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A Bear of a Time: Rhydin Waterfront


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The last 12 bears charged in a boil mass of fur and feathers and laser fire, the last forming into one solid beam to burrow into Melissa as she stood. Her “charge”, such as he was had seen the bruin death-laser forming and had scurried out of the way as fast as he tiny reticulated toes could move his evil ass,

As the bears united for their final solution, Mack the Knife reached their flank, blasting into their hindquarters just as they fired. Harm had also reached the sleuth of bears and when the android blasted into them, he grabbed one by the leg and yanked backwards, pulling the whole of the bruin death ray off the death track, It wouldn’t be a direct hit on the angel, but it was still going to sting something awful if it hit…


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Tristan would indeed find it hard to run away since at that point Melissa had pinned his tail down with her foot. Ceasing the spinning of her halberd she then held it in front of her, the rune flaring a bright blue as she cast a barrier just before the beam hit. Crouching lower to the ground for a more stable stance even while she angled her barrier preparing to deflect the beam skyward. As it was though her actions were unnecessary with the intervention of both Mack and the other warrior.

"We have this one Lady Melissa." Would be all that was stated before three of the priestesses that were with the pursuit forces took up stations directly in the path of the beam and casting another barrier to stop it and deflect it in a harmless direction. The rest of the pursuit forces then converging on the remaining 12 bears once the beam dissipated.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The final ten minutes of the battle was all lasers and spells and wards and snarls and growls and shouting of spells, but in the end there was a mangled pile of burnt fur and bear flesh. Tristan managed to yank his tail free from under Lady Melissa’s foot to reassert a dignified position before cautiously approaching the mass of dead bruin, even venturing to nudge one with his tiny toe. “Well, that’s over with then,” he announced as if he’d been the one to save them.

Mack snorted, the scowl on her face clearly showing the disgust she held for Tristan, but she held her hand. Retribution, as she determined in this instance; belonged to those he had directly wronged. If the mutant were to change his tactic and directly threaten those under her charge, then the dynamic would change and Mack would not hesitate to slay the demon-spawn on sight.

But only when he proved himself a threat to Ashmire and his family. Currently he was merely an irritating nuisance. Instead she turned to Melissa, giving a slight stiff bow. “As the threat has now been eliminated, I will leave you to your tasks. I have a mission that needs to be completed.” And the warrior robot, still donned in the soft pretty frock that was only minimally messed and torn despite the vicious fighting that had occurred; turned back to return to the bar for whatever mission she had been initially assigned.

Now it was Tristan’s turn to snort before turning to his team. “Well done Harm, Anise. You have proven yourselves quite competent in battle. I believe a bonus is in order. Yes indeed.”

As much as Tristan was pouring out the accolades, it remained to be seen just exactly where this “bonus” was going to come from…..

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Melissa had looked about once things had finished up only giving Mack a brief nod of acknowledgement when the robot had stated that she was going to be continuing her own mission. Bringing up a hand to brush the gemstone in one of her hairpieces before she started speaking. "All forces the area is now secure, I will need one squadron to remain and assist with cleaning up these dead bear things. Lady Onyx you will remain here and assist the local government representatives with the clean up and determining what needs to be repaired or rebuilt. All others are free to return to Vashtalia."

It was then that she turned to Tristan and the other two. "Tristan if you have your team together then perhaps I should be getting all of you to Vashtalia as well for final approval before you start on your own assigned task."

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Tristan’s lips had curled in a menacing snarl when Mack had turned her back to him before walking away, but that evil stare vanished when Melissa spoke to him. He was once again polite and well mannered and every bit a proper person. “I believe I have all of a team as I am going to be able to scrounge up in the time that I have. I dare not leave my task fallow any longer less I lose my target, and I should think you would not want that target wandering free without at least a watchful eye on him. So yes, I believe I am ready to suit up and head out.”

He blinked his crystalline eyes up at her, fluttering the thick jeweled quartz lashes at her in a mild attempt at flirtation; but anyone that knew the creature would know it to be a hollow and false entreaty at best.

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Melissa just rolled her eyes a bit. "Save your false flirtations for someone who doesn't know any better Tristan. Now let us get going." Loosening her grip on her halberd just a bit she let it slid down towards the grip. The end result being that as soon as the butt end of her halberd hit the ground Melissa along with Tristan's entire party were teleported to the main audience hall of the Vashtalian castle proper.

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