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Looking for Nova: Blue's return to the camp

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Fortunately neither of his mutated "passengers" had caused any screw ups resulting in the trio of Claw, Blue, and the Elder Aurora to appear at just the spot he wanted.  That is to say right at what would pass as the front gates of the Militant camp.  Claw immediately making his way over to one of the guys on guard duty.  "Hello, if you would be so kind as to let Mr. Maurice and your Colonel know that Clawrift is here with Blue that would be appreciated.  Also please let the Colonel know that this young lady here would like an audience with him."

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The sudden appearance of the trio didn't totally panic the bivouc, but there clearly was a apring in everyone's step, perhaps moreso since the elderly version of Aurora Del Mar had appaered with the group.  Coms relayed the arrivals and soon both Maurice and the Colonel arrived to greet their guests.  The Colonel did frown a bit at Blue, quirking a brow.  "I believe that you are listed as AWOL." He gave a side eye to Maurice.  It was clear that he'd tried to couch Blue's desertion in kinder terms but it was clearly not looked favorably on.  He did pause a bit and turned back to the young mutant for a moment. 


Before he could begin grilling Blue, the Old Lady stepped forward.  "Hello Colonel."


The Militant leader paused, looking over the elderly mutant before nodding.  "Hello Deh Mahr.  We are pleased that you have decided to come, I assume under a banner of truce?"  A quickly glance up toward Claw as he looked for confirmation before turning back to the wizened woman as he tried to couch his words.  "Is there something you wish to discuss with us?  Or is this a cordial visit?"


It was clear that the elder matriach was enjoying watching everyone squirm.  "Oh I just wanted to see how this whole Mutant/ Militant thing is coming along.  I found it very... odd... that one of my kin would willingly join forces so I figure to meet with some of his freinds and cohorts.  Make sure he's being treated fairly and properly and not like some sort of ... slave."


Everyone seemed to bristle but the Colonel gave a slight gesture to his subordiantes that everything was in hand.  "You are most welcome to come inspect the site and interview his associates.  In fact..." he turned to Maurice and Blue," I will let these two escort you throughout the bivouac while I speak to Lord Claw.  We will then have a long discussion about Blue's indiscretions


Maurice's brow raised but he snapped to attention," Yes sir."  He then turned to the elder mutant, pausing a moment before offering an arm.


Again a raised brow from the Deh Mahr but she smiled and took up the offered arm.  "Lead the way, kind sir."


And with that Aurora and her entourage trundled away at a slow speed.


The Colonel sighed, then turned to Claw, several ideas of why the Vashtalian lord might visit the bivouc.  "If you would like to follow me to my office, we can discuss what brings you here."  The trip to his office would give Lord Claw a chance to see how the Militants had settled in.  Building were uniform in construction, a combination of metals and woods.  There were a flux of native Rhydinians, human and not-so-human travelling through the three access gates, many wearing access identification badges.  Young children deployed as pages ran letters and instructions; the more preffered mode of notification used between the nearby town of Taernsby and the Huerfang castle itself.  Carts of supplies came and went as well.


Inside the main building seemed less medival and more in accordance to the Militant lifestyle.  Office and quarters were crisp and clean.  Many of the staff were wearing identical uniforms in basic grey, with only medals, sleeve bars, and ident tags indicating ranks.  Many of these looked up at the odd duo as the Colonel and Claw navigated the halls, light bearing down from ceiling windows to illuminate their way to the office, with only 2 escorts following behind whom stayed at the door while the Colonel led his guest inside, closing the door behind them.  He then turned to the dragon lord.  "So, how can I help you today?  I assume this is about Blue's disertion?  If so you didn't need to bring the Deh Mahr with you to rattle my cage, though I don't think anyone knows for certain what her agenda really is." 

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Claw had indeed taken note about how things were going on at the Militant camp, seeming to give a slight nod of satisfaction that things seemed to be going rather smoothly.  When they made it over to the Colonel's office though he just shrugged at the Colonel's guess as to the reasoning behind his and the Elder Aurora's presence.  "Well Blue's 'desertion' is indeed part of it although I cannot for the life of me figure out why you would consider him as being AWOL when you knew full well that he was temporarily serving under our military, per our previous agreement, in response to Siren being attacked.  Although, thinking back on it now when that fiasco with his sister happened I do believe I kind of forgot about Maurice being there and sent Blue and Dante home with Star so they could at least try to keep her calm enough to stay out of my way while I worked on finding her daughter without really thinking about it.  For that I do apologize and the Vashtalian Government will gladly do whatever we can to make up for it.  Blue did perform rather well in that regard though so I hope you take that under consideration on all this as I'm willing to consider it an extension of his duties with us.  Although something must have happened and he's rather frightened at the prospect of being left alone in a cell now when before he wasn't.  I will let him explain it to you but apparently he developed some 'path abilities that rattled him.  As such even I don't quite recommend sticking him in a cell any longer for his earlier actions.


Now, all that being said bringing the Elder Aurora here had nothing to do with wanting to 'rattle your cage' as it were.  She really did just want to see how things were here out of concern for the young one.  At least that's the feeling I got from her when she first requested I bring her along."

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The Colonel had been pouring them a drink from a rather fancy flask, something he'd purchased from the town.  The amber liquid packed a smooth punch and went a long way to holding his nerves together when needed, especially for a man in his position.  He handed one of the tumblers to Clawrift.  "Frankly I wasn't going to persue any sort of major punishment, though he has to learn that he just can't take off at a drop of a hat and then retro-activly find a means to make it right.  I figured a few hours of KP and cleaning detail.  Not jail time.  I know how mutants pine under lock and key; and since I want him working with his comrades as a team, not isolated.  That's just a recipe for trouble."


He just about drained his drink before addressing the other elephant in the room.  "As to the Deh Mahr, I have learned to question every moves she makes.  Granted this one is probably not the exact same version, but from what little information I've been able to glean, her encounters with the Militants were not pleasant ones.  I can only imagine the kind of grudge she must be carrying, so yes, I'm more than a little leary of her.  I'm also not buying this whole 'I don't have powers' thing she's got going on.  I'm sure it's a ruse and that eventually she'll tip her hand in the most destructive way possible."  He sighed and sat the glass back on the desk.  "I could only hope that Mr. Blue will be able to show her that we are not part of the Big Bad Militant war machine that she so hates."



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Clawrift took the offered drink and took a sip from it.  "That's good to know although if I'm being honest that whole clan needs to learn something about actions having consequences I swear the recent generations have been more akin to the Mutant Clan without actually being mutants themselves with Siren really being the only one that doesn't fly off the handle at the drop of a hat.  So far anyway."


He just continued taking sips of his drink while the Colonel gave his two cents worth regarding the Elder Aurora.  "Well if it makes you feel better we hardly buy the whole not having powers thing either.  Not even the other mutants really buy it one hundred percent actually but if that's a card she wishes to keep close to her chest then so be it we aren't going to try to force the issue.  Don't need that headache."

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The Coloenl sighed.  "Yes, mutants are pretty much a collective powderkeg.  I think they lean that way because much of their power, or wielding of it, seems to be more emotionally driven than anything else.  One of the drawbacks we to this day still have to dance around when trying to harness that power.  We used to use drugs, as you well know, along with a conditioning program.  Neither one is practical anymore."  He poured half a tumbler this time and sipped at it.  "Blue is an experiment on many levels.  A whole new approach, one I'm hoping will pan out, but I still can't have him running wild.  Perhaps as they get older, this new wave will settle down."


He did nod at Claw's comments.  "Yeah, I think she'll be a headache anyhow."  He looked up at Claw.  "I don't suppose you've observed her interactions with Dante?  I know she's tucked him under her wing.  How's that panning out?"

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:::Blue followed along with Maurice showing The Old Woman his suite of rooms that he shared with Maurice and letting her look through his school books. He was wondering what she was looking for and he kinda balked before revealing his artwork. About 5 sketchbooks and several full size canvases full of bright abstract colors splashed across the canvase and others were finely drawn in minute detail. It showed that the young drake was a supremely talented artist.  In the corner of his desk was a smaller framed portrait of a young girl with classical almost ethereal features and you could tell he had drawn it with a lot of emotion and none of that emotion had been war like. She was clearly special to the drake . Blue was just watching The Old Woman go through the tour and everything and he didn't speak a word. He was too busy being worried about his conversation with the Colonel about being AWOL. His entire body went cold at that word and his stomach dipped in sick dread. He would consider it a miracle if he got off without some jail time. He gave Maurice a look from under his lashes to see his demeanor. Usually if Maurice was looking stern and disappointed Blue knew he was in for it, he had learned to gauge his actions on Maurice's facial expressions. Right now he was thankful for any expression that would help him with his meeting with the Colonel.:::

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Maurice had been nervous on the begining of the tour, especially since he knew damn well who the Old Lady was.  Everyone in the holding knew.  He had started with the normal locations; mess hall, a quick peek at the control center, then finally down to Blue's accomodations.  While the Old Lady seemed mildly interested in the basics, she seemed more interested in Blue's quarters.  She brightened up, taking time to look through all the sketchbooks and the girl in the desk painting.  Like Blue she didn't speak a word as her eyes took it all in, including the size of the room and the layout of all the ameneties.  With that silence between the two mutants, it seemed to fall on Maurice to fill the quiet with a running blather of minor bits of information.


Perhaps the Elder Aurora could read emotions, or minds, but again she didn't show any sign that she had such talents.  Besides one only had to look at Blue to know.  Finally she held her hand up and Maurice clammed up.  She then turned to Blue.  "You are upset.   Worried about the Colonel and what he thinks about the happenings of late, right?"  She reached out and rested a withered hand on the boy's left shoulder.  "You have nothing to worry.  We won't let our kind suffer like before.  You know what they did, before?  Collars? Drugs?  Deprivation tanks?  We will not allow you to be a slave."


The hand now moved away from the shoulder to clamp behind her back with the other one as she tilted her head a bit.  "You joined here willingly, yes?"  A bit of a pause.  "Why?"

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:::Blue went alarmingly pale when she mentioned the collars and drugs and such but at her next question he tilted his head and answered honestly....'I wanted to be different from the others. I wanted to help us all get along but after seeing what happened to my mother. What my father went through and how we are treated with kid gloves I don't think cohabitation is going to work. Humans fear us, Dragons and wary of us. We are not trusted to not fly off the handle. I don't want to be used as a weapon! I don't want to hurt anyone! I want to paint. I want to share the beauty of the world as I see it. I don't want to destroy it." Blue looked over at Maurice and said..."I'm not a fighter. I don't want to lift anything heavier than my paint brushes. I want to see my girl whose a gnome and fight with my brother and I want to go back to the swamp and give their queen this." He withdrew a rolled canvas and he unfurled it to reveal a magnificent painting of the Queen of the void dragons. Blue had memorized her every nuance in their brief encounter and he had painted her and she was beautiful and strong and Blue knew he had done well. He had done the portrait as an apology for trespassing where he didn't belong.  

"I know that I won't be collared or placed in any deprivation tank but the drugs are still possible and I am getting stronger and I am scared that in time I will have the same fate as my mother.:::

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The Elder Aurora listened intently, nodding slowly, giving Maurice only a side eye that seemed to make the ensign wince, before turning back to Blue.  She was quite for a moment as she pondered the situation.  "Normally I would say go, but you have sworn to them.  This is something that must be addressed with the Colonel."  She sighed and gathered herself.  "Let us go speak with him then." And she headed back out into the hallway.


Maurice scrambled, knowing he was to keep her in his sights, gesturing for Blue to follow quickly...


It didn't take the tour to end up back to where the Colonel and Claw were esconced in his office (again how the Old Lady knew were they were would be questioned later on)  She eyed the two guards flanking the doorway, but before guns could be drawn, Maurice scrambled to the front.  "Please let the Colonel know that we wish an audience to discuss something very important."


The guards looked between Maurice and the Elder Aurora for a moment before one of them knocked at the door before stepping inside.  "Sir?" he spoke softly.


The Colonel looked up,  "Yes?"


"Uhm.. the Deh Mahr is here.  She needs to speak with you?  Says it's important."


The Colonel gave a long sigh, sent down his glass, then looked to Claw.  "I can use a little support.  I'm guessing they're ready to hash things out now.  If you don't want to sit by and watch the fireworks, you are of course free to go, but having a 'neutral' party might help keep things level.  I'm not sure how much sway you have with her, but any little bit will help."

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Claw had just shrugged as he put down his own drink.  "Sure I don't mind sitting in...  I can at least make sure no damage is done.  Besides, I have a feeling this may end up involving the Vashtalian side of things anyway, in particular the dragon clans themselves at any rate."

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:::Blue fell into line as Maurice signaled him too. He didn't know where he got the strength to speak his mind and he hoped the Old Woman didn't do anything rash. He was somewhat surprised at how easily she moved through the complex and went straight to the Colonel's office like a heat seeking missile he had read about in a book. He was glad Lord Clawrift was still around as he hoped the Old Woman and the Colonel didn't get into any disputes or either one lose their temper. Here we go Blue thought as they were allowed into the Colonel's office. :::::

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The whole room seemed to up in pressure as the Old Lady led the group into the room.  By then the Colonel had stood and moved in front of his desk, his hands clasped behind him.  As she looked up at him, he gave a bit of a shrug of his shoulders, tilted his head slightly to the left, then dipped his head a tad.  "Deh Mahr," he merely stated.


The Elder raised a brow, then seemed to mimick his movements, slower as if hesitant, or perhaps trying to remember a long lost ritual.  "Colonel," she replied.


That hint of pressure subsided a bit and everyone seemed to breathe.  The Colonel then gestured to a chair next to Claw before moving back behind the desk, waiting to sit at the same time as the Old Lady.  "You wished to speak to me?" he opened.


As her way, she seemed to take her sweet time, taking more than a moment to look about the room, her eye lingering a bit on Clawrift himself, before finally rolling her gaze back to the Colonel, easing her back into the chair.  "We have concerns... as to Blue."


The Colonel had leaned back as well, though not as relaxed.  "Blue has tythed to us, as is per your way.  He is of us now.  He should be following our ways."


Again a raised brow, her eyes rolling over to Blue.  From his view he would catch the slightest of smirks at the corner of her lip as a way of reassuring the young cub.  She then turned back.  "What if he wishes to move on?  He does not wish to be a soldier, to fight."


At the the Colonel scratched to back of his right ear as if in contempation of this supposed new information.  It wasn't new to him; it just had not been stated out loud before.  "I have two thoughts on this matter:  

        "One: We are in a new world.  We are no longer as the Militants once were.  We are not the overreaching empire that saught to conquer worlds and bring them under our control.  We are merely a few ships worth of people looking to make a niche in the world.  As such we are not as much soldiers as say a small city.  While I would still require Blue to learn the basics, he will not be needed as a grunt in the field.  We have need of more researchers, explorers, diplomats, mechanics, cooks, even janitors.  He is still at the stage of the game where we are trying to acertain his strengths and weaknesses.  If he is worried that I plan to make him a weapon, he is not focusing on the larger picture."  His gaze had wavered between the Elder Aurora and Blue during this.

         "Two:  If Blue does wish to withdraw his allegiance to the Militants, it will be and unpresedented action for your people.  I think we will need a counsil between all your heads to determine how to break such a bond.  He has seen much of our inner workings and has been privy to delicate information.  We cannot just release him at a word without some assurances, and recompance for effort put into his training."  He now rolled his gaze about.  "Is this something that you Really want to address?  Or is there another complaint that we can handle internally?"


(Throwing this into Blue's court, or Clawrift's if he wants to speak up)




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:::Blue suddenly spoke up....'Colonel if you can absolutely guarantee to me that I will never be treated like my mother was and allow me a chance while working and living with you to be a normal teenage boy than life might not be so bad. I understand that I did wrong and I broke the rules. I also understand that you have to know what I can do but as I said to Maurice and Old Woman earlier I am getting stronger. My talents are beginning to mirror my brother's and I am scared. I need to learn how to use and control these talents and I need to know how I can apply these talents to my life. I don't think this place is the right fit for that particular path. Perhaps someone can come here and teach me what I need to know. I hope it isn't Dante. I will never live it down." Blue gave a look to Clawrift to see if the mage could help him vocalize more clearly and logically that he doesn't want to leave but he may have to so he can learn to use his talents and how to apply them in his everyday life and then return and finish his training without being scared of hurting or harming someone.:::::

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Claw had really just been listening to the whole conversation quietly.  Finally he spoke up though when Blue looked at him.  "Sounds to me like the boy would rather not leave your service if he could help it but would like some of the restrictions placed upon him by your regulations to be relaxed, at least a little bit, to allow him to pursue training in other aspects that are not available here."

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The Colonel sighed.  Of course he'd thought about this many times before.  Now he had a chance to offer some alternatives.  "I admit that when it comes to actually teaching a mutant how to use their talent we don't have a system in place.  Before we would farm that aspect of mutant learning to various instutitions.  Once trained they would be put on rotation and assigned to wherever their talents were needed.  Here we don't have those farms, and frankly from what I've learned, their means of training are considered abusive.  I don't want that, and I had felt we had treated Blue with respect."  He sighed, rubbing the back of his head.


The Old Lady leaned forward now, resting a withered hand on the desk.  "I have one.  I can train another."


The belilguered leader of the Militants leaned back in his chair, looking between Blue and the Old Lady.  He'd been informed of Dante's pairing with the Deh Mahr.  It must be doing some good because he'd stayed with her.  He rolled his gaze back to Blue.  "If you wish to train with the Deh Mahr, I will abide, but I would like Mr Maurice to accompany you on any training sessions.  This way I can be kept in the loop and find means to implement any lessons within your work performance here.  We can work up a contract if you agree and the Deh Mahr doesn't mind."

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:::Blue looked at the Old Woman and sensed the power and strength she kept hidden within her and he smiled before replying " Colonel I would be more than agreeable to this idea. I need to understand and find my niche in this order as well as the mutant hierarchy. I need to learn how to control and apply my talents and character strengths to become the skilled individual you need. Thank you sir for the opportunity to do this." Blue was considering himself lucky. He asked Clawrift a question that suddenly occurred to him...."Will Lord Deacon need to be alerted to the change in plans?" Blue knew that most changes needed to pass through the leader of the mutant hierarchy too but he awaited Clawrift's  answer.::::

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Clawrift just thought about Blue’s question for a bit before nodding.  “It probably wouldn’t hurt.  I mean he is, technically, the selected leader of the Mutant Clan still but I don’t see him as strictly requiring such notification.”

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The Colonel had smiled, knowing how Lord Dracon had pretty much taken the "official" rank in an attempt to keep the mutants from running ragged over... well everyone and everything.  It made him wonder if Any up and coming mutnat would have the chops to knock the dragon off that coveted/ not coveted position.  His eyes flicked to the old lady, but only for a split second, not wanting to entertain that particular match, if it would ever occur.


He then stood up.  "Assume that Lord Dracon would have no complaints, I will start drawing up a contract between the Militants and the Elder Aurora."  He at least had the common sense not to make any smirk when he saw the Old Lady frown.  Mutants HATE paperwork, but it was a nessesity to appease within his ranks that were already unnerved with working with the mutants.  As much as he liked to think that everyone had the same thoughts, there were always a few outliers.  "For now I think Mr Blue and Ensing Maurice should return to quarters.  If the Deh Mahr would like to accompany them and perhaps discuss a possible curriculum, if that is possible; I can make sure to note such outlines in the paperwork."


Okay, maybe a little dig at the paperwork...


He turned to Lord Clawrift.  "Thank you for your input and I assume you will bring this to Lord Dracon's attention.  If he has any questions or concerns to this particular venture, I am more than open to any suggestion, or if he needs to speak to me in person."

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:::,Blue actually sighed in relief before he was dismissed from the room he handed Lord Clawrift the container that he held with the painting of the Void Dragons Queen in it. " I don't wish another international incident sir could you please give this to the Queen of the Void Dragons? It's a portrait I made of her and it's my way to apologize for upsetting her. Dante and I were just being stupid and she shouldn't have to deal with our stupidity." He saluted the Colonel and left to return to his room and make sure everything was clean and tidy. He had brushes putting themselves away and his desk was full of paperwork that he needed to get done and schoolwork that he needed to do and with a sigh he sat down and got to work. The school work wasn't hard and he finished it quickly. The paperwork for his assignment was different and he tuned everything around him out so he could concentrate on what he was doing.:::

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Claw took the container with a nod and acknowledgement that he'll get it over to her soon as he could.  Once the boy left Clawrift just sighed.  "Great, now I'll be the one to get an earful from young Tyr'Alus.  Well hopefully this gift will put her in a good enough mood that I won't have to stick around for very long."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Elder Aurora had hung back for a moment, but seemed to be drawn to follow her new charge to his room.  She lingered by the doorway, quietly watching Blue as he worked on his assignments before allowing her gaze to drift to all the pictures the child had drawn.   Maurice had noticed that the old mutant had followed them to the room.  He had stood there for while, waiting to see if she would ask any questions, or say Anything; but when it was clear that she was content with just watching, he'd sat down on his bunk, his foot jittery, his gaze swtiching between Blue and the Deh Mahr nervously.





The Colonel gava a sigh as Claw commented on his task at hand.  "Should I expect a visit from another upset head of state?"

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Claw seemed to think on that for a bit.  "I...don't think so?  It's hard to tell with the Voids after all but given that they don't like to leave their region of this world of ours I'd say you likely won't be getting them knocking on your door.  Tyr'Alus, the current matriarch of all the void dragons in the region, is especially lazy in that regard and I don't quite see her having anyone coming this far out of their way just to complain.  No she'll wait until someone related to the kids in some way comes by then she'll make her complaints known so probably better it be me anyway.  They at least somewhat respect me a bit more than the other clans at any rate.  At the very least they won't try to kick me out immediately."

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(Tying the thread from Brimstones bar)



::::Blue was putting the final papers into a file for the Colonel to sign when he went still. He looked over at the Old Woman to see if she had just felt that strange sensation. He tried to shake it off quite literally shimmying a little to ward off the chill. Suddenly he got hit by a psychic blast that sounded like his brother yelping in pain. Blue grabbed his head and stumbled back knocking over his chair .."What the hell Dante!" Blue felt the pain receed but it was ominously quiet and Blue said "Old Woman something has happened to my brother. I heard him yelping and then it all went quiet. I swear if it's something stupid I am going to put a hole in his head.  " Blue was not enjoying this new talent at all.:::::

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The Elder Aurora didn't show any such distress, though an eye fluttered as if she had a twang of a migraine.  She did crouch down a bit, using the cane to keep from tipping over, while resting her hand on the boy's shoulder.  "I will check on him then.  The Colonel will let me know when to begin your training."  With a sigh she stood up, softly running her fingers in Blue's hair.  "Soon," she nodded before turning and heading back to the Colonel's chambers.  


She didn't bother to knock, only giving the guard a look, and for some strange reason the sentry stood aside before she pushed in the door.  "I have need," she announced, though not very loudly.  "Blue tells me something has happened to Dante.  I need transport to Brimstone's bar."


The Colonel had raised a brow at her intrusion, taking a note to make sure to shake down his guardsman later, but didn't protest against her intrusion, especially since she was technically asking for a favor, and knowing her temperment with the Militants, thought this was strange indeed.  "I could provide and escort, however I believe Lord Claw might be able to take you quicker to the bar.  I'm assuming you do not wish to use the teleports?"


The Old Lady's lip curled a bit.  "I don't like to, not alone.  If I travel with another it is less... unsettling."  She now turned to Claw, giving that slight bow that conveyed a lot, especially acknowledging his status.  "Would you accompany me to the Bar... please?"

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