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Psionic Communications Crystal Unit

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((This is a repost of the original listing with updated information.))


The Psionic Communications Crystal Unit

A report from an outsider

By Prier Il’Kilan, Weapons Master of the Lahnian Dukedom


  If I were to mention Magic-Technology, or Magi-tech for short, I am sure that most people would think of my own home nation of Lahnia due to the proliferation of the technology here.  However, what if I were to tell you that we are not the originators of said technology nor even the first to create any such devices here on this world?  Indeed that honor, believe it or not, belongs to none other than Lord Clawrift of the gold dragon clan Chronus’Divergr of Vashtalia when he created the Psionic Communications Crystal Unit from even before Vashtalia was even a nation.


Now you may ask:  Why am I, the weapons master of the Lahnian Dukedom who is not even a member of our technological divisions, the one writing up a report on what could be considered the oldest magic-technology in existence?  Well I asked that myself of the dragon himself and was simply told ‘Because I asked nicely and I thought it be fun to get an outsider’s perspective on it?’.  That and the bag of gold dropped on my lap with the promise that there was no rush and I could write this up whenever I had the free time may or may not have had something to do with it but that is neither here nor there we’re here to talk about the Vashtalians’ Psionic Communications Crystal Unit.  Certainly not talking about what it may or may not have took to convince me to even write this up to begin with when one of the Atrials would likely have been a much better choice as the originators of Lahnian Magic Technology.


So now with that preamble out of the way let’s get to the meat of the matter shall we?


So… onto what can actually be said about the Psionic Communications Crystal Unit.  Otherwise known as the Psi-Comm Crystal Unit for short or even shorter still as simply the PCCU this is a device that provides basic psionic communications capability, otherwise known as telepathy, to those who otherwise would not have it or simply could not get the hang of the magic required to enable such communication.


From the publicly available information that the Vashtalian Central Government was willing to hand over to me in preparation on writing this paper we know that the PCCUs are created by compressing raw mana energy into a crystalline shape similar to a fancy gemstone all the while embedding the appropriate spells and enchantments into the crystal in order for it to do it’s job as a communications device as well as to strengthen it against damage and keep that mana energy in its compressed state.  


While usually fit into a piece of jewelry once complete merely compressing the mana energy and installing the enchantments does not mean that the PCCU is completed.  In order to do its job it must first attune itself to the owner before they can even use it for psionic communication.  A process I’m told could take up to a week and because the units must first attune themselves to their owner to be usable they are thus only usable by the person they were issued out to.  No one else can use it since every individuals psionic waveform is different and it is this that the PCCU attunes itself with.  How the enchantments work to do this I do not know as that is where we start encountering the proprietary side of Vashtalia’s magic and as such I have no access to it.  So to word this a bit more simply for those who don’t quite get what I’m saying here:  Each PCCU is attuned to their user and can only be used by the individual the unit has been issued to.


Another interesting piece of information that I was provided by the Vashtalian Central Government on these is that it is required that every Vashtalian Citizen own a PCCU.  Even the dragons that live in the nation, even though they don’t need a PCCU since they can natively speak to each other telepathically already, are required to have them.  I wasn’t provided the specifics as to why this is but I can guess it’s so the Vashtalian Central Government, you know what I’m just going to refer to them as the VCG from here on out, can track who is a citizen of their nation and who is not.  In addition from some of their rescue operations I’ve had the privilege of being involved in it would seem that there may be a locator enchantment embedded in these units as well to make it easy for rescue teams to find their citizens however whether it is always active or only activates in times of detected distress like an emergency beacon I was unable to find out. 


What I was able to find out though is that while the units are issued for free to any member of the Vashtalian Government and military forces, to include the mage and holy orders as they are part of Vashtalia’s military as well, they need to be purchased by regular citizens however the cost is generally pretty low given they cost next to nothing to make.  Most of that cost is for the housing the crystal is set in as citizens can choose the design and type of jewelry they’d like to have the unit installed into.  After all the PCCU is really only the crystallized mana energy itself when you include the enchantments they put on these things.  The housing for said crystal is more of a fashion statement on the part of the individual than anything else and I’ve seen some people walk around with their PCCU’s simply attached to a piece of string around their neck.


Another fun fact I came across is that the units issued to the majority of the populace are limited to just a handful of concurrent connections, meaning each individual can maybe talk to at most maybe five people at once with the standard model of PCCU that is publicly available.  Those in leadership positions in the Government or military forces however can broadcast out anyone within their sphere of influence.  For example a squadron command can broadcast out to everyone in their squadron while the King or Queen of the nation can broadcast out to everyone in case of emergencies.  


Now that being said there is a derivative piece of magic technology based on the PCCU that is used for nationwide broadcasts.  While I don’t quite know what it’s called these devices can even display images so are commonly used in tournaments and various festivals within the nation.  In fact the rebirth ceremony/festival and coronation of the new King Lord Saarith of Clan Solem’Cleavu and High Priestess Lady Rubia of clan Sol’Fla were broadcast across the nation using these devices.


Oh and a fun fact about the PCCU:   The PCCUs cannot pick up sound so there’s no point in talking out loud when using them.  


Now I believe that is all the important information that any citizen of the nation probably needs to know about the PCCUs in my opinion but in case this is too long for you I am putting the main points of the unit down below so here’s the TL:DR of it


Name:  Psionic Communications Crystal Unit

Other Names:  Psi-Comm Crystal Unit, PCCU


Primary Purpose:  Provide a means of psionic communication, otherwise known as telepathy, to those who do not naturally have that talent or are unable to use the magic required for said communication style.


Secondary Purposes:  Seems to be used as proof of citizenship and since these are made to order and that every citizen is required by law to own one.  Also seem to be useful as emergency beacons so rescue teams can find the individual in distress quickly.


Additional Info:  Since each unit first needs to be attuned to their individual owner before being usable these units can only be used by their attuned user.




In conclusion that’s the long and short of the device known as the Psionic Communications Crystal Unit developed by Lord Clawrift of the Gold Dragon Clan Chronus’Divergr.  This has been surprisingly fun to write so I may write up something about something else if I have the time and the…motivation, to do so again.


Prier Il’Kilan

Weapons Master and Captain of the Guard

Dukedom of Lahnia

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