echoed.

Claw just shrugged then, making his way over to Meli and patting her head. "That will be all for now. Just let your sister know that she should at least mention that she was taking Katia before just taking her away like that."

"Hey, I'm pissed because she was suppose to do this part, not me."

"Then go tell her that as well."

BS had been holding his breath, and finally let it go, seeing that A: the Colonel was beginning to tread down that confusing path that BS seemed to tread on a daily basis; and B: Meli hadn't lost her temp and done something really vile. BS instead clamped his hands on Meli's shoulders. "You did very well, sweetie. I'm sure Janis wouldn't have even bothered to try to explain."

"She's the diplomat. Besides, Katia knows me."

"Well she wasn't being very diplomatic now, was she? Now, why don't we make our adieu's to these nice folks before the Colonel there tries to laser a neat little hole in my hide?"

"I still don't see what she ever saw in him." Meli said as she turned to make a retreat.

"I know. Can't possibly be those good looks." He smiled over his shoulder at the Colonel before being retreated-ed by Meli, the duo suddenly vanishing from the scene.

The Colonel clearly didn't have any sort of retaliation mind. He was still trying to digest all the information… and indeed it was a big chunk to ingest. The commander sat quietly for a few minutes, his gaze somewhere focused on the floor. He finally spoke up. "I guess I will not need your assistance, Lord Claw. If you will excuse me, I believe I have some business to attend to on my ship, and he stood up, the mecha-drone on his heel. He looked as if in a daze, which he clearly was.

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