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A Bear of a Time: Mesomorph Park


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Sara didn’t know why, but she felt a twinge of pity, knowing that all of the bears were going to be eliminated. It wasn’t their fault. From what she had gathered they were bred to find and destroy evil. It reminded her of how Megan and her ilk were originally bred to do much of the same thing, to be a force for war, to fight and kill. Even Sara herself had been trained as an assassin during her stint imprisoned by the Militants, then her longer incarceration under Tristan’s thumb. She had to wonder if there were some way, any way; that the bruins could be reprogrammed or cured. But she knew that answer. No. They were too dangerous.

It was a common refrain for her mutant allies. Many deemed them to dangerous to live; unless their collective talents proved useful for whatever foul task needed to be done. Only then were they a ‘necessity’ and tolerated; but when the crisis was over, the paranoia shifted to the very creatures that had just saved their bacon. There’s gratitude for you.

At least Megan’s dragon friends didn’t seem to show that type of mentality at all. In fact Drac and Claw had never asked their newfound cousins to perform on command. In fact Megan and her family were more driven to help the Vashtalians, even if they didn’t need it.

So where did that leave Sara? Pretty much where she belonged, right by Megan’s side, serving as that buffer between the mutant and the rest of the world. Oh she might find some time for herself, but everything she did, even learning the way to spin new spells on this strange planet; in the end was to help her friend


Sara waited at the bottom of the stairs, giving Megan a chance to collect her things, and her thoughts; in private.


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Megan had to dig through several piles of clothing before finding something somewhat presentable to wear in Vashtalian public. In truth all she really wanted to do was crawl right back into the bed and crash for a few days. The spurt of adrenaline that had coursed through her body during the attack by the bears was now spent and it was now like swimming through mud.

But she knew her duties. Aurora was off planet. Tim was off the deep end. Brimstone was off playing nursemaid. And Drac, though the elected figurehead of the mutant clan, simply was not mutant. She had to go and play her part. She now looked to the closet, even as the low hum, one that would have barely registered to the normal hearing range, began to thrum louder. A long sigh escaped her. It wasn’t fair to him, but much like herself, Defender had become more erratic. She wondered if it had something to do with her pregnancy, but he hadn’t been persnickety when she was carrying Junior.

No, it wasn’t fair to him at all.

With another long sigh, she opened the closet, bracing for impact. Like and exuberant puppy, the sentient blade flew from the back of the closet, one of Megan’s promotional T-shirts (t-tunic actually) dangling from the pommel, and thudded into her chest hilt first before slapping his length of blade along the front of her body. Megan winced knowing that was going to leave a welt, but she wrapped her arms around the sword nevertheless, attempting to console and calm him down. “Okay, Def. It’s all right. I’m safe. You’re safe. We’re all good.”

It took a few minutes before she was able slip the shirt off the blade before coaxing the weapon to shift around to perch in his normal spot along her spine; and in truth she felt better too. She would have to watch him closely. He’d nearly shiskabobbed one of the workers that had been helping in the constructing of the barn when he snapped back at Megan’s demanding behavior. She didn’t think that Defender would dare to bristle as any of the Vashtalians, but she would have to watch him either way.

With her overnight bundle slung over her shoulder and Defender on point peering over her other shoulder, she made her way down the stairs to smile weakly at Sara. “I’m set. Let’s get this over with.”


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In time Onyx would be making her way back into the house, wiping off her sword before making it disappear. "There now since that's done we can leave. At any rate it looks like you two are ready to leave so how about we get going?" Leading the two girls out at that point one of the mages on duty was waiting outside for them and after a few words the trio were 'ported directly to the castle gates.

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